Enigma 3?

I spent so long trying to get this, only to find out a typo was holding me back :(
edited by suinicide on 12/14/2015

[color=#009900]This isn’t anything secret or sinister. Failbetter is now a team of 14; managing that, being CEO and being creative lead on three projects, not to mention being a single dad, is already more than a 24/7 job. Writing is very time-consuming, and it’s important that we train up the next generation of writers, so I’ve stepped back. Not without regrets, because I love writing, but Failbetter comes first.[/color]
[color=#009900]In 2017 and onwards: who knows? I haven’t sworn a dreadful oath or anything.[/color][/quote]

I should thank you as well. Fallen London has been a big part of my life for around a year and a half now, both the game and community. Without all the effort you and the rest of Failbetter have put in I wouldn’t have stayed hooked. It’s been a great ride and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

Lovely little update. Much as I’ve come to expect from Enigma, it is, as others have mentioned before me, quite easy to over-analyze the little details. Expecting as such did not stop me from nearly being lead astray by my own namesake, however. Ta ha. Touché, Alexis! [i]

Be precise[/i], indeed.

I will happily provide some hints of my own if prompted to via private message. This also extends to Enigma 1, 2, or the Eggshell, if so desired.

Hear, hear!
edited by Red Herring on 12/15/2015

I’ll join the chorus of people you can pm if you need any hints, but I’ll leave this here because this tripped me up for 12 hours longer than it had to:

Articles are evil. All articles, without exception.

Probably worth noting that I’ve found the thing as well. Turns out I was looking at a different clue than the one the rest of you were looking at. I’ll refrain from posting it here but if you’re stuck feel free to PM me and I’ll send a link to the other clue you’re way.

Those who know will understand this update. Hope I’m not leaking too much…

[quote=Fluby]Those who know will understand this update. Hope I’m not leaking too much…[/quote] Huh, huh, huuuuh? Where did the requirement go? Just checked mine and it’s missing too.

Or is it suppose to be gone if you already have the needed item? Cause I finally got it a week ago, but haven’t check the storylet after that.

No, it was there when I first got it. Unless this is a new update.

Something seems to be up with hidden qualities in general. Obscurity had a gold border around it at some point this morning and now it’s gone. I wonder if the requirement is just hidden or if something has happened to remove it altogether.

This is probably not an Enigma update but connected to the same refurbishments people talk about here.


[quote=An Individual]Something seems to be up with hidden qualities in general. Obscurity had a gold border around it at some point this morning and now it’s gone.[/quote]For me, the border is green:

edited by phryne on 8/3/2016

Just a guess from someone who has yet to even find Enigma 1-not helped by my lack of certain books- but perhaps you need a certain level of Seeking Mr.Eaten’s name to access it? After all, the An Intimation option is sitting there, taunting us with the requirement of Enigma 7.

[quote=Morucant]Just a guess from someone who has yet to even find Enigma 1-not helped by my lack of certain books- but perhaps you need a certain level of Seeking Mr.Eaten’s name to access it? After all, the An Intimation option is sitting there, taunting us with the requirement of Enigma 7.[/quote]Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a Seeker to be an Enigmatic fellow.

Both the splotch and obscurity are green-bordered for me.

In case anyone happens to have The Flit in progress at the moment, worth checking out “A Moment in Time” as well…

It appears my minor colour blindness has struck again. Now that people are saying it is green I can see it but my initial impression was a more yellow colour as occasionally happens with these bright lime green colours.

It is really frustrating being so helplessly attracted to fancy shiny things.

I see Ambition: Enigma, and I really, really wanna go down it, not for the enjoyment of the enigma itself, but for the ability to stand up and have successfully navigated it. At the same time though, it’d be a lot of effort I’d have put into something I probably would only moderately enjoy for the sake of an achievement that isn’t even complete yet…

I really do need someone to protect me from myself in these situations…That said, at least I have the good sense to stay the heck away from the Eaten storyline.

Enigma is not long or consuming. Enigma simply is.

Has there been any word on if Enigma is continuing now that Alexis is no longer with Failbetter? It was a rather personal project…

I would assume the intent of continuing with the engima 7 option found in progressing the Mr. Eaten Storyline. Granted that could’ve been trolling. . .

There has been an Ambition: Enigma 10 requirement in the House of Chimes for ages, so I assumed that was trolling, yeah.

The Enigma 7 option has been in The Seeking Road since it appeared shortly after Old SMEN went on hiatus, so if it’s a hint or an intention it’s not a new one.