Election 1896: Mr Slowcake

[quote=Barse]A new option on Slowcake’s card allows you to meet the mysterious man &quothimself&quot - and, super interestingly, the text changes depending on whether or not it’s your first visit! I will update if there’s a third different option as I can.

Edit: So, uh, he’s not so happy on the third visit. Colour me extremely interested…

Edit #2: Noooo, Chester!

Edit #3: I am in thrall to the Chester Saga. (And getting very lucky with card draws!)

Edit #4: I am a moron and didn’t echo this one in my excitement. The prelimary text is the same, followed by: &quotA large figure sits in the shadows of the waiting room. They pour you a generous amount of wine and chuckle heartily. The figure leans forward; she is female, and Chester’s mask sits awkwardly on her face. &quotYup. It’s me. Mr Slowcake. More tipple?&quot The interview is irreverent and uproarious. You don’t remember getting back on the train.&quot How deep does this go??

Edit #5, and I assume the final one: I remembered to echo this one - and finally, the truth is out!

Thus ends the Chester Saga… perhaps.
This whole saga is amazing. And I have no idea how to document this on the wiki :-)

(I also wonder if there are equivalents for the other two candidates)

Regarding documenting it on the wiki - each time I went it incremented a quality (?) called Meeting Mr. Slowcake by one - I assume it’s a hidden quality because I can’t find it anywhere in my quality (or item) list, although the result text treats it like an item (in terms of &quotYou’ve gained 1x [x] (New total [Y])&quot). So I assume the branch just has a hidden check for that hidden quality. Results vary for each point from 1-7 (going back and trying the branch again raises the quality to 8 but still gives the same final text). I half-wish it wasn’t hidden, as it’d be a fun thing to whack on my mantle - at least until a couple more people make the journey.

The equivalent 10-Reputation option on the Contrarian’s card doesn’t change or increment in the same way - I can’t vouch for the Princess.

Edit: seeing as only the last paragraph of text changes each time, it seems like it’s contingent on an qvd (I think that’s what those are called? The same thing that determines what the Heorot Urchins say on the faction card if you chose that ending of HOTOJOHO) inside the branch text rather than a number of different, slightly different branches for each level of Meeting Mr. Slowcake.
edited by Barse on 6/25/2018

Come on Slowcakes, dark horse victory!

Just declared for Slowcake, and did the Flash Lay.

[spoiler]The Flash Lay says the campaign has gathered a bunch of mathematicians into the Brass Embassy, and are going to go full Persona Engine on this business.

Declaring says that from compiling the Exceptionals, Mr Slowcakes has all the dirt on all the people, and he intends to use it to accomplish his goals.[/spoiler]

As someone who is in-character a hunter of secrets, and out-of-character a mathematician, I believe I have made the correct choice.
edited by PSGarak on 6/25/2018

[quote=Barse]A new option on Slowcake’s card allows you to meet the mysterious man &quothimself&quot - and, super interestingly, the text changes depending on whether or not it’s your first visit! I will update if there’s a third different option as I can.

Edit: So, uh, he’s not so happy on the third visit. Colour me extremely interested…

Edit #2: Noooo, Chester!

Edit #3: I am 3000% invested and enthralled by the Chester Saga. (And getting very lucky with card draws!)

Edit #4: The plot thickens! I am a moron and didn’t echo this one in my excitement. The prelimary text is the same, followed by: &quotA large figure sits in the shadows of the waiting room. They pour you a generous amount of wine and chuckle heartily. The figure leans forward; she is female, and Chester’s mask sits awkwardly on her face. &quotYup. It’s me. Mr Slowcake. More tipple?&quot The interview is irreverent and uproarious. You don’t remember getting back on the train.&quot How deep does this go??

Final edit, #5: Finally, the truth is out! See, all you had to do was tell us the truth, you silly devils. I’m more likely to vote for you than ever, now!

Thus ends the Chester Saga… perhaps.
edited by Barse on 6/25/2018[/quote]

Does this new option on the card only appear when you’ve declared for Slowcake? I’m not seeing it on my Slowcake card so I’m curious what the requirements are.

