Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

The World Quality is at around 2.7%.


Oh thank goodness. I was worried everyone would handle this while I was at work :sweat_smile:.

It was not that. Apparently it’s the extra line between paragraphs.

Is optimal strategy to just grab two items and leave? No reasons to dive deeper at this point?

There’s no real point in going deeper, Mapping the Labyrinth quality maxes out at 40 and the deeper you go the more actions you need to spend getting back out again.

Well, thanks for telling me. I thought I was supposed to get to 40.

… I mean, we’re told to map the Labyrinth and then there’s a quality called Mapping that goes up to 40. It seemed only logical to me that reaching 40 was the goal.

I would’ve liked some in-game advice there about what we’re actually supposed to do in the Labyrinth. :frowning_face:


One good thing about the maze is that it can be used to train any of the major attributes, especially if you have a weasel of woe since there’s no penalty for failed checks.

EPA looks like somewhere around 6, approaching 7.4 via the following: 2 of a 50 cent item, 10 cryptic clues, and 40 renown per item per point of mapping, up to 40 per run. Full run gets you 80 each of 5 items (including the memories of light when getting out), 1600 cryptic clues, and 6400 renown.

Okay, but at least you can fix the problem now .

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So I’ve turned in 4 items for the planning a Gaol Break and played the free option to get to the max of 5 contributions. I haven’t got to Firmanent yet so couldn’t get that item.

That means it is back to mapping - I hope this time I don’t feel as confused :slight_smile:

I got to 40, too. Mapping and going deeper departed from one another quite sharply. I actually resisted picking up stuff – it was the only way to get that deep and do so much mapping. In the end, I had something like 10 Temptation, and items stopped appearing.

Just adding this for information, not as any kind of strategy.

Just picked up the last burden, mapping is at 34, so I will go all the way to 40 and see what happens. Hope it doesn’t take as long to get out as it does to get in.

Best strat as I see it is to pick up as many items as you encounter while keeping mapping under 40. Important thing is that mapping grows on the way back too, so you don’t want to go deeper than (20 minus (number of items)) steps. Or, in other words, (Coiling Ever Deeper + Mapping) = 40 is signal to start your return.

Update: assuming you have late game character (300+ modified base stats). Not sure what early and mid game players should do, except raising their base stats (and festivals are not the place to do it efficiently, except maybe Hallowmas).

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In order to leave the labyrinth you need to get your Coiling Ever Deeper quality back to zero and the more burdens you have the more difficult the checks get. It’ll likely take longer getting out than getting in.

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I just thought if you got to 40 mapping something else would happen.

So when I get as much as I can safely carry I should take the Resolve to leave this Place option and get out.

Edit Took the option and lost 7 Coiling Deeper and got an Antique Mystery

The section I am in at the moment gives me an 80% chance to pass the check, not too bad. That’s my best stat 334 with equipment!

Is this mapping part after you hand over your clues and progress the story with Huffam? Only now I managed to get all the clues and waiting for AP to progress.


Yes, mapping (and the other thing) is the next step after being done with the final clue hunt.


Is there a way to force draw the Arbor card?

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No :sparkling_heart:


Seriously, you’d think they’re tack on some of the plot relevant ones somewhere, I remember the Diplum Club one held me back from continuing my ambition for a full week of flipping cards.