Election 1895 Begins!

[quote=SirKwint]And I continue to wonder, my dearest fellow Londoners - will we ever see a Master on a campaign for a Mayor.
Yes, they are not into politics. But definitely into money and power :)[/quote]

Well, that would mean having to investigate them and mess with them for the campaign… Would enough people dare (and be capable of it)? It would severely imbalance the competition… ^^°

[quote=&quotMany&quot Chin]ah. i hate campaigning. can’t i just cast a vote and murder some interns?
edited by rebelanarch-82 on 6/26/2017[/quote]
I suppose the equivalent is to enter a candidate’s team, get your gift, but not do much more work for them: the only voice influenced will be your own. :<
Alternatively, you can pick the Fixer or Agitator’s job, and you’ll get all the murdering you crave, literal or metaphorical! \m/

And yet I see no mention of the urchins or the rubbery men. Do they not deserve the help and freedom the Campaigner promises others.

Feducci does not distinguish between race or birth, he promises everyone the chance to rise to new heights.

The Urchins are obviously covered under her promises to help the poor. Rubbery Men will probably benefit from her support for animal protections.

I don’t see any Rubbery Men or Urchins in King Feducci’s little court.

You’ve probably met the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner before. She sometime brings you potato soup when you’re wounded. She has the most progressive platform of the three candidates, declaring: &quotI have dedicated my life to fighting exploitation.&quot

And promising:

  • Increased tea drinking.[/li][/ul][ul][li]A reduction in the supply of prisoners honey and intoxicating liquors through more stringent licensing and higher prices in order to combat widespread addiction and poverty.[/li][/ul][ul][li]Improved conditions and greater rights for London’s workers, debtors, and tenets.[/li][/ul][ul][li]&quotHouses of respite and healing&quot to aid those stricken by poverty or addiction and to help them recover.[/li][/ul][ul][li]Greater protection for London’s assorted animals - presumably everyone from L.B.'s to Blemmigans.[/li][/ul][ul][li]A crackdowns on spirifiers.

In a lot of ways one might say that the Campaigner is fighting to expand Jenny’s legacy of modest reform into something far more expansive.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017[/quote]

I’m interested. I wish to hear more about Feducci and the Detective first. If not, I’m willing to campaign for a reduction in Scandal.

Attention: Character repairman seeking to mend the damaged reputations and legal standing of right-minded gentlefolk. May be found under the name “Franzibald Fauntleroy”. Inquire at the Bazaar, Tower 8, Room 31.

Teatime for London.

The Detective is promising to give more power to London’s police force as well as give financial aid to former Constables and Detectives who have fallen on hard times (i.e. the Honey Addled Detective).

Feducci is a spy for the Presbyterate who is also allied with Hell. He is receiving cash bribes from the Presbyterate and his campaign manager is a Devil. His platform calls for a culling of legal and class restrictions in order to let people rise and fall as ability and chance dictate (among the restrictions he wants to remove are liquor licenses).

I am very, very skeptical that Feducci has the best interests of London at heart or that his platform is wholly sincere. This is a man who challenges people to duels to the death while being pretty much immortal, has a history of leading those who follow him to destruction (his Hallowmas confession), and is, again, on the Presbyters payroll.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017

[quote=IHNIWTR]I can’t believe I’m supporting the campaigner, but there you have it

the explanatory text on her card absolutely won me over

[spoiler]The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner tears herself away from a brisk conversation with a member of Humble Order of Mudlarkers and Steeplejacks to answer your questions.

&quotI have dedicated my life to fighting exploitation. Yes, I’ve fought the honey-pushers, who addict dreamers, and the drink-dealers who poison mothers and fathers. But I’m here to fight the factory-owners, the landlords, the bankers who drive our citizens into such harmful escapes. We must help the addled and afflicted, provide houses of respite and healing. And tea. I am in favour of tea.&quot She smiles and gives you a firm handshake, before marching away to menace a notoriously unscrupulous landlord.[/spoiler]

I’d take housing for the poor over speculative investment and more brutal policing any day[/quote]

Actually, the poor are pretty cool with Feducci.

&quotPromises of a chain that can be climbed has sparked hope in London’s poor.&quot

oh I know

just like you can win it big by betting on horse races

Baseless accusations!
Anyone and everyone in the city is on someone’s payroll, with no detriment to their personal honor and motives. Why try so futilely to tarnish the man’s reputation with such proofless stains?
Besides, you have said the words yourself: to let people rise and fall as ability dictates. Is this not what we should desire? That we may reach for the skies (or at the very least, the rather high-up ceiling we have here) on our own efforts, without the government to hinder us? All that the regulations have done is drown those far below, while the rich and powerful calmly sip their tea in the spires of the Bazaar and mansions in Veilgarden.

Feducci fancies himself the spirit of change, and it is change we need. Not tea. Who better than a fighter to lead this?

And what are your thoughts on livery companies that emerged in this year’s election, dear Londoners? Each candidate is supported by a one: “The Humble Order of Mudlarkers and Steeplejacks” works for Dauntless, “The Honourable Company of Stereoscopists” for Detective and “The Worshipful Company of Victualers” for Feducci.

