Election 1895 Begins!

[quote=Infinity Simulacrum][quote=dariuseng][quote=Anne Auclair]
Feducci is a spy for the Presbyterate who is also allied with Hell. He is receiving cash bribes from the Presbyterate and his campaign manager is a Devil. His platform calls for a culling of legal and class restrictions in order to let people rise and fall as ability and chance dictate (among the restrictions he wants to remove are liquor licenses).

I am very, very skeptical that Feducci has the best interests of London at heart or that his platform is wholly sincere. This is a man who challenges people to duels to the death while being pretty much immortal, has a history of leading those who follow him to destruction (his Hallowmas confession), and is, again, on the Presbyters payroll.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017[/quote]

Oh please, like the Campaigners revolutionary allies are any better. They wish for the collapse of all rules and law. And as for the duels to the death, last I checked his lances weren’t tipped with Cantigaster venom and he doesn’t chop up the body, so his opponents are free to return if they desire[/quote]
They’re not her &quotRevolutionary Allies&quot, they’re trying to get her to repay them for a debt.
The DTC used to be close friends with the previous March of the Calendar Council, a March that for all intents and purposes was mellow and nice and got killed for not being as much of a die-hard revolutionary as the rest.

The Anarchists are indeed trying to pressure our Temperance Campaigner, but don’t think they’re allied with her.[/quote]

I feel it important to note here that that is exactly how the Contrarian started. Then they took over the entire thing. Granted with the DTC at the helm that will be harder, but nonetheless.

They didn’t take over, they were always part of the Contrarian’s campaign…because the Contrarian is a member of the Calendar Council :P

They didn’t take over, they were always part of the Contrarian’s campaign…because the Contrarian is a member of the Calendar Council :P[/quote]

The Contrariant was thoughly against them taking over, which is rare for a man who goes back and forwards on everything.

Beware! The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner claims that she means to help the poor and the downtrodden of London, and yet she plans to restrict their most basic right of ownership–the ownership of their own souls! Every sapient being in London, no matter their antecedents, is born with a soul all their own which they and only they may choose to keep or sell. Who is the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner to take away this fundamental right?

Some may sell their souls to save their lives, or to soothe the pain of their broken hearts, or simply for a change in existence. Soul-selling can be the last hope of the desperate orphan starving in the alleyways of the Flit.

People of London, don’t let the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner steal your choices.

Vote for Feducci and YOU retain the exclusive right to choose the fate of your soul.

Is it too early to give feedback? Because mechanically the mob feels too overpowered. Either you spend 11 actions and second chances ridding yourself of the mob or have your menaces skyrocket getting rid of them, plus dealing with the menace in your deck. And having a mob around locks you out of the flash lay and investigations to boot! It feels like all my actions just go towards menace management instead of any actual electioneering. And it doesn’t make sense to me story-wise why performing good deeds would raise scandal. Take it easy with the menace raising mechanics next time, FBG

Okay…since I see no counter argument against the Detective, I guess I’ll start campaigning for her…unless I get persuaded otherwise

[quote=Kylestien][quote=Infinity Simulacrum][quote=dariuseng][quote=Anne Auclair]
Feducci is a spy for the Presbyterate who is also allied with Hell. He is receiving cash bribes from the Presbyterate and his campaign manager is a Devil. His platform calls for a culling of legal and class restrictions in order to let people rise and fall as ability and chance dictate (among the restrictions he wants to remove are liquor licenses).

I am very, very skeptical that Feducci has the best interests of London at heart or that his platform is wholly sincere. This is a man who challenges people to duels to the death while being pretty much immortal, has a history of leading those who follow him to destruction (his Hallowmas confession), and is, again, on the Presbyters payroll.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017[/quote]

Oh please, like the Campaigners revolutionary allies are any better. They wish for the collapse of all rules and law. And as for the duels to the death, last I checked his lances weren’t tipped with Cantigaster venom and he doesn’t chop up the body, so his opponents are free to return if they desire[/quote]
They’re not her &quotRevolutionary Allies&quot, they’re trying to get her to repay them for a debt.
The DTC used to be close friends with the previous March of the Calendar Council, a March that for all intents and purposes was mellow and nice and got killed for not being as much of a die-hard revolutionary as the rest.

The Anarchists are indeed trying to pressure our Temperance Campaigner, but don’t think they’re allied with her.[/quote]

I feel it important to note here that that is exactly how the Contrarian started. Then they took over the entire thing. Granted with the DTC at the helm that will be harder, but nonetheless.[/quote]

Honestly, the main reason I’m voting for Feducci is because while he may or may not be a backstabbing adrenaline junkie of a hypocrite, so far he seems to be the ONLY candidate not allied with those celestialcide obsessed madmen.

