Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Listen, I wanted Lampcats to win Intellect and Tigers to win Body, but that isn’t what happened. And Eagle is still pretty interesting this round! Have you met the Striking Protector yet? She’s extremely cool.


Oh absolutely I agree here. Having Eagle win would be SO cool, but there’s just no way to close that gap at this point. It’s TENS of thousands away.

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I was thinking about that. This “terrible deal” may influence what happens in this event for the future.


I would recommend to vote for Skite for a few reasons.

Apart from already having cats chosen, personally, their unnatural ability to seemingly loose blood without end is of great interest to me.

Shapeling arts are limited by -to my knowledge; apart from ability- the raw biomass of the individual(s). The endless blood of the skite fellas seems to imply that, if they were to be able to either learn or be affected by the arts, new beings could essentially be created.

These individuals would be both part of the Is, theoretically have a mind, and so, possibly be controllable by fingerkins.

As the bodies are controlled by the is-not, however, if the presumed fingerking is shoved into this body, and then forcefully made to surface, it may be possible to destroy the source of this problem for good. The sun has a habit of extreme prejudice against those that are-not, which could be weaponized in this case

Of course, this is ignoring the fact that any fingerking could just waltz in to the dummy body, and supposes that whichever body the fingerking has is limited from escaping by some inherent means of the body, rather than it being something like chains or the like.

This could backfire tremendously by pushing the goals of the fingerkings -as I understand them, to be part of the is- forwards dramatically.

The inherent power of bodily remains in the is-not is not to be understated either, as, if bones can make ferocious mounts, rivers of blood -even if they are to remain rivers of blood- are still a potential advantage. Turning the jungle -at least partially- into a naval arena would make all those in parabola have a harder time fighting, and, due to London having a navy, and the FLPC having ships, could lead to parabolean war being waged with ships, as is done with the trains. This should be a great advantage to whichever side is most backed by the players.

Having said that, the admiralty having naval superiority would be troublesome, to say the least. The Dawn Machine is already dangerous to those who believe themselves prepared for its influence, with even those who would seemingly reject it on principle turning to devoted followers. To increase its influence -potentially- to the land of dreams, where methods of defence are scarce -except for those who frequent honey-dens-, everyone must go at some point -sleeplessness is usually deadly, and debilitating-, and the possibility of it changing the is-not in a fundamental way -as FLPC can do with war- is both a terrifying and exciting thought, though potentially too apocalyptic for the wishes of the authors, as they have stated.

Anyways, is there a reason -besides spite, the feeling- to make the tigers win again? I do not know why that choice is so seemingly prevalent.


I agree about certain individual Tigers in the actual competition, but I’d think Tiger leadership would be smart enough to avoid the problem of prideful cats ‘failing to fail’ by keeping those cats out of the competion altogether.

Or do I need to start calling it the Court of the Drowsy Eye? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What if this prideful lot is the most humble of them? the cardinal in the library, where the whale was, was pretty expectant of the only visitors it had seen in -at least- centuries, and despite the threat librarians seem to bring, they were seemingly nonchalant about them, and the death they could bring.

I do not think something as simple as death, damnation, or even the overturning of everything that Is would dissuade the pride of a cat if not jangled in front of their faces constantly. And even then, it only seems to take a second for the cats to forget their mission, if not wholly, at least partially. Their desire to win, even if they know they shouldn’t, is almost unanimous, and their feelings towards loss, even if by direct orders, is despair and frustration.

They’re the most likely to actually win a fight with each other. It just makes sense in the lore.

Yes, but we already have cats. Wouldn’t adding more prideful individuals to the war be potentially dangerous for cohesion? I am assuming that that is the reason why cats, for all their strength and wit and so on, both need help to (maybe) fight what is in the sixth coil, and continue to need help to fight the fingerkings. Whatever the reason, they cannot be the whole of the force, and need help .


I don’t particularly care is all.

I don’t like Skite. I think they’re dumb and uninteresting. If people pivot to the Eagle faction I will too, but this is collaborative so we just won’t all get what we want here. There I nothing anyone can do to get me to support Skite.


I LOATHE the Eagles. I have no love for Skite. And we’ve already confounded the tigers. (Coral should have won chess, and then I would have been fine with Tigers winning Body), so I’m backing our late Londoners from the Tomb Colonies as the only patriotic choice. (Their fighting school is also my chosen one, so there’s that, too.)

I’m not trying to get them to win, just grab the Silver Medal, so to speak. Let’s support our almost-dead countrymen for second place!


If we are going to go from a pure patriotic, london-first sentiment, I do not believe pushing the tomb colonists to win would be what would be done.

Even disregarding the fact that we didn’t know this -may be- a trap/recruitment, the people of skite provide a great synergy to tomb colonists.

While their skill is near-unmatched in general, their brittleness is a great impedement to their effectiveness, with pretty much every wound being hard, if not impossible to remove, and all ailments of aging being seemingly impossible to regress.

With that in mind, why not pair them up with what are -essentially- immortal pincushions. Not only would they be able to go on the most effective “suicide attacks” known to the tomb colonists, they would override the main drawback. They do not die, despite their pain, and will hold the line as masterful machinery and tools are made to counteract the enemy.

This could be extended further, as, with the experience of the tomb colonists, the extent of which a body can be stretched, twisted, and made into a more effective weapon could be realized.

While meat-mechas are unlikely, the effectiveness of a morphing opponent is nothing to sneeze at, as shown by the starved men’s initial effectiveness at overwhelming the city, despite their apparent lack of knowledge, and supposed attempts to avoid killing londoners -to various degrees of effectiveness.


Hmm. When you put it that way… using the Skites (Skitites? Skitians? Skiteheads? Skittles?) as cannon-fodder to protect our bandaged band of brothers in a potential assault makes a lot of sense.


I perfer the term “Skiter Boys” (or Skiter girls) ((or Skiter Folk)) because I can’t stop reading it as skate.


Spite’s enough for me!

The tigers set up this whole charade to get some sacrifices. Let’s make 'em get hoist by their own petard/taste of their own medicine/etc.

Funny thing is is that if instead of being this big trick, they’d just asked for volunteers, I’d be the first to have my character volunteer (and even put together a team!) But they didn’t, so spite it is!


I’m switching to Team Skite for character variety in whatever the final phase of this is, and only skite looks like it has a chance of catching up to the tigers.


sorry for the late reply

I could argue that making the tigers lose at the tournament of body would be a greater form of spite.

You are proving that their bulk, the trait they pride themselves on, is truly unexceptional, not enough for what is needed. Their pride, with which they lounge in a hedonistic form of showmanship, is more reminiscent of dead weight. Fat, if you will.

However, I think you want something that forces them to own up to their own mistakes, and if the tournament of mind wasn’t good enough, I do not know how to dissuade you otherwize.

I would be happy to be proven wrong, but as it stands, you have a solid reason to support the tigers, or at least one I can’t easily argue against.

I still will support Skite, tho


I’m in favour of that one.


Lead’s already down from 9000 to 7000 - Let’s go Skitties!

Also, I’m loving how I have to constantly switch my outfit for this, and only this, tournament.


You can, at least, cycle airs with the sideshows until a Dangerous option comes up again.



Cmonnnnnn let’s close this gap!

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