Correspondents making Orphanage calls!

I too am a correspondent and would not mind imparting knowledge lesser minds might term “Extremely dangerous” or “Horrifying in nature”.

I’d be happy to swing by your orphanage and educate your wards in Linguistics if you’re willing to have me.[li]

Looking for a Correspondent to teach your parentally challenged youngsters the language of the stars? I’m a long time Correspondent with extensive experience on the subject. I’ve learned nearly all there is to know about the Correspondence and still have most of my eyebrows. I can almost completely probably guarantee an acceptable number of singed fingers and no more than one death due to accidental self immolation.
edited by An Individual on 8/18/2016

My services as a lecturer are available to those seeking a Correspondent.
edited by Aardent Lore on 9/24/2016
edited by Aardent Lore on 9/24/2016

Good-natured curiosity and determination should be taught to all youth! Symbols that catch things on fire and drive people insane are a very useful medium for such instruction! As a Correspondent, I would be perfectly fine with preparing the future generation of seekers of the Neath’s many mysteries. Invite me at your pleasure!

My passion is to guide the impressionable youth of the Neath into understanding how to harness the power of words. And what a power it is… invite me and I will begin to impart my knowledge.
edited by PerspicaciousAdministrator on 9/25/2016

I also am willing to part my knowledge to impressionable children. I can even teach them how to spell ‘big black rooster’ in correspondence runes. I’m sure that’ll come in handy.

I would be more than eager to share my knowledge with any combustible young minds seeking to learn.

I would love to educate those charming little scamps!

I’m also available for any and all burning quieries.

I’m sure I could think of one thing or another to ‘‘teach’’ any possible ‘‘students’’

As a newly certified Correspondent, I should be delighted to make myself available to teach those unfortunates of unknown or absent parentage who desire to learn of such matters.

It would be my pleasure to educate your children in the burning script that leads to madness

Took a brief sabbatical as a Doctor for the purposes of a carriage ride, but am back to my one true calling and ready to educate some combustible young ones.

I too am happy to teach children how to combine calligraphy and arson.

Children: come! Learn! Combust! Be at once experimenter and experimentee as we, together, discover the effects of the Correspondence on your education. Will you attain enlightenment? Almost certainly; the Correspondence is a very bright language. Will you survive the lesson? Perhaps not.

Either way, currently advertising my services as new Correspondent:

Mannfred von Darken is more then happy to educate the little kiddies. It’s all worth it to see their shining eyes … and burning eyebrows.

Violet Bandit is always happy to illuminate bright young minds. Ocasionally literally.
edited by VioletBandit on 2/2/2017

Rainbowcakeball is willing to educate some curious tykes

My alt, Catherine Raymond, is no longer an Author. She has become a Correspondent, and it eager to educate orphans other than those at the Orphanage she herself runs. My main character, cathyr19355, has been a Correspondent for quite a while now. Both are available to educate Orphans.
edited by cathyr19355 on 2/11/2017
edited by cathyr19355 on 2/11/2017