Correspondents making Orphanage calls!

I’m available for lectures as well.

I would be overjoyed at the opportunity to impart some education on young minds.

As would I!

Please apply my name to that list as well. I welcome the chance to…enlighten young minds.


Well, I quite unexpectedly made Correspondent today, so add me to the list of fiery scholars.

– Mal

Penstock’s Wicket is about to open for some lucky, prominent individuals.
Those few who can access the heart of the being we call Bazaar should be of a higher caliber, of a more notable state than the rest.
Will YOU get an invitation to view the Bazaar’s dreams, feelings and desires? Are you notable enough to get invited afterwards to live at the Bazaar’s spire, at the Bethlehem’s suite, at hell’s embassy?
A former Parabolian Glassman, a doctor with ash-colored clothes and ash-colored humor is making a visit as a Correspondent.
An evening which we shall talk about &quotGenetics&quot - a new groundbreaking revelation of the human body. It is the fibers of one’s soul, bonding it to one’s body and mind. It is a missing link which explains… who we are… what we are. Why some of us are built with brilliant radiance while others not so. This &quotGenetics&quot are not written in stone, as they say. It is possible to change one’s own by applying a few careful strokes of a brush inked with Violant.
Allow me to demonstrate on your children. Allow me to make them… better, brighter… Whole.
Are you brave enough to invite me? Do you have what it takes to be at the front of humanity’s next giant leap?
DO - YOU - DARE raising your notability through me?
edited by Gonen on 1/5/2016

Seeking Enlightenment for young minds? Looking for a different sort of Correspondent, one who probably won’t set eyebrows aflame and has a generally low rate of Induced Insanity? Forget what you may have heard from Guttersnipes, Scalawags and Gossips about that Unfortunate Business at the Shuttered Palace, and call upon the new Perfectly Unscandalous Scholar of Correspondence, Tryst. I may not be able to guarantee loss of urchins to Mirrors, Rebellious Attitude or Madness, but I can guarantee a Memorable Education for yr Open Young Minds.

Kids are our future, best to prepare them now for what is coming. . .
In other words, I would be happy to accept any invite!

Master of the last alphabet, available for teaching young urchins the powers of mind-crush.

As a recently accredited correspondent, I’d be delighted to help the children learn. Learning is good after all, even if it is on fire. Please feel free to invite me!

Being a scholar has always been my first and foremost pursuit in London, archaeology is my passion, the Correspondence is my art. I’d be happy to teach what i know to your eager young children, i ask for nothing but the experience of teaching <3

After a brief, frenzied grind (and perhaps a few favourable circumstances), I recently managed to become a Correspondent. Should anyone require their urchins to be lectured by a questionable scholar on a further questionable subject, I would happily oblige.

I am, in fact, a writer in flames and glory. The Glass Boffin would find it lovely to help you.

[li]While it sounds like there are more than enough folks to help the orphans, I will note that I am also a Correspondent.
[li]I’d be delighted to converse with other scholars of the correspondence quite in the absence of orphans, and this seems a good way to identify each other. Please feel free to send me your card, or an invitation to chess or coffee or some other forum for conversation if anyone is simply looking for opportunities for dialogue.

If it so happens that you need a Correspondent for your magnificent institution, and everyone before yours truly has mysteriously vanished from the game, I would be grateful for any invitations.

I would be delighted to assist in educating the orphans. I will endeavor to keep scorch marks to a minimum.

I believe that education is important for all youths, especially Letters.

If they occasionally happen to result in unfortunate accidents or temporary insanity, that is the price of all public education.

Got to agree with a fellow Eagle. One of the most important things you can learn in scouting is fire safety. The poor orphans of London should be afforded the same lessons, even if the combustibility is only a side effect.
edited by FireOfUnknownOrigin on 8/1/2016

As creature who desires to learn the language that underpins reality, i’d love to stop by an teach a few urchins. A few minor singes, and the occasional insanity is a small price to play. Besides drinking dark dew coffee is just as dangerous.

Its in my signature, but I may as well say it here; I’m good for lectures, but be sure to keep some water around.