[quote=Netos Korlan](In-character answer):
No, this will not do. Notability is a selfish and dangerous measure of one’s worth. It is inherently self-centered! And the man himself has created this silly race! Clever, but clearly shady. I do not trust him.
We need to build a fairer City. It will be a long and hard road, an interesting and harrowing voyage, but we can do it. However, we will not do it if we pursue the selfish meter of Notability, trapped like rats in a race created by Slowcake!
Vote for the Jovial Contrarian![/quote]
…loud and rousing applause was generally off the table in radical salons, even nestled deep in Veilgarden where the Constables seldom went. Instead, the room erupted in a mumble, as the Contrarian’s supporters were emboldened by mr. Stelios’ impassioned argument for their candidate. In the back of the room, the Antidisciplinary Scientist got to his feet. Gaining the room’s attention with a sevenfold knock of his cane, he spoke:
"It would only seem selfish and dangerous to those whose worth happens to be measured high on the current yardstick: The moneyed classes, the rent-seekers, the nobility, all parasites upon our social organism, growing fat off the toils and labours of our hardworking citizens - whether labourers of the hand, or labourers of the mind. Indeed, witness how the Masters could bend the current order to their own ends within mere days of the Fall.
Mr. Slowcake’s platform is the only one that stands for true democratization. A people’s forum for the free exchange of ideas; the mayoral Residence staffed by the people, regardless of wealth or class. The promise of Mr. Slowcake is true justice; not the sham meted out by a corrupt constabulary; a constabulary that the Contrarian himself admits is in the pocket of the Ministry - a Ministry that is, in turn, in the pocket of Mr Pages and the Masters.
I say: To every soul its station, to every station its worth."