Election 1895 Begins!

If the Airs aren’t changing no matter what you do, it might be a bug.

The Airs are random, so I can’t say. These are the conversations you can access rather easily, as I recall, are:

  • Talk to Jenny[/li][li]Praise Jenny’s mayorship[/li][li]Criticise Jenny’s mayorship[/li][li]Talk to the Jovial Contrarian[/li][li]Talk to the Bishop of Southwark

I didn’t find Lydia’s myself, so I don’t know how long it’d take. If you’ve seen those already, it might be a good idea to just move on and read the echo elsewhere.

As a Fervent Campaigner I would like to say a few words about our candidates.

Firstly, I’m sad to see Jenny go. I didn’t vote for her, it’s true. During the last election I voted for my favorite debate partner, who I sometimes don’t want to push down the stairs in frustration: The Jovial Contrarian. Even so I have found Jenny has done her best to make the city a better place than it was before using the time and resources she had available. I hope that whoever wins this election shall do the same to the best of their ability.

Secondly, I should like to say that I don’t like or trust ANY of the candidates this year but I may as well vote for someone. So I’m voting for the detective.

Feducci: Legalize everything. EVERYTHING.
Temperance Campaigner: Ban everything. EVERYTHING.
Implacable Detective: Investigate everything. EVERYTHING.

Maybe the detective might have half a crack at tackling police corruption, eh? We can hope, at least. The Temperance Lass doesn’t seem concerned about that and Feducci, fun-loving guy though he may be, dear friend of my heart he is for certain, is NOT. HELPING. A significant portion of the suffering in London could be alleviated with a competent, trustworthy, and impartial police force. Instead we have a force split in two and serving two different masters, neither of them Justice. Law enforcement in this city takes orders from only two places: Society and their own wallets. They investigate crimes on behalf of anyone else with only the most sluggish reluctance. The &quotSpecial Constables&quot aren’t even real cops. They are simply an extension of the &quotMinistry of Public Decency&quot, the organization openly acting as the private thieves guild of Mr. Pages.
The Temperance Lass wouldn’t need to be quite so dauntless if the cops gave a damn and did their jobs right. Competent cops are hard to find in this city and honest cops are even rarer. It’s no wonder so many citizens turn to crime when the only difference between most cops and the criminals they pursue is that the gangs known as &quotThe Coppers&quot, &quotThe Pennies&quot, and &quotThe Constables&quot have badges.

With the increased police spending the Implacable Detective is promising perhaps we shall see some long overdue reforms. We can certainly hope.
edited by Azreal DuCain on 6/27/2017

If any Feducci supporters need help with suspicion or scandal, I would be happy to help. Anything to make things a little more fair

The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner is campaigning for Temperance. THAT MEANS NO DRINKING. Ludicrous. I fail to see how anyone can take her campaign seriously.

Between the other two, well the last constable I was close with was, well the Last Constable. And maybe Feducci’s goals of fairness would apply to my poor, abused Rubbery love.

So I’m throwing my hat in with Feducci. If any of his supports run into trouble and need something fixed, please let me help.

“You demand to know why a woman notorious for subcontracting her cases is positioning herself as the saviour of London justice.”

This game is so great, people. So great.

[quote=Arandia][quote=Sir Joseph Marlen]
I seem to be able to accept donation requests, but cannot use a Fixer’s help.
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 6/26/2017[/quote]

I have received several offers of help from Fixers, but I cannot accept them either. When I try to respond, the list of players to choose from is always empty and it won’t let me add a name manually, either.

Therefore, to all fixers who have sent me requests: I assume I am experiencing a glitch. Please bear with me until this is, er … fixed.[/quote]

Having the same problem. Though I’m not sure why accepting must be done through another social action and not simply clicking to accept the help.

I was able to accept a help but I didn’t seem to get any menace reduction from it.

I’ve another help in my message log that I cannot get rid of because they apparently sent it in the ~4 minutes I was a Detective supporter before switching to Feducci. Since we don’t support the same candidates anymore, none of the options work, even the refuse one.

In &quotThe Mayoral Election 1895&quot storylet, the warning &quotThe quality of the Short Story will not affect the rewards&quot didn’t quite work for me, though I read it several times, resulting in me wasting effort creating an Exceptional Short Story. Perhaps it could be reworded &quotCompelling, Thrilling and Exceptional short stories all give the same reward&quot.

[quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Rostygold]The kicker here is that, for all of you people’s arguments in the threads for the candidates, whoever wins, his/her term would not be any more impactful than Jenny’s.

The most that might be obtained from any winner is a premium story accessible only to paying players, and a card that everyone gets.[/quote]
Well, at the minimum there will be:

  1. A free story staring the Mayor at a future festival (last year it was the Festival of the Zee).
  2. The Mayoral influence card.
  3. A premium story for a modest fate price that leaves you and London with something permanent.
  4. A special Christmas card, again purchased with fate.
  5. A special Hallowmas confession/Mr Huffam conversation.
  6. One last Mayoral event at the end of term that introduces the new candidates (in Jenny’s case a ball).[/quote]

We also had the chance to interact with Jenny at the Fruits of the Sea festival, so that’s another seasonal possibility.

[quote=Pnakotic][quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Rostygold]The kicker here is that, for all of you people’s arguments in the threads for the candidates, whoever wins, his/her term would not be any more impactful than Jenny’s.

