Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Huffam’s reward is a Watchful +5 Dreaded +1 Weapon.

Edit: the next part of the event will be tomorrow, at the usual time.

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I can’t decide if I should spend all my Coilheart Renown before the Sixth Coil opens or save it. Has FBG stated that the option to cash in rewards will remain for a while after Estival concludes?


Going by previous Estivals, there will stil be some time to cash in once all the story has been released (which is also enough time for people to catch up with the story). If progressing further causes the Renown to be converted to something else, there should also be a warning.


Yes, in the original announcement IIRC. “A few days to mop up / tidy up” or similar.


I only have a few hundred Renown remain, stocked up on lots of Mountain Sherds.


Aside from getting the unique reward, I held on to my Renown in case they add another reward once the story is concluded, like during the Exhibition.


Don’t look at me, i fell asleep (and missed it all)!

Which reward Item does Huffam give out?

Huffam’s Personal Blend - you get it when he offers you a cup of tea

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This one.

(I’m assuming you’d like a link so you can update wiki stuff.)

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Hmmm… Huffam’s reward was a bit underwhelming.


Yes, but it probably will have a mechanical advantage.

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I am talking about the tea blend which has a very underwhelming mechanical advantage of +5 watchful and +1 dreaded which are pretty lousy stats. What do you mean? Do you think this tea blend will have some other benefit like an unlock of something?

Maybe something regarding the newspaper, as it is related to obsessively searching for mud.


Yep. Usually the festival exclusive items are either BiS or they unlock a new option either in an old card or activity or in an upcoming activity.


This isn’t actually the 7 clues reward; it didn’t require any clues to get, so I assume we’ll be getting something better once the event finishes.


Maybe I am misremembering but previous summer festivals had much better rewards. So far we got one good free fate item, and two useless (unless you are very early in the game).


They’re definitely pretty underwhelming so far.

The actually impressive rewards came at the tail end of the events, I think. As in, post-story completion.


The last two Estivals also supplied a much more scarcely populated slot, namely affiliations. And last years Estival had the room to explore the newly overhauled menace item mechanic.

And while I love the item we got from Huffam for what it is, the tiger pendant (as of now) has absolutely no meaning to me. But maybe it will become more relevant in terms of lore, when the mystery is revealed tomorrow.

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