[color=#cc0099]You’ve campaigned, fixed and agitated. You’ve finessed and used your Reputation. And most importantly, you’ve voted! All the votes have been tallied. London has decided:
There’s nothing contrary about the statistics, The Jovial Contrarian has won! [/color][color=#cc0099]His eyes are bright with champagne and excitement. "So much to do! First off, getting my headquarters set up for a proper war footing. In a manner of speaking," he winks extravagantly. "People to thank, hopes to dash, information to burn, you know how it is. And then prepare for a nasty fight with the Ministry."[/color]
[color=#cc0099] [/color][color=#cc0099]
[color=#cc0099]Now that Election 1896 has come to a close, there’ll be a brief transitional period as a new mayoral residence is set up and The Jovial Contrarian can settle in his newly won offices.[/color]
[color=#cc0099]Once fully situated, a mayoral Jovial Contrarian card will become available in your Opportunity Deck. As the third official mayor of Fallen London, you may hear news of their work crop up from time to time during their year in power.[/color]
[color=#cc0099]Look for the [/color][color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]An Electoral Opportunity[/color][color=#cc0099] throughout London and speak to your candidate to wrap up any loose ends. You will have till 9th July to use up any leftover Reputation.[/color]
[color=#cc0099]As always, we appreciate hearing who you think should run for Mayor of Fallen London next year – keep an eye out for the [/color][color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]official [/color][color=#cc0099]Proposed Candidates for 1897 forum thread. Statistics on the Election will be released within the next few weeks so we can see how the votes and Careers played out.[/color]
[color=#cc0099]Thank you for your political tenacity, delicious friends.[/color] edited by Absintheuse on 7/2/2018
[quote=Victory announced]The candidates (minus Mr Slowcake, but plus the Amanuensis) gather on a platform in Hastings Square, awaiting the arrival of the incumbent Mayor. After almost half an hour, it becomes apparent no one is coming.
Just as the civil servant is making a discreet exist, a loud explosion is heard. Smoke rises from the direction of Blythenhale. It later emerges that as his last act as Mayor, Feducci had the mayoral residence exploded.
You know, for some reason I can’t help but feel that Mayor Feducci’s term was not the brilliant success that he hoped it would be.
While I’m a little disappointed we won’t see more of Mr Slowcake or get to see just what the Princess had planned, I still had a nice laugh at just how she reacted to losing.
The Amanuensis seems more relieved than anything. I’m sorry to see Jenny’s old offices gone, but no doubt the Contrarian will furnish us with a fine new mayoral landmark in Ladybone’s.
As far as I remember, last year FBG posted the percentages of votes for each candidate. Could you please post them this year, too, if possible?
(I promise I’m just a curious nerd and not a devil who failed to collect his data)
Well, I know that I voted for Contrarian to be my first and second!
And may I say, I smiled broadly at the result. And hope for a storylet where you can hunt and beat Feducci senseless for demolishing Jenny’s residence.
Also, since I am evidently a petty person, I am relieved to see him gone without any of his grand plans playing out. Leaves you some hope for the real world.
[quote=incerteza]As far as I remember, last year FBG posted the percentages of votes for each candidate. Could you please post them this year, too, if possible?
(I promise I’m just a curious nerd and not a devil who failed to collect his data)[/quote]
[color=#cc0099]We’ll definitely be sharing the percentages in a stats blog sometime in the next few weeks[/color]