Ah - yes, it only appears if you’ve declared for Slowcake. I should have made that clear in the original post! Declaring for a candidate reveals two new options on their card, one costing 5 Rep and one costing 10.

Does this new option on the card only appear when you’ve declared for Slowcake? I’m not seeing it on my Slowcake card so I’m curious what the requirements are.[/quote]

Seems like it! I declared for Slowcake just now, and saw the option on the card. Didn’t have nearly enough Reputation to pick it, sadly.

EDIT: Ninja’d!
edited by Slyblue on 6/25/2018

An Echo of the information about Mr. Slowcake from the Flash Lay: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Kharagal%20Mierqid?fromEchoId=14303617

Am I the only one wondering why Mayor Feducci had that house demolished?

I’ve joined Mr. Slowcake’s campaign primarily for the joy of the new storylines. I think I’m going to switch at the end though, we’ll see. Too much brimstone, not enough sunlight.

It occurs to me that concerns over the creation of voter profiles, the ability for all this data to be the hands of literal fiends and used for obvious manipulation – it all feels very relevant to today’s concerns over privacy and data storage in the internet age.

Not that voter manipulation is solely a modern concern, but I suppose it would be on the devils to draw directly on the modern world. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

[quote=Lavaeolus]It occurs to me that concerns over the creation of voter profiles, the ability for all this data to be the hands of literal fiends and used for obvious manipulation – it all feels very relevant to today’s concerns over privacy and data storage in the internet age.

Not that voter manipulation is solely a modern concern, but I suppose it would be on the devils to draw directly on the modern world. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.[/quote]
Seeing as how looking into the future and stealing mortal ideas is what Devils do (those fancy hats, natch), it wouldn’t be out of character if they got their whole campaign strategy from Facebook.

[quote=Anne Auclair]
Am I the only one wondering why Mayor Feducci had that house demolished?[/quote]
Most likely it was for the same reason he ran in the first place. Because he could.

[quote=Absintheuse][color=#cc0099]Feducci’s term is through! London requires a new Mayor! Whom will you support?
The editor of Slowcake’s Exceptionals has, unexpectedly, entered the fray. He has yet to appear in public; his highly knowledgeable assistant, The Amanuensis, is managing the campaign in his stead.

So this is actually a portrait of the Amanuensis, not (the campaign poster’s image of) Mr Slowcake? And what a well crafted portrait, by the way. But we don’t even know what Mr Slowcake looks like, making his whole &quotbeing a social construct&quot thing that much more obvious.

I think that’s the portrait of Mr Slowcake described as appearing on the campaign posters - the Amanuensis still uses his generic portrait whenever a story is specifically about him.

I can’t help but feel the ambiguity is very deliberate, what with Mr. Slowcake seemingly being a self idealization of the Amanuensis.

For what it’s worth, Haley popped into the the IRC during week one and confirmed that it was definitely meant to be Slowcake himself - also it fits the description of the initial &quotChester&quot rather perfectly (and is called &quotslowcake.jpg&quot).

My man! Honestly you and the chap who pointed out amanuensis is a damn silly word to glorify a notary with hit it right on the head for me. Any reason I might have to vote for &quotSlowcake&quot is completely undercut by how unfun a brand of evil he represents.

Whatever the Princess is going to do, I at least believe her attention span will not suffer a making waves grind.

Ι wasn’t going to vote for Slowcake anyway, but anything that echoes ‘making waves grind’ triggers homicidal tendencies in both Jolanda and the player.
Boy, sanity is eroded in the most unexpected ways down here.

[quote=Jolanda Swan]Ι wasn’t going to vote for Slowcake anyway, but anything that echoes ‘making waves grind’ triggers homicidal tendencies in both Jolanda and the player.
Boy, sanity is eroded in the most unexpected ways down here.[/quote]
But imagine if this resulted in more things giving Making Waves? Tis a pleasant dream, no? And one without snakes.