Better to ambiguously associate with Hell/Stone’s pets, than mob rule in the Liberation.

The detective is a fool who only cares for her own friends and wants to give more power to the Bobbies, who are already free to freely beat up innocents in the street. The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner supports the poor, the hungry, the fallen!

My Panther would be very unhappy if I supported the Detective given her contacts with the Fingerkings.

They didn’t take over, they were always part of the Contrarian’s campaign…because the Contrarian is a member of the Calendar Council :P[/quote]

The Contrariant was thoughly against them taking over, which is rare for a man who goes back and forwards on everything.[/quote]
Actually we don’t know his opinion on the matter as he has never stated what he thought. He could have invited February to take the job for all we know.

They didn’t take over, they were always part of the Contrarian’s campaign…because the Contrarian is a member of the Calendar Council :P[/quote]

The Contrariant was thoughly against them taking over, which is rare for a man who goes back and forwards on everything.[/quote]
Actually we don’t know his opinion on the matter as he has never stated what he thought. He could have invited February to take the job for all we know.[/quote]

…I’m pretty sure he hated it. There was text and everything. Anyone got the exact quote?

I intended to vote for the Detective at first - decent, logical, sponsor- but her campaign is too narrow in scope. DTC on the other hand seems to push Jenny’s agenda of social reform forward and the Dauntless part might make her even more productive that our cautious former mayor. Personally I find it really funny that after voting for bohemian favorite Jenny you need to vote for DTC if you want her work to continue, but Jolanda is dedicated to the cause, no matter who is behind it.

The Detective doesn’t really like people. Her campaign treats London’s neighborhoods like an occupying army. The police are already insanely powerful and can beat up or even secretly kill suspects up with impunity, so giving them more power seems like a bad idea. She’s an ally of the Masters, a regular at Mr Wine’s revels, and she is allied with the Serpent Kings of Parabola. All her plans are entirely focused on the police force and she doesn’t have any program for the rest of London.


So is half of London. By the same token, since the DTC had dealing with the revolutionaries in the past, does this mean she’s an ally of the Calendar Council?

The Detective doesn’t really like people. Her campaign treats London’s neighborhoods like an occupying army. The police are already insanely powerful and can beat up or even secretly kill suspects up with impunity, so giving them more power seems like a bad idea. She’s an ally of the Masters, a regular at Mr Wine’s revels, and she is allied with the Serpent Kings of Parabola. All her plans are entirely focused on the police force and she doesn’t have any program for the rest of London.[/quote]

I see. Before I make my choice, how would both the Bohemians and the Church fair under the terms of each of the candidates?

The DTC has reformed pro-temperance Bohemians supporting her, so I guess Bohemians who belong to the Celestial school would do very well. This would be a change from Jenny’s favoritism towards the Bazaarines (who she hired to staff her Ministry of Public Works that never seemed to build anything). Feducci has a lot of supporters from the Young Stag’s Club, which includes a few Bohemians of the naughtier sort, and he appears very favorably disposed towards pranks and mischief. The Detective doesn’t appear to have any Bohemian supporters at all and given Bohemians often have run-ins with the law, it’s not hard to imagine why.

As for the Church, the DTC has vicars among her supporters and she was subtly given an endorsement by the Bishop of Southwark himself at the election ball. The Detective is being supported by Summerset College, which is the explicitly Christian school in London’s university. Feducci on the other hand is allied with Hell and has a Devil as his campaign manager, so he’s very anti-Church.

Right then. Hopefully the chaps at the College will be happy. I’ll campaign for the DTC. Also, will the Bohemians who have no labels sill benefit? Just a question I need to know. I need some menace reduction so help would be appreciated. I can still be swayed by any good arguments but for now the DTC has my vote

There are good and bad reasons for all of them! Cecily cannot quite bring herself to vote for DTC, after having her reputation so thoroughly abused by her for so many years. Also, while supporting wholeheartedly the continuation of Jenny’s work on behalf of the poor, she also feels that true scholarship often seems to require honey.

The Detective is a useful ally, but narrow-minded and wants to give more power to the police, who already are a rather corrupt problem in London.

Which leaves Feducci, who is probably a bad idea. But he’s an old friend, and part of us cannot help but want to press the shiny button to see what happens. Scholarship also requires risk. After all, do we not read the Correspondence even though we may lose our eyebrows? So while it is not a wholehearted endorsement, we have decided to throw in with the not-a-tomb-colonist.

So, how does the post-campaign reward work? Do you have to click some card with an expiration date? Or will it be given to everybody who participated, regardless of them being available for the reward recieval in the end?

Probably depends on the works they produce, so it would depend on the individual artist. That’s the trouble with the ‘no labels’ Bohemians - they’re impossible to generalize.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/27/2017