Confession Trading

Add me for social interactions :)

Also looking to trade a Soft Hearted Widows Confession for The Kashmiri Princesses Confession so I can upgrade my Alluring Accomplice

EDIT: Traded :D
edited by AzraelWalker on 10/25/2016

I have a Kashmiri Princess, which I’d like to trade for a Soft-Hearted Widow. Would appreciate help!

Done. Thank you SunnyTime!
edited by Tozh Taurog on 10/24/2016

I happen to have a spare Kashmiri Princess, which I’d love to trade for just about anything except another one.

Edit: Traded. Apologies to the other two who asked to trade.
edited by folklore364 on 10/25/2016

Hello, all. I’m looking for a Sinning Jenny to trade for my Kashmiri Princess if anyone’s got a spare. I’m also open to social interactions.

Hello, everyone! I’m open for all social interactions. I also have an extra confession by the Soft-Hearted Widow and could trade it to something else.

[quote=]I have soft-hearted widow and am looking for feducci or lettice.[/quote]
Oops, didn’t mean to post as a guest.

Always accepting new delicious friends…

Good day, delicious friends. The Illuminated Gentleman has accosted me without mercy and I would like to exchange his unspeakable confession for the Soft-Hearted Widow’s or Sinning Jenny’s if you have a spare.

Edit: Here’s to let you all know that I just parted with the confession. A very quick exchange! Thank you, aegisaglow!
edited by miss_all_sunday on 10/24/2016

Good day to you fine people of London. I’m looking for a Captivating Princesses Confession and have a Sinning Jenny’s confession or Illuminated Gentleman to trade in exchange.

It’s my first Hallowmas. I’m game, both my watchful soon-to-be Midnighter main character , Andileah,and my heartless, mercenary alt Belledame Sansmerci.

I’m looking for Feducci’s Confession and am willing to trade it for my Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession! Hit me up if you’re interested!

Captain Van Townes has an illuminated gentleman for trading - would like a sinning jenny to add to his collection. his profile is in my signature.

Social actions welcome.

Have: Kashmiri Princess, Illuminated Gentleman confessions.
Want: Feducci, Lettice confessions.

Mr. Wren finds himself with an embarrassing surplus of &quotIlluminated confessions&quot and is notably lacking in gossip about princesses, mayors and bandaged folk. Please do contact him if you think you can help.

Given the spirit of the season, all social actions will be met with gracious enthusiasm.
edited by Wren on 10/24/2016

Hullo all, I have an Illuminated Gentleman who I’d love to send off for a Soft-Hearted Widow.

Send me any and all social actions!

Fairly new to the Fallen London, I’d like some friends for social actions.

I also have A Confession of the Soft-Hearted Widow, and 2x A Confession of the Kashmiri Princess for trade. Looking for Lettice and Captivating Princess.

Hello delicious friends and merry (is that the right term?, probably not) Hallowmas! If anyone is interested in trading, I have a Soft-Hearted Widow Confession and an Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession to spare and i’m looking for Lettice’s, Feduci’s and the Kashmiri Princess’ Confessions.
For other interactions, please, do send me a calling card:

Edit: Traded away the Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession, still have the Soft-Hearted Widow’s though.
edited by L.H. Knight on 10/25/2016

Hello masked mischief-makers! I’m in the market for the confessions of the Kashmiri Princess, or the Captivating Princess and Lettice. I have the confessions of Soft-Hearted Widow, the Illuminated Gentleman, and Sinning Jenny. You know you want that extra dreadful goldfish.

I sent you a trade request matching your specs, Monique! Hopefully I got it in time :)

[edit] I did not. Trying again below.
edited by Amalgamate on 10/25/2016

(Edited trade has been made)

I’m also a newbie to the game so any general help is more then welcome
edited by Royalnaga on 10/25/2016