Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Honestly? I’m pretty fine with that. I’m not really here for the mechanical rewards, so I very much have a "what I get is what I get’ kinda attitude. Obviously I’d prefer if we got some good shit at the end of this estival, but even if we won’t, I’m fine with it.

It varies, for example Clearing-out awarded various new BiS items throughout the digging as I recall. But we can reasonably hope the rewards will still pick up here.

Idk, I’ve spent enough time and actions by now that I’m swinging back around to feeling really frustrated by this whole thing. Maybe FB big events just aren’t for me.


Well, that’s also valid, I’m just stating my perspective on this.


I might take a break from the game after this, get some perspective.

I am of opposite opinion. I like how intense and varied this event was, almost every day new grind or places to visit for clues. If they don’t butcher the ending this estival will be as good as first two, best events ever in my book (3rd estival was very meh).


From Discord:

No, Huffam’s tea is a joke keepsake

Again, from Discord:

Just for general info, there’ll be metatext that indicates when renown spends will become unavailable – it’ll be signalled, and won’t abruptly vanish through the schedule or anything. (The main caveat being that the event itself will close at some point, at which point, yes, that’ll go away regardless.)

As for what’s the best way: Mountains shred → Tribute.

I updated the initial post. Although, I am not sure many people will see it.


Some clues were doable if you were a late stage player but if you weren’t, those requirements weren’t clear enough. So if you tried getting the clue without being far enough along (like the Parabola one) it was a big waste of time and actions. That happened to me twice. Those clues should have had a warning, like "You need x level in Parabola to get this. "

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I kind of liked the clue scavenger hunt, but new players wouldn’t even know some of the clue places even existed. I’m sure that must have been extremely frustrating. On the other hand, having some clues in some very out of the way places was interesting.

I guess FBG balanced it alright, but a clear statement from the start that you couldn’t get all the clues unless you were well advanced and had a certain Ambition would have been nice.


Both the Museum and the Horticultural Show handed out 2-3 good items in the epilogue of the event, after all the action was over and the plot was resolved. In both cases one item was even locked behind an activity that only opened after the event concluded. I would expect that in general.

My guess is that whatever happens tomorrow, will include a way to earn another reward at the end of the event.


Do you mean the player created guides should have had this warning or? Excepting the last two clues there was never any in game specifics about where clues were located, but they were fairly clear in the instructions that many would be in obscure or difficult to access locations

It might be a fair point to say that the fact that most people skipped the treasure hunt aspect in favor of just using the wiki/gdocs spoilers for the locations is something FBG may want to take note of (I thought the collaborative aspect of that was fun, but it does have some drawbacks, including the fact that casual players are going to be imperfect in their inclination & ability to communicate specific unlock requirements)


According to my dream last night, the Sixth Coil will contain… Your Aunt, Cybernetically Enhanced.

You heard it here first, folks.


Is the aunt in search of a character forbidden from the is, and damned from a time before devils to remain a prisoner in the is-not? Eager to make any kind of deal with any one, any thing, to go forth into the is?

Your Uncle?


Who are the brave souls who did this?


Me, for one. Being immortal makes it a lot easier to take risks.


There is an “Emergency Interim Substitute Tiger Keeper”. Just saying.


If anyone who is on the discord could ask how many days remain in this Estival, I would be very grateful…


Oh, I just realized that I forgot to check in with Huffam to collect the Personal Blend. I’m currently at the point where I’m hunting the last set of clues, and I don’t see any way to collect the tea in the “A Nose for a Story” storylet anymore.
Would anybody know if there’ll be the opportunity to collect it again later? (It isn’t really a big deal if not, since the item is not particularly good, but nevertheless I’d be happy if I could still collect this little memento of all those many visits to Huffam’s office.)

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How is new quality called? That you need only lvl 1 for reward, but could stack up to 5 for vanity.


It’s called Coilbreaker.

It doesn’t look much different even if you do all five tbh

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