Coming soon: a return to the Forgotten Quarter

Where’s the Airs of London option that gives you 4 supplies?

Little The - Sorry it wasn’t Airs of London but Airs of the Forgotten Quarter and I can’t remember the exact option that gave me 4 Archaeologists Progress but I did echo the success text.[li]

&quot&quotHere!&quot This is a promising sign. More than promising! You’ve saved yourself some time.&quot

I’ve got to say, if I had still been at a level where I was choosing to pick between something like Flute Street or the fate-locked cache on the expedition, I’d be pretty annoyed with myself if I picked the cache. I’m assuming that the high price will make more sense with the more advanced and difficult expeditions? Right now it just seems wildly overpriced in relation to both the content you get and the teased fate-locked expeditions that cost a fraction of what the cache does.

I assume the Fate-locked option isn’t so much exclusive content, as an out for someone who’s just lost day’s preparations with a run of failures digging up one of the high-level.

Not entirely sure what I’m going to do with my hundred supplies. Go on several expeditions, I guess.

My plan is to hit the cap and then focus on restocking after each expedition. Might not be entirely necessary if you have enough second chances however…
edited by Owen Wulf on 6/20/2013

I just found out that using Page of Prelapsarian Archaeological Notes for expedition is (roughly) [color=#ffff33]twice [/color]as beneficial when compared to &quotSpeak to professional persons with academic pretensions&quot options.

[li][ul][li]12.50 * 4 = [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]5000 [/color]( [color=rgb(153, 0, 51)]Uncanny Incunabulum[/color][color=rgb(102, 0, 51)] [/color]from &quotSpeak to professional persons with academic pretensions&quot, costs [color=#0066ff]500[/color] Archaeological Notes )[/li][li][color=#0066ff][b]50/b[/color] Archaeological Notes * 200 (Secret) = [color=#ffffff]10,000[/color][/li][/ul]Of course, this is very rough calculation and only considers 200 secret option and neglects rare success or others, but it’s good to know.

PS: [color=#00ff00]Sporty Phaeton[/color] ? Look like yet another unfinished content. +2 Bizarre, Respectable and Dreaded Transport already exist, so what will this be?[/li][li]
edited by Tommy Wi on 6/20/2013

As ever with new content, I’ve written up an overly-detailed and verbose guide to this expedition business!
I’ll probably keep it updated with tweaks and changes for a week or so.

As a sidenote, it seems like Seeking Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter has changed a bit; there are a few options locked/unlocked at certain Airs qualities, with varying rewards (the same storylet gave me 126 Whispered Secrets and 103 Whispered Secrets on two different occasions)
edited by Spacemarine9 on 6/20/2013

What card is the one that gets up my Archaeology level?

[li]It’s not a card- it’s a new option on the &quotBegin an Expedition&quot linked storylet. Looks like it disappears when you get up to Archaeologist 2; not sure if it’s available at 0 or not.

The old Archaeologists Hat has been replaced with the Archaeology quality: you get your first point of Archaeology when you’d normally get the hat, and you can get the second level by doing the Traditions of the Forgotten Quarter storylet under Choosing an Expedition. Need to do it twice to actually get Archaeologist 2 though

I miss my hat, but then again I never wore it, so I guess it doesn’t matter too much.

[quote=Spacemarine9]As a sidenote, it seems like Seeking Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter has changed a bit; there are a few options locked/unlocked at certain Airs qualities, with varying rewards (the same storylet gave me 126 Whispered Secrets and 103 Whispered Secrets on two different occasions)[/quote]Thanks for the heads up. I just got 184 Whispered Secrets on that storylet. The challenge was pretty tough – an 89% success rate with Watchful 206.

Edit: and then I could only seek more evidence of Correspondence in the ruins, which gave me 15 Cryptic Clues and some nightmares. After that, I could do what I did the first time again, but it gave me 243 Whispered Secrets.

Which was pretty neat.
edited by Flyte on 6/21/2013

I’ve gotten between 1 secret and 246 secrets with one of the storylets it’s ridiculous

I love the new Seeking Curios storylet overhaul because it provides a reliable (though not in amount) way to grind quickly for Supplies. Another requirement was added for Nadir too, an Eyeless Skull. I’m guessing it’s either one of the random drops at the end of an expedition and is more likely from one of the fate-locked ones.

A 1-fate option on an expedition was added too apparently; I just played it. Nice little blip, locked by the Shifting Quarter quality, a pleasant little tip to the FB team.

Aww, and here I went back to Hunter’s Keep for Secrets

You can also barter jade, rostygold and deep amber for secrets in coil 1 in that labyrinth. 1000 resources -> 1100.

[color=#009900]We have stealth-released another Expedition with greater possible rewards… and a couple of additional challenges. As those of you in this thread have noticed, the other FQ content is also evolving. We’ve also remixed the early stages of the Correspondence Stones storyline, for those still at that stage…[/color]
[color=#009900]More to come.[/color]

Orthos, I am not a violent man, but if you interfere with my expedition, I will have you thrown into the River.

(By the way - was the first “expedition successful” result supposed to give a reward? Its text suggested something like Memories of Light or Visions of the Surface, but there was nothing but the Unpredictable Treasure.)