Really curious about that song on the phonograph.
edited by Hymenaeus on 11/29/2019
As soon as she mentioned seeking out the garden I was hoping having the cider would be acknowledged, and I was pleasantly surprised it was indeed! I think this is the first time ever it has had any use in a story.
Secret Heptagoat ending next month? :)
I am happy about that too. Makes me wonder if the previous story about the language of flowers shouldn’t get a rewrite too, though I understand the logistic would be too complicated.
I loved this story. Things that I had completed years ago became slightly relevant or outright updated, a woman after my own heart, and a reason to grind for the infamous cider.
While this Exceptional Story literally and metaphorically started out sluggishly it is easily a contender for my ES of 2019 and I hope we see Clementina again, soon.
I don’t know what it is about sports themed Exceptional Stories, but we clearly need more of them. This didn’t quite reach the heights of "Cricket, Anyone?" to me, but it was a great ES. I liked that the lighter tone didn’t lower the stakes of the story, and I ended up liking Clementina a lot. It was fun to see my ambition and choice of benefactor acknowledged in here, too.
Ehm… When and how exactly should the race move forward? I have tore down my lodgings during the first leg of the race, only to find out the slugs haven’t moved at all: Por una Cabeza remains at 41, and nothing I do seems to change it.
edit: grammar
edited by Μαρσ on 11/29/2019
I’m investating the Rubber
edited by simone on 11/29/2019
I’m investating the Rubber
edited by simone on 11/29/2019[/quote]你需要去Mrs Plenty’s Carnival.
Another lovely Chandler story! The plot was humorous and gripping, the prose delectable, and Doña Villar’s characterization was fantastic. This story falls slightly below My Kingdom and Cricket for me, but playing this was still a blast. Though his prior stories leave Chandler’s general plot direction more predictable, the execution of the twists and mechanical depth felt fresh as always. (Though I was less impressed with this particular Ending Weirdness scene.) And like others, I’m grateful for a chance to use my Cider for good!
I wonder how many people will intentionally lose their bet, or sabotage hers…
Check the newspaper from the main storylet! Each phase of the race, you need to both investigate in one location and watch the race at another.
Those mice are so cute that I didn’t help others in the back. I’m curious about the result of deliberately losing the final gamble. Is anyone willing to tell me?
[quote = The Curious Watcher] [quote = chiche]那些老鼠是如此可爱,以至于我没有帮助别人。我对故意输掉最后一场赌博的结果感到好奇。有谁愿意告诉我吗?[/ quote] [/ quote]
This is the first ES I played since I returned to Fallen London. It was to my great delight. Tension and entanglement were finely constructed and neatly arranged in one wager. And Doña Villar, tricky and charming. I was also glad to see the sluggish fashion mentioned before now being implemented with bread and butter of London life. I loved this one.
I really enjoyed this one. It took me a while to get into it at first, and generally I found the writing style to be a little on the nose and not quite as classically ‘esoteric’ and obscure (suppose there’s a reason for that, though), but I really liked the story. After a while I got really into the Dona Villar character and everything surrounding her proved to be super interesting. I felt a little guilty for giving a helping hand to her ‘friend’ in the end, but the ending was satisfying regardless of that choice (even though it rendered that choice thus redundant). The mechanics of the race was really a nice addition, and the comedy of such a race last for months was hilarious. Overall a really pleasant and engaging experience!
This ES is definitely going on my list of favorite stories, and Doña Villar on my list of favorite characters.
Jolanda deeply disliked Dona Villar but her heart grew so warm in the end, many unsavroy things were forginen. I used her Cider in the end of course - I would have used it anyway.
Also, having danced that kind of tango where you think you have died and yet it doesn’t matter, I found the descriptions out of this world. It’s easy to get cheesy when writing about tango, and to avoid that, and deliver such a scene instead, was no small feat.
Finally, I really wish for more stories like that, where our actions matter and we are able to bring about a really happy ending if we wish so. It’s Christmass, after all!
That was a fantastic jaunt, and a great story with really enjoyable characters. And a good mix of the sinister, the exotic, the surreal, and the picaresque… some of my favorite elements of Fallen London’s stories fell into place and it felt like it had been a while… maybe just a while since I wasn’t gauging mechanics, fretting about outcomes, or hunting out lore snippets and just enjoyed the caper unfolding. I liked the story a lot, and I very much hope to see Doña Villar again in the future. Yo me juego entero, qué le voy a hacer!
My husband, esrtweet, is having trouble figuring out how to finish the race. He has the phonograph key and has used it, but now no matter what he does, either the racers are affected or he’s fighting lettuce. If you have any assistance to provide, you can send me a PM to cathyr19355. Thanks!
For anyone having trouble with this… I got stuck in the loop for a long time. Without spoilers–at the end of the race you can "fine tune" the position of each of the three slugs. Do not do what I did and just boost your favored entrant to ridiculous levels. I got mine to 21 thinking that would ensure victory. Ha ha ha. That meant a LOT of backtracking. The secret is that the other slugs must be at exactly 9, no more, no less. Your entrant must be at 10 or better. Then you can hunt around for the card that will let you finish the race. It’s easy enough to fix, but tedious and it quickly becomes an action sink. This was my one quibble with an otherwise superlative ES!
Speeding up a slug boosts that one forward a lot, but boosts the other two forward a little bit. Slowing down a slug pulls it back a lot, but also rewinds the other two a little bit.
The race ends when two slugs are at 9, and the other one (the one you want to win) is I think at 12.
Lettucefighting happens, I believe, every 2 phonograph actions.
I think the mechanic’s just a bit off because the only way to know what levels of slug progress you need is to actually hover over the requirements for the ending storylet; if you just boost one slug a lot, that slug will end up ahead but the other two will also have too much progress.