Confession Trading

Although I am more than a little bewildered by all that is going on in the city, Cecilia is open for trading and social actions:

(Confessions traded! Will update the post if needs chance in the future.)
edited by narcomanic on 10/24/2016

Open to any/all social actions.

And if you want to send more, my alt will also accept:

My dearest Cardinal Nito is in urgent need of Sinning Jenny’s confession and will trade it for either Illuminated Gentleman’s or Kashmiri Princess’s confession:

Looking for a Sinning Jenny or a Soft-Hearted Widow. Can offer a Kashmiri Princess or an Illuminated Gentleman.
Edit: Thanks a lot to the two who traded with me!.
edited by Curious Foreigner on 10/24/2016

Open to any/all social actions.

Perhaps finally the Doctor…&quotCaptain&quot?..Might make some contacts and friends, and trade some of these confessionals as an added bonus. Particularly in trading for a Feducci, Lettice, or Princess.

I have now a Kashmiri Princess instead of one by our…lovely mayor. Oh, how hungrily I wish to know all the confessions.
edited by Alias on 10/24/2016
edited by Alias on 10/24/2016

Happy to help in whatever way you need.

EDIT: settled on an urchin instead.
edited by Grenem on 10/26/2016

I need a Soft-hearted widow, and have the confessions of a Kashmiri princess and an illuminated gentleman
Edit-I’ve acquired the Widow’s confession, thank you, delicious friend!
edited by hjguy12 on 10/24/2016

Hi, delicious friends.
I’m open to all social interactions, except for that pesky loitering. ;)
I also have a Soft Hearted Widow that I’m willing to trade for a Feducci when it becomes available.
edited by Luxunofwu on 10/24/2016

Have: Jenny, Soft-Heart, Kashmiri

Want: Captivating, Lettice

I may also throw rats at you in the future

Have: 2 Sinning Jenny’s
Looking for a Feducci and a Lettice.
edited by Koich on 10/31/2016

A friendly reminder:

Only 4 types of Confessions are available at this moment: Kashimiri, Soft-Hearted, Illuminated and Sinning.
You cannot gain Captivating, Feducci or Lettice until the 31st of this month.
Any requests for the above 3 types will, therefore, go unanswered until the 31st, when those types of Confessions are publicly available.
Go to ‘Trade your confessions!’ and click on any of the options available to you to confirm that Lettice, Feducci and Captivating Princess will only confess their sins en masse on the 31st of October.

Looking to trade my Kashmiri Princess’s Confession for the Confession of Sinning Jenny.

I am open to Calling Cards and most social actions (except loitering and Affluent Photographer). Let’s be friends! I will only betray your confessions upon request.
Updated: traded, thank you!
edited by dfotw on 10/24/2016
edited by dfotw on 10/24/2016

I have spare Illuminated Gentleman, willing to trade it for Feducci’s or Lettice’s confession!
EDIT: 2 spare Gentlemen, now.
edited by BlabberingMat on 10/24/2016

EDIT: Gone now, thank you!

Do you have a spare Soft-hearted or Sinning Jenny?

Would you like An Illuminated Gent instead?

Drop me a line if you would -

If you don’t see this post amended, the offer still stands!

edited by SoulStatic on 10/24/2016

I have a Soft-Hearted that I’d love to trade for a Sinning Jenny. I’m available for any social actions as well. :)

You can find me here!

Thank you lots!

I have a surplus illuminating gentleman to trade for Jenny’s or the Widow’s

ETA: Completed!
edited by Zmflavius on 10/24/2016

Will trade a Kashmiri Princess for a Sinning Jenny. :)

EDIT: Already traded, thank you :)
edited by Magpie Dandy on 10/24/2016

Any other social actions are welcome too ;)
edited by NDuck on 10/24/2016
edited by NDuck on 10/24/2016