Election 1895 Begins!

The Campaigner has Tea. I don’t believe any of the other candidates have promised beverages.

[quote=Sam Stephens]I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD[/quote]
Naturally, I’d invite you to join the cause of the Temperance Campaign, being as I have sided with our dignified lady.
If you’re not familiar with the Temperance movement in the 19th century, it had strong ties to Women’s Suffrage (equality) and Animal Rights, so it’s not only helping the poor, it’s helping everyone who’s finding himself at a disadvantage for being born different in our beautiful little London.

If you find yourself on our side of the fray, be sure to hit up our donations page, we have some fixers who’d be more than pleased to offer you some scandal and suspicon cures, and plenty are willing to donate if you happen to be a campaigner.

The Campaigner has Tea. I don’t believe any of the other candidates have promised beverages.[/quote]
I’ll have you know the gents in blue are known for their coffee and donuts, thank you very much! ;)

The candidates aren’t perfect this year, but I’ll take magical cartography and legal reckonings any day.

Question: does the 6 echo option for campaign donations benefit campaigners more than giving silks? I’d rather give silks, but if money’s better I’ll do that.

[quote=Sam Stephens]I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD[/quote]

The Detective is my sponsor at the Dilmun Club, and I respect her prowess. But the last thing this city needs is more police force and broader power.

The Campaigner is kind to animals and addicts, and that’s what’s important to me. Feducci claims to want to help the poor too, but his rhetoric sounds like he’ll just remove the few protections workers have in London.

[quote=aegisaglow]Question: does the 6 echo option for campaign donations benefit campaigners more than giving silks? I’d rather give silks, but if money’s better I’ll do that.

[quote=Sam Stephens]I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD[/quote]

The Detective is my sponsor at the Dilmun Club, and I respect her prowess. But the last thing this city needs is more police force and broader power.

The Campaigner is kind to animals and addicts, and that’s what’s important to me. Feducci claims to want to help the poor too, but his rhetoric sounds like he’ll just remove the few protections workers have in London.[/quote]

I started with The Campaigner. Then in checking deeper into her campaign, I found that she had close ties to the Anarchists. Anyone who is willing to help with the Liberation of the Night gets a hard pass from me. We’ll see what dirty secrets I can dig up on the other two and then I’ll decide which one I’m going to give my vote to.

As a reminder and semi-announcement, the Campaign posters are up for purchase on the Gametee website now, and they are lovely!

New guy here, but is it worth investing in this election campaign? If I do take part, what benefits do I get y doing so? Pardon me if this is the wrong thread.

It isn’t close ties to anarchists, it’s anarchists squatting on old connections. I doubt she’s the LoN candidate with her being the church candidate.

[quote=Infinity Simulacrum][quote=Sam Stephens]I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD[/quote]
Naturally, I’d invite you to join the cause of the Temperance Campaign, being as I have sided with our dignified lady.
If you’re not familiar with the Temperance movement in the 19th century, it had strong ties to Women’s Suffrage (equality) and Animal Rights, so it’s not only helping the poor, it’s helping everyone who’s finding himself at a disadvantage for being born different in our beautiful little London.

If you find yourself on our side of the fray, be sure to hit up our donations page, we have some fixers who’d be more than pleased to offer you some scandal and suspicon cures, and plenty are willing to donate if you happen to be a campaigner.[/quote]

where is the donation page? I’ve just started as a campaigner.

And I continue to wonder, my dearest fellow Londoners - will we ever see a Master on a campaign for a Mayor.
Yes, they are not into politics. But definitely into money and power :)


[quote=Sir Joseph Marlen]
I seem to be able to accept donation requests, but cannot use a Fixer’s help.
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 6/26/2017[/quote]

I have received several offers of help from Fixers, but I cannot accept them either. When I try to respond, the list of players to choose from is always empty and it won’t let me add a name manually, either.

Therefore, to all fixers who have sent me requests: I assume I am experiencing a glitch. Please bear with me until this is, er … fixed.

It isn’t close ties to anarchists, it’s anarchists squatting on old connections. I doubt she’s the LoN candidate with her being the church candidate.[/quote]
Some old ties make sense. Wasn’t March her brother? Or at the least a very dear friend? Given that the Calendar Council murdered March for being insufficiently dedicated to the LoN, I doubt Campaigner’s all that keen on them. But March’s old friends might be keen on her.

btw, Sinning Jenny’s Finishing School does not have an election related card :(
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/26/2017

A bit late here, but I think I squealed a little bit in surprise when the Jenny and the last year candidates remembered who I backed, I particularly enjoyed the Contrarian’s reaction when talking to him as a supporter of him in last years election (but then again, I might just be a sentimental fool :P). Anyways, like last year I choose Fixer as my campaign profession and cast my vote with Feducci,

[quote=Sam Stephens]I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD[/quote]
I’m sure the Detective will forgive you if you help with that Mountain of Light business ^_^ The Detective’s program is so harsh and narrowly tailored - where there’s a velvet glove it’s only for members of her own profession who have fallen on hard times (and probably with one particular detective in mind before all else). The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner will help the Honey Addled Detective as surely as she helps everyone else. You can’t beat a universal program.

As I did last year I have a character of every profession, but poor Hebediah is having a terrible time finding agitators to fight. I can’t help but feel like they’re at something of a disadvantage because they can only interact with fellow agitators of different allegiances.

[quote=SirKwint]And I continue to wonder, my dearest fellow Londoners - will we ever see a Master on a campaign for a Mayor.
Yes, they are not into politics. But definitely into money and power :)[/quote]
I doubt it, I think they would consider it a step down. I suspect they would only consider it if some Mayor proved meddlesome enough to have an effect on their affairs, but my impression is that Jenny was frustrated by the lack of progress on that front. Perhaps a more well-connected Mayor might be able to elevate the office.

So Feducci fought with the Republicans in Hell’s Revolution, is taking huge bribes from the Presbyterate (to the surprise of no one), and his campaign manager is a Devil. It’s kind of funny and very appropriate that he’s using actual red flags for his standard.

Hm, I’m unsure who to support, myself…

Oh hell, do I really have to choose between my love of tea, love of swordplay, and love of a good mystery?