Confession Trading

What do you want, dear one? What do you desire?[li]

It is that which truly matters. What is mine is yours more than my own. Simply ask - I will give, give until I have no more. And if I have it not I will not rest until I do.

Your gaze, just for a moment, is worth any effort. I await you, eager, slavering.

Edit: Has been traded!
I have a spare confession of our dear Mayor. I would like a Kashmiri princess. (On the first link in my signature)
edited by Pumpkinhead on 10/24/2016
edited by Pumpkinhead on 10/24/2016

I now need a Kashmiri Princess that I’m willing to trade a Soft-Hearted for. Again, open to all social actions!

I need Lettice’s Confession and the charming princess’. I can trade an illuminated gentleman’s

Also I’m always up for a spot of coffee or chess. Beatings are fun and I am into swordplay :D

C’est moi:
edited by cykodelik on 10/24/2016
edited by cykodelik on 10/24/2016

I currently have a widow, and as I need all of the confessions, I don’t really care what I trade for. I’ll probably trade what I get too.

delicious friends,

i would like to trade my soft-hearted widow’s secret for the secret of sinning jenny. in addition, i am in need of contacts in general because i am new in town.

please add me to your contacts!

sincerely, Sir Huxley
edited by Sir Huxley on 10/24/2016

I no longer have any sinning jenny but am willing to trade for Feducci and Lettice with Soft hearted Widow and Illuminated Gentleman
edited by Rainbowcakeball on 10/24/2016

[quote=hjguy12]I need a Soft-hearted widow, and have the confessions of a Kashmiri princess and an illuminated gentleman
Edit-I’ve acquired the Widow’s confession, thank you, delicious friend!
edited by hjguy12 on 10/24/2016[/quote]

Have you either the Lettice’s Confession or the charming princess?

Sadly, I no longer have anything of value.
edited by darV on 10/24/2016

(Faceless One)

Have: 1x Soft-Hearted Widow’s Confession and, 1x Sinning Jenny’s Confession.

Need: Feducci’s Confession.

Open for all Social interactions. Need Loitering Requests!
edited by Ronys2 on 10/24/2016
edited by Ronys2 on 10/24/2016

Now that’ve gained the Kashmiri Princess’ confession, (and not taken note of what was in it~…maybe…) I’d like to re-trade it for a Jinny. Far too sad I haven’t seen a Feducci, or Lettice yet. Perhaps they’ll be released all at once…or, as said, leading up to the day.

I think they will be released next week. options to trade them are locked until 31st.

I am up for any and all social actions and trading of confessions!

Hello! I’m up for any kind of social actions and trading confessions: Have a Princess and a Jenny confession to spare! I’m in need of this Illuminated Gentleman’s confession- I’ve observed that not many have come across Feducci’s confession, sadly. But if anyone does and can spare one, I’d appreciate it!
Edit: Many thanks to Mr. Mercutio! A pleasure doing business with you!
edited by ImogenCorgi on 10/24/2016

I want to trade my Sinning Jenny’s Confession for the Kashmiri Princess’ Confession.

Hullo all! I am available for trades, interactions, and business of all sort- currently I have one Illuminated Gentleman’s confession available for trade. Please inquire within.
edited by Macragg on 10/24/2016

I am available for social actions and confession trading. I have extra confessions for Jenny, the Widow, and the Gentleman at the moment, looking for all the others.

I am currently in possession of an extra confession from a certain gentleman of an Illuminated nature. I’m looking to trade it for another tale not told by the Widow, the Kashmiri Princess, or Jenny.

Treadwheel is eager for any and all social actions. He currently has extras of Sinning Jenny and the Illuminated Gentleman’s confessions, as well as The Soft Hearted Widow on an alt, which can be transferred in on demand. In return, he requests the Kashmiri Princess’ confession, or, when they open, any of the currently locked options.

Edit: I’ve successfully traded away Sinning Jenny. I still have the Soft Hearted Widow available and can transfer in the Gentleman on request. I am now looking for another Sinning Jenny, or, when they unlock, any of the Oct 31 confessions.
edited by Treadwheel on 10/24/2016

I’m open for all social actions for the holiday and when I’ve had a chance to sit down and get to grips with this year’s Hallowmass I’ll probably be back to arrange more trades.

Edit: oops, forgot profile link:
edited by NinjaComedian on 10/24/2016