Election 1895 Begins!

Same, GoingFTL - so there wasn’t anything about it mentioned for me.

Additionally, does anyone know the job + supporter you must be to get a Mutton Island Account?

They ask us to commit to a candidate so soon! I generally expect to be wooed.

The text for changing your candidate includes the bit about getting a free gift, even though changing candidates doesn’t give one.

The option text for purchasing the Seven-Times-Exiled Parliamentarian’s Guide to Electioneering says &quotOn the occasion of London’s first Mayoral Election&quot.

Most heinously, joining the Implacable Detective’s campaign said she gave me a business card, but I didn’t get one! So rude of her.
edited by Optimatum on 6/26/2017

Well, this is all rather fun. I think this is going to be my favourite seasonal thingummy. Cheers, FB.

The old game engine seems to be struggling a tad, mind. Clanking, puffing and wheezing like nobody’s business. Might be an idea to get a few rats working on the old girl, what?

Pretty sure that one is Fate-only, and not tied to a job or candidate. There are several of those, including the voting booth which might be new this year.

ah. i hate campaigning. can’t i just cast a vote and murder some interns?
edited by rebelanarch-82 on 6/26/2017

Pretty sure that one is Fate-only, and not tied to a job or candidate. There are several of those, including the voting booth which might be new this year.[/quote]

Ah, thank you for clearing that up.

I’m supporting Dauntless. Sure, she hates us, but she looks to be the best option, to continue last year’s trend of helping the poor. Feducci may promise change, but remember his loyalties.
Edit: Misread.
edited by GoingFTL on 6/26/2017

No, she doesn’t. The boots are linked to the Campaigner career, not to any of the candidates.

Any Dauntless dudes that need a fixing, ask Gummy! http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/hellaGummy
edited by hellaGumshoe on 7/3/2017

I think they mentioned that posters will be available starting 20:30 BST, which should be in…what, two hours?

I fear that my messages tab is glitched and refuses to accept most social actions. Hopefully support will answer my help request, but in the meantime, I’d suggest fixers to avoid my account in the meantime. Thanks for the backlog of help, though, I’ll get to it as soon as this is fixed.

EDIT: I seem to be able to accept donation requests, but cannot use a Fixer’s help.
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 6/26/2017

I don’t care for Dauntless’ goals and find her interference bothersome and tedious, and while I do greatly respect IDs intellect… let’s just say the constables and I are not very often on the same side. While Feducci’s agenda runs deeper I’m relatively confident I can handle whatever fresh hell he might unleash and chaos brings opportunity.

On a somewhat unrelated I love the art on the candidates.

[quote=SleepingD]I don’t care for Dauntless’ goals and find her interference bothersome and tedious, and while I do greatly respect IDs intellect… let’s just say the constables and I are not very often on the same side. While Feducci’s agenda runs deeper I’m relatively confident I can handle whatever fresh hell he might unleash and chaos brings opportunity.

On a somewhat unrelated I love the art on the candidates.[/quote]

If you look into the investigation for the Detective, you’ll find out she’s not as big on the Constables’s law as we might think. Unless your problem is her affiliation with them at all. In which case, the bandaged prince probably is your best pick.

edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 6/26/2017

Should any supporter of Feducci find themselves in need, I welcome the opportunity to fix any troubles you should have. Send your invitations round and I’ll tend to them as swiftly as I can. The more dedicated supporters will see election materials sent by to further the cause.

Address all correspondence to Bricriu. It will find me.
edited by Bricriu on 6/26/2017

Im mad cause I finally just got rid of my scandal, suspicion, and a mob and was a bout to start a Flash Lay, but right as I clicked it, someone sicced another blasted mob on me.

Oh yeah, Oneiropompus is campaigning for Feducci, and happy to help any other supporters in kind

EDIT: NOPE! I’m with Temperance now!
edited by Cthonius on 7/4/2017

I think they mentioned that posters will be available starting 20:30 BST, which should be in…what, two hours?[/quote]

I missed that; thanks!

[quote=dov][quote=Fadewalker]Three new items this year,

you get the first for free and further for 30 fate.
Epicurean War-Helm: Hat, Feducci only, +8 Dangerous, +1 Dreaded;
Corinthian Belfry Hat: Hat, Detective only, +8 Shadowy, +1 Bizarre;
Indignant Bearskin: Hat, DTC only, +8 Persuasive, +1 Respectable.

Last year:


Feducci’s item is best in slot for Dangerous, excluding profession items and Moods.
The Detective’s item is best in slot for Shadowy, excluding Moods

In short: Vote Detective! :-)

edited by dov on 6/26/2017[/quote]
Useful data. Many thanks!

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m strongly considering the Campaigner for my candidate. She claims to be helping the poor, after all. Do I really need mushroom wines more than the poor need food?

On the other hand, I have some ties pulling me towards the Detective. I began as a detective myself, and we’re fellow members of the Dilmun Club. How could I look her in the eye at meetings unless I lend her my vote?

Could anybody help me decide? I’m in a bit of a dilemma here. XD