Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!



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They may be spies?? The Great Game?


So the Court is where we gain Inspired, right?

The Empress Court, Helicon House, the dreams of the Bohemian Sculptress in the Viric Jungle and certain letters from other Players offer inspired. And I am probably forgetting something as well.


Off to Viric i go! Totally sure this is a GREAT idea

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Should have read the tooltip, you need 8 of whatever the Princess Dream quality is called to turn it in.

Oh well, I can always get honey from my Lab if need be.

I assume the base action is still the most efficient, just like the other Tournament?

Most efficient is the 3x only option, presuming you have at least some of what you need to start. But then yes.


Is exchanging church favors for inspiration at court worth if you were already full-up on them before the contest started and don’t count the time taken to grind for them? I’m trying it, but I’m new here and am not sure if I’m doing CP math right

Considering it’s not open and only doable three times, I’d say it’s not.

In looking at the possible rewards available so far in exchange for Coilheart Renown (CR), it looks to me like there are only one and maybe two rewards worth obtaining so far. These are the obvious “Distinction of the Waking Fire” adornment and possibly the 312 Echo item - elemental secret but the latter appears only useful if you are seeking Mr. Eaten’s name. Is anyone aware of other rewards so far for CR that I have overlooked?

I already obtained the Waking Fire adornment so I think I will head to the Khanate to search for the other two clues rather than grind more CR.

Grinding for the items can take time, and the amount you make off of them is, if you have SOME of the items to start, more effective than trying to pump the most actions into the event.

The three times limit is a throttle but not much of one. We’ve already seen what the option does in the science branch and it is pretty powerful!

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There might be a vanity quality if you have accumulated a certain amount of CR. This is just my guess. If not, then it’s just a currency used to redeem those items.

Another vanity quality might depend on how many of Huffam’s clues you have found and turned in during the event.

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I think the most profitable option is to cash out Coilheart Renown in Mountain-Sherds and donate the Sherds right back to the Tigers for Tribute.

If you convert the Tribute to Night Whispers and sell the Whispers back to the Rat Market, the overall EpA is somewhere around 5. This is limited by Rat Market Saturation, however: a single Tribute load of 7 Sherds is already sufficient to exceed the first Saturation threshold for a weekend.


I wouldn’t entirely discount the possibility of additional rewards being added as the event ends.


Also, and at long last, His Amused Lordship’s stocks for the revel have been depleted. There’s a new card to celebrate.


Some of the new clues require some work intensive work. If you’re going for it, the pacing might be just perfect that you won’t have to delay your progress just to get X and Y.

If you’re just looking to maximize your event renown, go for it! But don’t waste AP to get more; just play the available options afterwards.

I wonder if FBG planned something for it during this current event. Before the initial announcement, I thought this estival will be about it.


Oh wow! I’ve been watching that go down for a long time!

That’s like gifting that weird glass sculpture your aunt added to the ecosystem from one family member to the next over and over until it gets back to her eventually. I love it.

History is written these days.


Oh you need to do the whole “get banished from the Empress’ Court, visit the Foreign Office, and travel to Port Carnelian and serve at least one successful term as a Governor” to get up to that, i get it now. II’ll just hoard my Mountain-Sherds like a total goblin, lol

Excellent! I’ll put on my wine-drinking helmet.