Confession Trading

Hello! Please feel free to add me; I am looking forward to making your acquaintance!

Safety in numbers and all that. Also quite happy to be a patron. And my plant is lonely…

I have a spare Kashmiri and need a Jenny.

Also it looks like Lettice, the Princess, and whoever the third is are only available next week?

EDIT: thank you for the many requests, but I’ve gotten her now and still have only one of each, all of which I’ll need for St Destin.
edited by Cthonius on 10/24/2016

I have a kashmiri I’m willing to trade for a Illuminated gentleman.

I have a spare Widow and will trade for anything other than a Kashmiri Princess. done
And now I have a spare Kashmiri Princess to trade for anything other than a Widow. One never knows what one will draw.
edited by Esteban Delgado on 10/24/2016

Need Kashmiri Princess willing to trade illuminated gentleman.

Willing to trade a Widow for, well, just about anything.

– Mal

updated list downthread
edited by Grenem on 10/26/2016

I’m open to all social actions!

Hey all. I have an extra soft-hearted widow confession and could use either a feducci or lettice confession if you’ve got an extra. Also, I’d be happy to take all kinds of social actions too if you feel like doing some stuff. Thanks a bunch!

Looking to trade one Widow for an Illuminated Gentelman (UPD: already traded)
You are also welcome to add me to contacts, send any social actions and explain to me how I am supposed to trade the 3 free confessions I have in such a way that I can experience >30% of the holiday?
edited by skoomacat on 10/24/2016

Here’s my profile.

I’m looking for a Kashmiri Princess, so that i can upgrade my Alluring Accomplice. I have two Illuminated Gentlemen’s confessions that I’m willing to trade.

Edit: It’s done, guys! I have what I need! Thank you so much! I still have 1 illuminated Gent’s confession, btw.
edited by gamemjoe on 10/24/2016
edited by gamemjoe on 10/24/2016

I would love some confessions, and also a certain horrible cat to raise my nightmares.
edited by surreyjack on 10/24/2016

All trades done, thank you, my darlings!

edited by Desirée on 10/24/2016
edited by Desirée on 10/24/2016
edited by Desirée on 10/24/2016

In possession of a spare Illuminated Gentleman’s confession and I search of Fedduci and Lettice’s (when available).
Interested in all or any social actions.

Hi all I have an Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession, and I would like to trade it for a Sinning Jenny’s Confession! Social actions welcome!

I’m looking forward to trading confessions once I figure out this new-fangled Hallowmas. Please feel free to add me as a contact and send any/all social actions my way as well:
[li]I currently have two of the Illuminated Gentleman’s confessions and one from a certain Princess.
edited by Kilrathi on 10/24/2016

Looking to trade Kashmiri Princesses for a Sinning Jenny and a Soft-Hearted Widow.

Also available for any social actions, feel free to add me. :)

EDIT: Trades made, thank you!
edited by Gergerous on 10/24/2016
edited by Gergerous on 10/24/2016

Searching for any 2 of the Kashmiri Princess, Feducci or Lettice in exchange for an Illuminated Gentleman and Sinning Jenny. Social actions welcome.

My alt (Melissa Edgecombe) is looking to exchange her Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession for a Soft-Hearted Widow’s Confession