Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Is Finding The Center a World Quality?

Anyone figure out where to make or obtain a Sealing Insight? (I’m assuming I have to sail back out to the Khanate for the Midnight Sounder?)

No, you get the Sounder in Wilmot’s End - Search for a Missing Woman.

But I’m afraid the Sealing Insight might be in Irem - I’ve looked in the Waswood, it wasn’t there. Haven’t seen confirmation yet though.

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FYI: the Labyrinth mapping is being tracked by a quality that goes up to 10 MILLION. So unless CP scales with depth explored, which I’ll need more actions to test, we might be here a while. :)


I think picked the wrong option and I’m trapped. Is there a way out of the Sixth Coil?

I’m pretty sure that historical precedent suggests that your best bet is to wait patiently and eventually seduce the (interim) Tiger-Keeper.


Sealing Insight - The Bone Gate (Midnight Moon) - No cost


Very tempted to commit suicide by tiger. Anyone echo it?

I have an echo, but also it’s less bad than an average death. Only 5 levels of wounds.

So what do y’all think? Should I be picking up the tempting items in the Labyrinth that become visible when you have Temptation’s Presence? Or is that a little too obvious?

(It’s worth noting that they significantly reduce Unburdened, which is by far the most important quality in navigating successfully. So I’m ASSUMING they’re traps.)

Looks like every trinket you pick up can be traded in when you leave, or you can use an action to drop them if you’re failing checks.
Rewards for cashing in appear to be in the realm of 20E worth of small items and Coilhert renown, and a point on a menace. Maybe there’s 4 trinkets to find per run?

My half-through-lategame alt managed to pick up 2 items and still had almost 100% checks. Truly endgame character probably could pick 3 without slowing down.

Yeah, long story short the burdens are the actual goal when spelunking the Labyrinth, and you’re basically gated by how much you can tolerate carrying at once.

I’ve found a gun and a mask. Which make it sound like a game of Clue or something. Dunno how many there are total but I’m really curious if there’s a reward for making it out with a full set. Imma try… much later when there’s actions.


I’ve picked up the gun, the mask, a cloak, and a magnifying glass. With four, the checks are about 70% before I start juggling items.

When you leave you will get menaces while turning in the items. But you also get other things so it might be worth the actions. I don’t do the numbers to work out EPA.

Anyone else found and opened the “Peer through the Sealed Door” option? I was lost in the grind trying to get back out of the Labyrinth – having let myself get down to 46 before having to reverse all the way out – and I only mentally processed the existence of that option AFTER I’d already clicked on another action. And obviously it’s pretty rare.

Yeah. Unlocked at Coiling 20, Airs 100(!). Does nothing special though except give 2x Mapping.

I haven’t gotten all the way to 40 Mapping yet, so out of interest: when I get there, will I have an option to get out immediately, or will I have to retrace my steps all the way back again? And does Mapping reset so I can do multiple runs, or is it a one-time thing?

Nope. You need to sail back up to the Midnight Moon and go to the Bone Gate; I just got the Sealing Insight a few minutes ago.

Your spoiler tags aren’t working; I think that’s because there is no space between the end bracket of the first tag and the very next word in your sentence.

Anyone know how long this stays open? I feel behind, I was getting all the clues and right now am still doing preparations, I’ve done three of the five