Closest to:

We may not be close, but we can be closest to them compared to other factions. We can choose to ally ourselves with them. (Although I’d rather ally with and/or work for the bazaar)

[quote=Chris Gardiner][color=#ff9900]Is anyone really close to the Masters?[li]

[color=#ff9900]I suppose pets probably do consider themselves close their owners.[/color][/quote]


I did. Nothing too crazy; its location varies and is hinted at through a series of graffiti due to the irrigo robe used in the shrine. You go to it, splatter some paint over it, and graffiti some secrets that try to turn the Game in to a War.

By the way, Chris/Alexis/other devs, I followed the option to become Closest To: Hell and while it worked fine, the results text displaying quality changes had a mistake; it showed ‘you are no longer tied to any faction’ rather than ‘you are now closest to hell’.
edited by George David Maddux on 1/11/2014[/quote][/li]Thank you! That’s more information than I ever got as a Midnighter.

Thank you! That’s more information than I ever got as a Midnighter.[/quote]
I think, by the way, that you have a personal shrine in your home as a midnighter; likely without the irrigo color.[li]

I had the same issue when becoming closest to The Great Game just now - however, it shows me as properly connected when I attempt to Speak to an Aristocratic Academic, so that’s good.

The ditching the Revs text is echoed to my journal. Sadly I over-excitedly clicked Onwards before echoing the text for joining The Great Game - a shame, as it was good!

[quote=George Maddux][quote=mayexist]
Thank you! That’s more information than I ever got as a Midnighter.[/quote]
I think, by the way, that you have a personal shrine in your home as a midnighter; likely without the irrigo color.[li][/quote]
You’re half-right: I do have a shrine, Irrigo included: &quotIt is carefully concealed and draped with veils of irrigo, so that you forget the hidden rites almost as soon as they are performed.&quot[/li]

So, speaking of “Closest to” factions we don’t know how to obtain, has anyone seen any hints on how to get Closest to: The Duchess or The University? They’re both seen as potential options on the “Find a decent home for your Mark of Credit page” action on the Secrets and Spending opportunity card

I think those are options, like the Masters of the Bazaar, that we Londoners are not ready for, just yet.[li]

It’s probably because those factions lack cards. Closest To options on the cards are one of the best ways to raise A Pocketful of Loose Change during your first Counting the Days loop (though once it’s high enough you don’t need to bother with that again), so being Closest To a cardless faction would hinder someone immensely. Also it doesn’t give any ways to join them at present, since, you know, you do that through cards. Which they don’t have. Et cetera, et cetera.

These new card options are revealing a lot. The Jovial Contrarian works with the Revolutionaries? I’ve only ever heard him arguing against them! I mean, of course, knowing him, he’ll argue for them as well, but…

Very interesting indeed and I don’t think I am aligned with the faction that fits me character the best but then none of the others really appeal either. Maybe if it is ever possible to be closest to the University or the Duchess I might change.

[color=#009900]And you can now become close to the Bohemians too. That’s all for now, folks.[/color][li]

How delightful! Hubris is currently trying to build up 5 Magnanimous in order to join Society. He’d previously been allied to the Urchins - having a soft spot for young’uns - but he drained that connection by intaking them into his Orphanage, the Hubris House for Young Troublemakers.

Ooh, thank you. This has been a very nice bit of content update. Good for lore and roleplay if a bit expensive. Its nice just to have the choice to be able to change your mind about what faction you like as you progress in the content and learn more about who everyone really is and what goals they have and how those match up with your own. Because this closest to is one of those things you get very early on, normally, and the player doesn’t really know what they are getting into when they are new. Informed decision and choice is always a plus.

Breaking up with the criminals is heart-breaking.

Oh, definitely!

Those early early decisions can come back to haunt a character.

My two biggest issues with such decisions are:

  1. Choosing between the Last Constable and the Cheery Man (the &quotwrong&quot choice can lock you out of the Enforcer/Murderer/Licenciate profession line).
  2. Choosing between the Artist and the Model (can lock you out of a potential constant companion down the line when you’re POSI; I’ve mentioned before in another thread that I’ll gladly pay Nex to change/reset this quality).

And these two decisions actually come much earlier than choosing a faction - actually in the first 2-3 days of playing Fallen London, when you know nothing about the game nor your character.

You don’t choose between the Artist and the Model, you can court both of them. Also, check the Singing Mandrake in Veilgarden.

Well, that’s interesting!
I was absolutely sure that (a long long time ago) the option to court both locked at a certain point (after some initial courting of one or the other). I wonder if I’ve always missed this for some reason (though I’ve looked for it!) or if this changes in the past year or so…

Much thanks!!

No problem! The Singing Mandrake option is new. In the past you just needed to lower your Persuasive enough to access the other storyline, it wasn’t locked due to your Admirer quality.

I would like to go ahead and applaud Failbetter for the writing in these new storylets. From what I’ve seen, they’re all familiar yet interesting takes on the factions, and there’s enough variety and cleverness among them that they remain distinct mechanical and story identities. These storylets have become one of my favorite groups of words in FL alongside the Relickers, the Cheesemonger, and the Fidgeting Writer.

I’m still confused as to why dumping the GG costs 5 Uncovered Identities. though, especially when that’s the only one I need to use.
edited by OPG on 1/15/2014

I’m still confused as to why dumping the GG costs 5 Uncovered Identities. though, especially when that’s the only one I need to use.
edited by OPG on 1/15/2014[/quote]
Uncovering double agents as part of your efforts to start a war![li]