Election 1896: A Winner Announced!

Oh, for shame, Lady Anne. Are you appropriating suffragist ideals to shame those who did not want Marquise Cthulhu de Sade for Mayor?

[quote=Anne Auclair]
This provides a nice bookend to Feducci’s administration, come to think of it. It begins with him entering the Mayoral Manor while Sinning Jenny was still Mayor, insulting her administration, and questioning her taste in drapes. It ends with him spitefully blowing the Mayoral Mansion up, fully aware that he’ll probably go down as one of the worst Mayor’s in Fallen London’s history, if not thee worst, and making Sinning Jenny look pretty awesome in comparison (she at least knew how to exit office graciously!).[/quote]
Despite my vehement opposition to Feducci last year (which you may or may not recall yourself), I have to say Feducci’s departure felt less spiteful and more just him having more fun in his own way. He wanted to leave a mark, go out with a bang so to speak. He doesn’t do &quotgraciously&quot, and that’s just his character, not him throwing a tantrum or being a sore loser or anything. At least that’s my impression.

In view of this, I actually approve of his last deed as mayor. Perhaps because I didn’t care for Jenny much at all. Either way, he went out with a bang indeed, and good for him I say.
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 7/3/2018

You are surprised at this point? I am not. Seems typical of her behavior of late. Anne does seem…addled…by the Princess, doesn’t she?

Sinning Jenny is less feminine, but she won by a landslide and is very feminine (even dare I say, femme when she wishes to be) in so many feminine ways. So I doubt that was it.

It must come back to that &quotMonster who almost seems to feed on suffering and wants to leave many in london homeless&quot thing that did her in. Not helped by her being an obvious poseur.


The writers seem to have been planning Feducci’s demolition of Blythenhale since the beginning of the second week, at least. Both the Captivating Princess and Mr. Slowcake have fine residences otherwise (the Shuttered Palace and the Brass Embassy), and they made the Jovial Contrarian describe his plans for setting up residence at Hangman’s Arch for this purpose.

The true crime here, though, is the collateral damage committed towards the cats of Blythenhale.
edited by Azothi on 7/3/2018

I thought these were the main reasons of her appeal. Just imagine someone less privileged, refined, and classically feminine - someone looking like the Implacable Detective, let’s say - telling people &quotI murder and torture for kicks, yet I’m bored, go make an art-fest for me.&quot Would she get a single vote?[/quote]
Mayor. Feducci. :P

And for me the main appeal was indeed her aesthetic ideas and her proposed arts festival. I really liked them. In my opinion, the Princess genuinely had the best platform of the three candidates and you can tell she worked very hard to create it. So, I’m a little sad that it won’t be coming about.

The Contrarian may have been the better person, but the Princess had the better ideas.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/3/2018

It’s over already? I somehow remember the past election events lasting longer…

I restrained myself from mentioning this before, but the posters that the Princess was using to plaster over the doors of Spite tenements were made of caprine vellum, previously featured as the note paper of choice for the Lighthearted Polymath during the Season of Skies. It’s notable for its tendency to burn unquenchably and at the slightest provocation, and for it’s rich fragrance. It’s a shame we didn’t win. It could have been such a pretty fire.
edited by Gul al-Ahlaam on 7/3/2018

Some of us have businesses there.

I actually think the extremely flammable posters were more testament to her spaciness then to actual maliciousness :P

She probably just liked how they looked and smelled (not that she wouldn’t have lit a match if she knew!).
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/3/2018

I must say, the elections truly rekindled my love of story which had been trapped in grinding for cider and making waves for so long now. For that, I would thank all my fellow forum goers who made the event so alive.

But I am still looking forward for Lady Anne to snap out of it, lest we suspect she has been brainwashed in one of the many innovative ways FL has to offer. Come on, Anne. Come with us and let us be judgemental of everything the Contrarian does.

Hopefully before his term ends the Contrarian does one better than Feducci and blows up that hideous eyesore at the very heart of our long suffering metropolis…
edited by Frederick Metzengerstein on 7/3/2018

Oh, I know quite well my dear. I’m only teasing. I often am.

I suppose that could be so. It’s always difficult to tell when the Princess’ innocence comes off as malevolence, or when she’s simply using the former to disguise the latter. I suppose it’s kinder to give her the benefit of the doubt.

