December Exceptional Story: Por Una Cabeza

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]The Exceptional Story for December is here![/color][/color]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]

[color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]You are invited to join the [/color]
[/color][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]Mollusca Tour de London! Intrigue, dirty tricks and all manner of slugs abound! Who will win – who will cheat – and what will be the cost for racer and gambler alike?[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(0, 51, 255)][color=rgb(29, 28, 29)]
[color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]Por Una Cabeza is the first story in the Season of Animals and was written by Chandler Groover. [/color]
[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]In this season you will experience three stories of the bonds between human and beast, the fauna of the Neath and the divides between London and the animal kingdom.[/color][/color]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][font=facitweb-1, facitweb-2, &quotLucida Sans Unicode&quot, &quotLucida Grande&quot, sans-serif][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]
Begin with the Season of Animals card available throughout London.

Editing and QA: James Chew and Olivia Wood
Art: Tobias Cook

Exceptional Friendship

In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:

[/color][/font][/color][ul][li][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private members’ club on the Stolen River, packed with content[/color][/li][li][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six![/color][/li][li][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once![/color][/li][/ul][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][font=facitweb-1, facitweb-2, &quotLucida Sans Unicode&quot, &quotLucida Grande&quot, sans-serif][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]
Finishing all three stories in the Season of Animals will make you eligible for an additional opportunity, to follow.

If you want to keep an Exceptional Story beyond its release month, you must complete the related storylet in the current Season’s card. This will save it for you to return to another time.[/color][/font][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]EN: Updated with a link to Chandler’s website![/color][/color]
edited by James StAnthony on 12/9/2019

Lovely so far! But honestly, I hope it allows us to slap a certain someone with a leaf of lettuce really, really hard in the end.
In a completely unrelated note, the art weirds me out. I don’t know if it’s the slappable face or the anachronistic haircut/jewels/expression but I can say with certainty that the slag is the most likable thing in this picture.

She does rather look like a female lead from a 1980s punk movie, given piercings ca. 2010 and put in a dress and pearls that could be from any period but not her social class. Perhaps she spends too much time at the Brass Embassy (pun not intended)?

I thought so too, but this doesn’t seem to be where the story leads.

Just in case, I’m going to get rolling on a new edition of The Sub-Terrestrial Times-Examiner.

I am on the third leg of the race and still haven’t found
[spoilers] the phonograph key [/spoilers]

Is that normal? Should I have picked it up by now?

I cannot continue with the story until I know.
edited by Jolanda Swan on 11/28/2019

Keep progressing through the story and you’ll eventually get it

edited by The Ambivalent Dynamo on 11/29/2019

just so you two know your spoiler tags aren’t working

PSA: For those of us with a certain apple cider, there’s a little something at the end.

For people who have the Racing Slug of Fine Pedigree [Society Favor Pet], does it open up any extra options? It would be weird for them to include an option for something as niche as Cider, only to ignore the pet that likely inspired this story in the first place.

Oh God this was beautiful. Great characters. Great scenes. Amazing ending. And the Cider snippet in the end - that was really worth it.

For those interested, I’ve echoed the secret ending mentioned by Azothi:

For those curious what happens if you helped the orphans win: Fallen London . If anyone helped the Rat Jockey/Rubbery Man would you know what happened?

edited by The Ambivalent Dynamo on 11/29/2019

edited by mp on 11/29/2019

As someone who grinded for years to get my own cider, I just wanted to say this story was worth it for finally having someone in-story I can share a sip with.

Got my sweet Zahir ending. Couldn’t help but choose the gambler.
edited by Pryno Belle on 11/29/2019

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][spoiler] Rat Victory: [/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/spoiler][/color]

Well, I’m going to wait to complete this story till I get my own cider. Best start grinding now!

What a fabulous story. I got back to playing after a hiatus and wow, this story… it was truly exceptional. I’ll admit to some bias as I’ve lived in Argentina and I have a great love for certain aspects of it… not to mention that I find Villar quite appealing and would happily have my character marry her were that possible.

I looked up the song ‘Por Una Cabeza’, and it’s from 1935. I think this is additional confirmation (on top of the fact that their fashion is ahead of its time by a few decades) that Hell has at least some access to the future.

[quote=James StAnthony][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(0, 51, 255)]In this season you will experience three stories of the bonds between human and beast, the fauna of the Neath and the divides between London and the animal kingdom.[/color][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/color][/quote]At looong last!!!
After more than a year since I expressed my opinion about something like this, we have such an ES!