The most that might be obtained from any winner is a premium story accessible only to paying players, and a card that everyone gets.[/quote]
Well, at the minimum there will be:

  1. A free story staring the Mayor at a future festival (last year it was the Festival of the Zee).
  2. The Mayoral influence card.
  3. A premium story for a modest fate price that leaves you and London with something permanent.
  4. A special Christmas card, again purchased with fate.
  5. A special Hallowmas confession/Mr Huffam conversation.
  6. One last Mayoral event at the end of term that introduces the new candidates (in Jenny’s case a ball).[/quote]

We also had the chance to interact with Jenny at the Fruits of the Sea festival, so that’s another seasonal possibility.[/quote]
I had that listed under number 1…

This is part of the recent upgrade to social actions (and how menace help requests/offers, calling cards, patron/protege etc. interactions work).

This has at least a couple of distinct advantages:

[ul][li]There are more varied options than just Accept/Decline. Currently, there are usually 2 different ways to accept (with different results) and an option to decline.[/li][li]This gives the option (long requested by the community) of sending back a reply message, whether you accept the social action or decline it.[/li][/ul]However, the implementation is still a bit buggy at times. And this can result with you having a message in your queue which you can do nothing with, not even decline it (because even to decline you have to choose the target of your social action, and if the qualities of either of you aren’t what they should be your friend won’t be eligible).

In any such case, I’d recommend to send the details (including your character’s name) to support@failbettergames.com. This is the only way for FBG to track and ultimately fix such issues.


Ohhh… this can only end badly.

I fail to see how any Londoner in his right mind could side with a stern, stern detective, or that sour-faced Temperance Campaigner. Are we not drowning in taxes and regulations already? Are the Constables and agents of the law not meddling in our lives enough? Not to mention how stratified our community has become. Enough of that, I say!

By supporting Feducci, we will be one step closer to granting society a more egalitarian and accepting environment. By Joshua, we have ladies and gentlemen here with the faces of squid! How could we be so intolerant? We must remedy that immediately, and our bandaged friend is sure to help us in that matter.

I have personally met with Feducci on several occasions, and although mysterious, he surely is a man with a sense of justice and fairness. Although I very much appreciate the rule of the Masters, I believe the less entanglements with law, the better off London will be. I shall be campaigning for him, and anyone who wishes to contribute towards his election can feel free to contact me. All support in this regard is very much appreciated.

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

[quote=Kaijyuu]I was able to accept a help but I didn’t seem to get any menace reduction from it.

I’ve another help in my message log that I cannot get rid of because they apparently sent it in the ~4 minutes I was a Detective supporter before switching to Feducci. Since we don’t support the same candidates anymore, none of the options work, even the refuse one.[/quote]

After accepting, the Fixer has to preform some actions and then you get your menace reduced
edited by dariuseng on 6/27/2017

I must say, The Campaigner doesn’t seem the best choice. In my eyes she imposes what she thinks is good on people, but woe if she gets to the level of mayor. The Detective seems good enough, but if we investigate everything, when are we Going to help anything? While I admit that Feducci has flaws in his ideals, he might do his best to loosen the Masters grip on London. And that, I support. (Happy to Donate).

I can’t believe I’m supporting the campaigner, but there you have it

the explanatory text on her card absolutely won me over

[spoiler]The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner tears herself away from a brisk conversation with a member of Humble Order of Mudlarkers and Steeplejacks to answer your questions.

“I have dedicated my life to fighting exploitation. Yes, I’ve fought the honey-pushers, who addict dreamers, and the drink-dealers who poison mothers and fathers. But I’m here to fight the factory-owners, the landlords, the bankers who drive our citizens into such harmful escapes. We must help the addled and afflicted, provide houses of respite and healing. And tea. I am in favour of tea.” She smiles and gives you a firm handshake, before marching away to menace a notoriously unscrupulous landlord.[/spoiler]

I’d take housing for the poor over speculative investment and more brutal policing any day

[quote=IHNIWTR]I can’t believe I’m supporting the campaigner, but there you have it

the explanatory text on her card absolutely won me over

[spoiler]The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner tears herself away from a brisk conversation with a member of Humble Order of Mudlarkers and Steeplejacks to answer your questions.

&quotI have dedicated my life to fighting exploitation. Yes, I’ve fought the honey-pushers, who addict dreamers, and the drink-dealers who poison mothers and fathers. But I’m here to fight the factory-owners, the landlords, the bankers who drive our citizens into such harmful escapes. We must help the addled and afflicted, provide houses of respite and healing. And tea. I am in favour of tea.&quot She smiles and gives you a firm handshake, before marching away to menace a notoriously unscrupulous landlord.[/spoiler]

I’d take housing for the poor over speculative investment and more brutal policing any day[/quote]

Ah, but don’t you know the old saying? &quotPut a roof over a man and you’ve housed him today; subject a man to brutal policing and the rest of his life… well ahem perhaps it’s just better we discuss something more up lifting than poverty…

Hmmm, all of them appeal to me. I don’t know any of them other than a short encounter with the Detective. Need some help

You’ve probably met the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner before. She sometime brings you potato soup when you’re wounded. She has the most progressive platform of the three candidates, declaring: &quotI have dedicated my life to fighting exploitation.&quot

And promising:

[ul][li]Increased tea drinking.[/li][/ul][ul][li]A reduction in the supply of prisoners honey and intoxicating liquors through more stringent licensing and higher prices in order to combat widespread addiction and poverty.[/li][/ul][ul][li]Improved conditions and greater rights for London’s workers, debtors, and tenets.[/li][/ul][ul][li]&quotHouses of respite and healing&quot to aid those stricken by poverty or addiction and to help them recover.[/li][/ul][ul][li]Greater protection for London’s assorted animals - presumably everyone from L.B.'s to Blemmigans.[/li][/ul][ul][li]A crackdowns on spirifiers.[/li][/ul]In a lot of ways one might say that the Campaigner is fighting to expand Jenny’s legacy of modest reform into something far more expansive.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017