Enigma 3?

I am afraid to point this out, as it spells potential long-term to permanent stagnation in Ambition:Enigma, but Ratmas 2016 came and went without any new updates (to my knowledge).

As The Maker once said,

I recognize that He is no longer with Failbetter, but the tiny hope that this Enigma tradition would stick is now quashed. Lamentations!

Would love to see some hints/resolution on this from Chris Gardiner or anyone else at the helm of Failbetter’s narrative development.

I’ve resigned myself to any further levels of AE being trollery for now, but given Alexis’ past statements about the value of having specific details/endings in mind for stories, I can still hope :)

It was Alexis’ baby, I seem to recall.

We may not be hearing anything about it for a long, long time to come.

Enigma isn’t really a story so much as an amusing meta-fictional journey. You can’t have an ending in mind for something that never really had a beginning. Most of the fun in Enigma is figuring out how to get in.

I want to take a certain option, but I would rather not lose 75k rostygold and 60k whispered hints. It would take some time to get those back i think.

Gosh dang, the title got me excited.