You know, I think this election was the first time I shared a political position with anyone. And it was only a few layers of obfuscation removed from what I actually believe! What a beautiful moment. ;_;

Whatever your beliefs about the Bazaar, I’m not about to stand here while you insult all standards of aesthetics and general good taste by calling it ugly.

This is a huge crab we are talking about.
One would say ugly is a compliment.

I doubt the Bazaar could be killed by any human-made bomb or cannon.

But could it be exasperated to death? If so, we’ve elected the right man.

[quote=a Nice Friend]I doubt the Bazaar could be killed by any human-made bomb or cannon.

But could it be exasperated to death? If so, we’ve elected the right man.[/quote]
We cannot literally burn the Bazaar, but maybe sick burns would work.
edited by incerteza on 7/3/2018

[quote=Dudebro Pyro][quote=Anne Auclair]
This provides a nice bookend to Feducci’s administration, come to think of it. It begins with him entering the Mayoral Manor while Sinning Jenny was still Mayor, insulting her administration, and questioning her taste in drapes. It ends with him spitefully blowing the Mayoral Mansion up, fully aware that he’ll probably go down as one of the worst Mayor’s in Fallen London’s history, if not thee worst, and making Sinning Jenny look pretty awesome in comparison (she at least knew how to exit office graciously!).[/quote]
Despite my vehement opposition to Feducci last year (which you may or may not recall yourself), I have to say Feducci’s departure felt less spiteful and more just him having more fun in his own way. He wanted to leave a mark, go out with a bang so to speak. He doesn’t do &quotgraciously&quot, and that’s just his character, not him throwing a tantrum or being a sore loser or anything. At least that’s my impression.

In view of this, I actually approve of his last deed as mayor. Perhaps because I didn’t care for Jenny much at all. Either way, he went out with a bang indeed, and good for him I say.
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 7/3/2018[/quote]

When a sore loser acts according to his character, it doesn’t mean that he isn’t actually being petulant, just that he’s naturally that way.

Mayor. Feducci. :P[/quote]

Some very important differences:

  • Feducci is arguably a hero and has arguably done great things. His boredom was promising. He was supposed to be entertaining us.

  • Neither of his two duelling clubs involved murder (killing of unwilling people) or torture (of anyone). The only questionable episode was dealing with the Drownie woman (but that wasn’t for kicks – he doesn’t even see how the player character deals with her, if at all). In contrast, torturing and murdering people for kicks is all the Princess does (so far), and the only person she cares for is another murderer-torturer.

  • Feducci’s contempt for humanity in general wasn’t apparent during the election.

  • Most importantly, he has obvious and genuine respect for the player character that’s acknowledged early in the character progression.

  • He actually plays as fair as possible in FL – he’s not just beatable but 100% beatable in a free story if the player is willing to put in the effort. (In contrast, I was legit angry about The Gift – not only my character had to behave stupidly to move forward with the story, she couldn’t even escape and had to be rescued by another villain.)

I voted DTC last election, and my second choice would’ve been the Detective. But Feducci’s campaign message was overall positive, and I could even see myself supporting his actual plan of &quotdo nothing, then blow up Blythenhale&quot (btw, I hope the cats are safe) against worse alternatives.
(Not now, though, now he’s just one half of a Silicon Valley power couple.)

Mayor. Feducci. :P[/quote]

Some very important differences:[/quote]
You’re stretching things quite a bit here.

Particularly with these:

Feducci asks you to murder someone permanently in an unwilling duel as part of the initiation. It’s not really in his favor if he lacks the interest to follow up on whether you do it or not. It’s actually rather typical of his style of doing things actually.

He was outed as an unapologetic slaver during the election. Plus there’s, you know, he’s best known for running a duel to the death society while being incapable of actually dying. That’s kind of against the spirit of things.


  • Neither of his two duelling clubs involved murder (killing of unwilling people)[/quote]

Feducci does not suffer permanent death. He does not tell opponents this. Doubtful he’d have many takers otherwise.

So does the Princess, in places.

He established a dueling society which encourages members to end each other. He cannot be ended that way. He has killed many, many members. How, exactly, does that seem fair?

In essence, it was ‘let’s blow up London society, leave everything else to chance, and see what happens.’