Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

I really don’t think they know. As we learn from the Aunt storyline, most Surfacers don’t even believe that basic neathh specialities like Prisoner’s Honey does anything, (because after all, it really doesn’t on the Surface) and most Neathy dwellers don’t know about Parabola, so how would an average Surface government be able to find out that some sort of Parabolan being is locked in the Sixth Coil?


I guess that depends on for whom this message was intended - ‘A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted’.

Was it the impulse of the winning tiger, or the impulse you prescribe?


The messages may also all be tied to the King of Tigers.


The way I see it, if there is some terrible thing to fight down there, the Tomb Colonists will enjoy fighting it and won’t mind dying by it. If there is something really good down there, they will have earned it.

Hmm… a thought just struck me. The Red Queen lives in Venderbright. Given who all are involved, where is she?


What happens to the Coilheart Renown if i don’t spend it? Can i cash it in for a prize at the end, or the Court when i get there? (Am nowhere near getting there.)

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I agree with this line of thoughts. I was contemplating the same thing earlier today.
I also have a theory why the tigers don’t want to win.

The winners of the tournament are not there to defeat the thing. They are tribute to it, but also it’s jailers. They have what it takes to survive what horrors lie within (Body), they can outsmart the thing (Intellect) and they have means to imprison it (Invention) [We know from a fate locked story that machinery can be used in Parabola to imprison Fingerkings at least (Dream of a Thousand Tails) and art can be used to imprison or even permanently dispose of them (some ES, I don’t remember which one)

They made a deal with whatever is imprisoned there. That deal includes that the tigers are not allowed to keep it imprisoned. Which they don’t, if the tournament winners are the ones reinforcing the “seals” or whatever there is.

But now we have a problem. We don’t have a full team. The tigers failed their mission. That is why the tiger who talks to you is so depressed. They did not loose some comrades. That happens in war. They may be about to loose the war itself.

Which brings me to my guess for the second week of the vent. The player characters will have to step in and ensure partial success of the sealing, since the tigers can’t do that.
But it will only work to some degree, meaning that in the future there will be a need to repeatedly repair the seals and deal with whatever monstrosities manage to escape. Thus, our new permanent activity is born.

If this is how it plays out, I will say, FBG played us pretty well into forcing the tigers into a win. And I will love it.


We don’t know yet. I’m going to probably risk it though in the hopes that there’s some new items in week 2.


Also, just dropping this here. Spoiler alert for Irem!


We’d need someone who actually played that to compare when the second part drops.


Somebody recorded the text on the wiki. Let’s hope that brave soul is still active in Fallen London.


" Playing this branch will give you an unsatisfying ending in another, as-yet-unwritten story. You will not know which story; it may not come out for months, or even years. This is permanent and irrevocable."

Oh lol, they know us all too well.


I took the deal. I hesitated maybe like two minutes. I couldn’t not. Curiosity will kill this cat after all.


We know from clues that tournament is activity performed repeatedly on the schedule. It’s not a final battle to defeat some boss.
Also I don’t think that it’s fingerking related, despite coils and parabola. (smaller) Cats will be much more involed in that case, but they react more like “meh” to what is going on.


If it is truly awful for the Tigers to win an event, surely they could just not participate. Being organizers of the games is a plausible reason not to take part in them, for example.

I rhink you have to consider that they are, ultimately, cats. With all that implies in terms of misplaced pride and desire to play and come out on top.


I’d agree on this one. The Mastermind seemed to have won by accident (getting too caught up in the game and forgetting to lose on purpose) and the Impressionist and Veteran seem likewise quite arrogant about their abilities. I read ‘A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted’ as implying that they failed to get a grasp on their pride (which has been a problem before for all sorts of characters from the Elder Continent).


Do we have any idea who’s runner up to tigers currently in Body?

And I take the correspondence sigil to be a pretty direct shot at us as a community in that we’ve been raising the tigers mostly out of Spite.

Skite, iirc. And we should support them! Who wants two delegations from the same group?


Agreed but I’m going for tigers because idgaf about Skite. Which is why I wanted the lampcats to win chess :/ Yall are just gonna have to deal with double tigers now I think. The beds been made, but there’s no interesting options but the tigers for this round. So it’s time to sleep in it I think.


Reposting this great graph tool. You can follow the evolution of a bunch of different events.

And the source reddit post (credit where it’s due):