Election 1896: A Winner Announced!

It’s all right. We are happy we won’t see what the Princess had in store.
Slowcake woud not have made any visible difference, but in a role-playing sense he would have made the devils’ job easier.

In any case, more revolutionary favors to use in court ballets. And probably Constables.

So, my candidate lost and I’m… not actually even bitter about that. What a pleasant surprise.
I had a lot of fun with getting to know the Princess better, so I am quite delighted by the whole experience, even if she didn’t win.

Congratulations to everyone who who support the Contrarian, and thank you to everyone who made the election so much fun, both players here at the forum and staff at Failbetter :)

Here’s to another fun election next time.

There goes my streak of voting for the winner in all elections…

I was sure the Princess had this one in the bag. I guess some interesting things happened this last week.

Probably better for London that she didn’t win anyway.

Cashing in my 114 Reputation was nice. :)

[quote=Corran]There goes my streak of voting for the winner in all elections…

I was sure the Princess had this one in the bag. I guess some interesting things happened this last week.

Probably better for London that she didn’t win anyway.

Cashing in my 114 Reputation was nice. :)[/quote]
We had a good run, Comrade. 66% is still passing.

Well, my guy won. Hooray, I suppose.

I still maintain he was the least horrible person running, and decoupling the constables from the Ministry is a fine plan, but he’s only doing it to deliberate hobble the constables and handicap them with his leadership. Hopefully we’ll have some way to mitigate his terrible plans, so they actually work as advertised.

That is two out of three years Caroline’s candidate has won (Sinning Jenny, Implacable Detective, Jovial Contrarian). Caroline is relieved, and will be bringing her lovers to a special party tonight, if they wish to go. Bring honey, wine, shackles and rubber suits. After the last fiasco, this almost makes her have enough faith to go to the church for reasons beyond defiling someone(s) in the Sacristy. Eh, probably not.

I’m not too excited about him. He won’t advance the liberation (I oppose it, but it’s exciting nonetheless) and apart from that, I’ve not the vaguest idea what he stands for. Apart from &quotliberating&quot the Constabulary. He seems like a middle-left &quotsafe bet&quot to me.

moans and pours a glass of Black Wings

I can see why some ideas of our Captivating Highness aren’t that appealing, but at least it would have been fun to watch her realising her various fantasies.
A toast for the Princess!

downs the glass and falls to the floor, choking

Good to see that the (mostly) sane and human candidate won this time.

While I really was hoping for someone a little more exciting than our august statesman, I must say he’s not a bad choice. I campaigned quite aggressively for him in 1894, and I’m reassured to find that a woman whom I very much respect is still supporting him after the events of that campaign. If her influence persists through his term of office, he might end up a very entertaining mayor indeed.[li]

Oh come on, it would have been hilarious to watch her read a victory speech for hours and hours until the crowd wandered off bored :P

Though worth considering, if the speech was that long it must have had a lot of content and planning discussions. Which hints at why she’s so unhappy right now; it really sucks when you work out your ideas in extensive detail and people don’t want to hear them. Stinging all the more, no one has ever appreciated her ideas.

Finally, adding insult to injury, London elected Feducci even though his manifesto amounted to a bunch of confused chalkboard scribbles. That seems a pretty unfair, as the Princess really did have an excellent platform.

I had the opportunity card, “A Polster Staggers Over” in my deck when the election ended. It’s a cannot discard card, and now that the election is over, it’s impossible to open. How do I make it go away? Refreshing my browser didn’t work.

I somehow still refuse to believe it, but this seems to be the state of London’s political landscape.

pours another glass

Shoot an email to support@failbettergames.com

The folks there are very responsive and nice.

Thank you. I wondered if I were overlooking something obvious.

I somehow still refuse to believe it, but this seems to be the state of London’s political landscape.

pours another glass[/quote]
I guess you can be the worst person in the Neath as long as you act &quotbadass&quot and shout FREEEEDDDOOOMMMM!!! at the top of your lungs.

The Princess was just a bit too privileged, refined, and classically feminine for mob appeal. sighs

[quote=Akernis]So, my candidate lost and I’m… not actually even bitter about that. What a pleasant surprise.
I had a lot of fun with getting to know the Princess better, so I am quite delighted by the whole experience, even if she didn’t win.

Yeah, it’s a very different feeling from the last election. I didn’t care for his platform, but I think the Contrarian will be a very fine Mayor.

I do feel a little sad for our monster though. She was trying to change,

Oh well, I have the consolation prize of Feducci slinking off in ignominious failure after giving one final F___ You to Sinning Jenny. I honestly enjoyed that on multiple levels.

This provides a nice bookend to Feducci’s administration, come to think of it. It begins with him entering the Mayoral Manor while Sinning Jenny was still Mayor, insulting her administration, and questioning her taste in drapes. It ends with him spitefully blowing the Mayoral Mansion up, fully aware that he’ll probably go down as one of the worst Mayor’s in Fallen London’s history, if not thee worst, and making Sinning Jenny look pretty awesome in comparison (she at least knew how to exit office graciously!).
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/2/2018

We doubt he’ll be the worst thing we ever see in office.

[quote=Anne Auclair]I do feel a little sad for our monster though. She was trying to change,[/quote]This monster has morals, manners and etiquette at least. Which I find lacking in a great many of the so-called &quotcitizens&quot. Which makes the &quotmonster question&quot a bit ambiguous for me.

[quote=Snowskeeper]We doubt he’ll be the worst thing we ever see in office.[/quote]This might very well be true but I was hoping for more than &quotdamage control&quot in this election.

I thought these were the main reasons of her appeal. Just imagine someone less privileged, refined, and classically feminine - someone looking like the Implacable Detective, let’s say - telling people &quotI murder and torture for kicks, yet I’m bored, go make an art-fest for me.&quot Would she get a single vote?
edited by incerteza on 7/2/2018

Her Majesty would have been a fine choice, but if that’s how it happens, that’s how it happens.

That’s an interesting way of putting &quotauthoritarian, petty, and insufferably self-absorbed&quot.