I don’t remember encountering any of these organisations earlier.

As far as I’ve learned, the Stereoscopists seem to be connected with Glass. It’s intersting that magicians are supporting Detective… Well, maybe I’m a bit biased against snakes, but this entanglement makes her a rather risky choice imho

Aw, I already left. I was hoping there would be more, but I guess I didn’t have the patience to keep cycling through to check for some thing new. (I’m also really tired and wasn’t thinking… I assumed there was nothing more after a few rounds. I mean, actions points weren’t used up so why didn’t I?! Ha, I suppose I should restrain from voting for a while. Maybe even choosing a career).

Huh. This is just me throwing in some thoughts, nothing important, meh. Have a nice day. (This is actually my first post, so I’m a little more awkward and confused than I normally am… also wishing forums had strike through. …and small font, but oh well)

I kept cycling the airs for ages, but didn’t find anything else. Either I was really unlucky, they were very rare, or there were no more encounters.

Edit: Oh and the other possibility is that I didn’t have the required qualities to trigger them (i.e. there may have been encounters with companions I don’t have).
edited by Plynkes on 6/27/2017

The Urchins are obviously covered under her promises to help the poor. Rubbery Men will probably benefit from her support for animal protections.

I don’t see any Rubbery Men or Urchins in King Feducci’s little court.[/quote]

The rubbery men are not animals. They are subhumans/xenos species.

I just encountered sinning jenny’s mayoral opportunity card shouldn’t it have been removed now that she’s no longer mayor?.

She’s Mayor until her replacement is sworn in.

Generally incumbents are in office until their replacement takes charge, otherwise you have a period with nobody in power at all.

[quote=IHNIWTR]oh I know

just like you can win it big by betting on horse races[/quote]

The thing is: you can not win under any other mayor. They prohibit the poor to &quotbet on the horse race&quot or they prohibit to give the poor their &quotprise&quot. Only Feducci gives the freedom of growth and allows all to win. Also, the &quothorse race&quot example is not correct, cause, it’s only about luck. It is more like career growth or capital/money-bag growth, your own labour and skill, not luck or fate. Under other mayors, the poor can not &quotstart their own business&quot and are destined to rot in the slums, toiling for pennies. Under Feducci- they can get a better life, by their hard work, resourcefulness and will. It’s like slavery in Egypt, and capitalism in USA, compared.
edited by Autonomous on 6/27/2017
edited by Autonomous on 6/27/2017
edited by Autonomous on 6/27/2017

[quote=Anne Auclair]
Feducci is a spy for the Presbyterate who is also allied with Hell. He is receiving cash bribes from the Presbyterate and his campaign manager is a Devil. His platform calls for a culling of legal and class restrictions in order to let people rise and fall as ability and chance dictate (among the restrictions he wants to remove are liquor licenses).

I am very, very skeptical that Feducci has the best interests of London at heart or that his platform is wholly sincere. This is a man who challenges people to duels to the death while being pretty much immortal, has a history of leading those who follow him to destruction (his Hallowmas confession), and is, again, on the Presbyters payroll.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017[/quote]

Oh please, like the Campaigners revolutionary allies are any better. They wish for the collapse of all rules and law. And as for the duels to the death, last I checked his lances weren’t tipped with Cantigaster venom and he doesn’t chop up the body, so his opponents are free to return if they desire

The Campaigner is not a Revolutionary. Like a lot of Londoners she has some friends who are Revolutionaries, that’s all.

Feducci goes to his duels literally covered in black ribbons, so he has permanently killed a large number of people in duels to the death. And yet he cannot actually die. He can’t even be maimed. So he takes no risks in those fights - they’re the definition of one sided. Just as he takes no risks in his Presbyterate investments. With Feducci, risk is for other people. When he gambles his dice are always loaded.

[quote=dariuseng][quote=Anne Auclair]
Feducci is a spy for the Presbyterate who is also allied with Hell. He is receiving cash bribes from the Presbyterate and his campaign manager is a Devil. His platform calls for a culling of legal and class restrictions in order to let people rise and fall as ability and chance dictate (among the restrictions he wants to remove are liquor licenses).

I am very, very skeptical that Feducci has the best interests of London at heart or that his platform is wholly sincere. This is a man who challenges people to duels to the death while being pretty much immortal, has a history of leading those who follow him to destruction (his Hallowmas confession), and is, again, on the Presbyters payroll.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017[/quote]

Oh please, like the Campaigners revolutionary allies are any better. They wish for the collapse of all rules and law. And as for the duels to the death, last I checked his lances weren’t tipped with Cantigaster venom and he doesn’t chop up the body, so his opponents are free to return if they desire[/quote]
They’re not her &quotRevolutionary Allies&quot, they’re trying to get her to repay them for a debt.
The DTC used to be close friends with the previous March of the Calendar Council, a March that for all intents and purposes was mellow and nice and got killed for not being as much of a die-hard revolutionary as the rest.

The Anarchists are indeed trying to pressure our Temperance Campaigner, but don’t think they’re allied with her.