Confession Trading

Hello! I’m open for all social actions and confession trading! Currently only have one Illuminated Gentlemen, looking for all others!

This is my first Hallowmas. I am hungry for confessions. Feed me.

I just found out you can’t send your own confessions. Oh, well. I’m up for all social actions, then.
edited by Monsieur Dummour on 10/24/2016
edited by Monsieur Dummour on 10/24/2016

To put it simply i’m up for anything!
edited by Rahov on 10/24/2016

I have way too many illuminated gentlemen, keen to trade for anything else.

Also keen for social interactions as I have no friends T.T


I currently have a spare Soft-Hearted Widow’s confession, and I am looking for the Kashmiri Princess’ confession. I’m also open for any kind of social interaction!
edited by sumenya on 10/24/2016

So I now have a spare Sinning Jenny confession and 3 Kashmiri Princess confessions to trade.

I’m looking for an Illuminated Gentlemen confession, a Lettice confession and a Captivating Princess confession.

Assuming all of those are currently available in the game, feel free to message me here or in game to arrange a trade.

Edit: Now I just have 2 Kashmiri Princess confessions to trade, and I am looking for the Soft Hearted Widow for now. I am informed that the Lettice and Captivating Princess confessions will have to wait until next week it seems.

Thanks to all who offered trades so far and apologies to those I had to decline but I went with those who offered trades first where I could.
edited by NinjaComedian on 10/24/2016

Currently have three Soft-Hearted Widows, looking for Lettice, Feducci, and the Illuminated Gentleman. Open to other trades as things progress, and always very glad for any friendly interactions and any opportunity to help out fellow neathers.

I have an extra Kashmiri Princess and am looking to trade it for a Widow (No longer looking). I am also open to most social actions.
edited by Archgan on 10/24/2016

I have Kashimir, the Widow and the Gentleman but am searching for the princess and the lettice.
Just sent an offer
Also feel free to add me for any social stuff. I won’t bite I promise ;)

In ladybones road, you can trade Sinning Jenny’s confession in for either the kashmiri princess or the Illuminated gentleman. Future tip for people trading.

Hi there !
I wish to trade a Kashmiri Princess, i’m looking for Sinning Jenny Done
You can also add me for any social stuff, i’ll be pleased to meet you.
edited by Lan Mandragoran on 10/24/2016

I have a Kashmiri Princess confession and I require a Soft-Hearted Widow confession currently. If anyone is interested feel free to message me.

Edit: Got my confession!
edited by TeslaWalker on 10/25/2016

Looking to trade for a sinning jenny. I have both the illuminated gentleman and the soft hearted widow to trade.
Also up for any social stuff!

I’m available for trades at
I currently need a Soft-Hearted Widow and I have a Kashmiri Princess, an Illuminated Gentleman, and a Sinning Jenny to trade.
edited by BlarghBox on 10/24/2016

All interactions welcome.

It is my first Hollowmask

Everything is welcome :)

Good Evening delicious friends. I am looking for an Illuminated Gentleman’s confession. I can trade Sinning Jenny’s confession in compensation. Contact me if you are interested.
~Mr. Mistophelees

Edit: I have traded away my confession from Sinning Jenny. Good luck my friends!
edited by mrmistophelees on 10/24/2016

Hello there, delicious friends, I am open for any social interactions.
Happy hallowmas.

Howdy Londoners!
I fell into this place recently, and already in love with it.
Open for friendly interactions and all manner of social business.

Got an extra confession from Sinning Jenny. Looking for a confession from Feducci or the Illuminated Gentleman. Our name is the same as it is.

EDIT: No longer have any extras to trade.
edited by Snowskeeper on 10/24/2016