Closest to:

[quote=Inky Petrel]Which I only did because, at the time, Master’s Blood was a unique item only available that way. Not so much now.[/quote]It’s probably still the better option, unless of course you have 175 Wine Cellars and (I think) 41 copies of the Presumptuous Little Opportunity card lying around.

True, but now that I have one, I don’t really want to be closest to the Revs. :p

I think I may stay happily closest to the Great Game even though my character has somewhat moved on from his old spying days.

But I’ll just and wait and see it one day it’s possible to be close to the Masters - after all, that’s sort of where my Destiny lies anyway.

[color=#ff9900]Is anyone really close to the Masters?[li][/color]

[color=#ff9900]I suppose pets probably do consider themselves close their owners.[/color]

Definitely looking forward to switching away from Society. Constables would fit my character a bit more.

Thanks for that – it did remove the temptation to spend Nex to get the Revolutionaries’ card. Back to trying to wear out my welcome with the Revolutionaries in every other way I can think of …[/li][li][/quote]
If you’ve still got access to the University, you can report student Revolutionaries to the Constables to remove ALL of your Connected: Revolutionaries.

Thanks for that – it did remove the temptation to spend Nex to get the Revolutionaries’ card. Back to trying to wear out my welcome with the Revolutionaries in every other way I can think of …[/li][li][/quote]
If you’ve still got access to the University, you can report student Revolutionaries to the Constables to remove ALL of your Connected: Revolutionaries.
I don’t anymore (at least, I only have access to the things you can do after becoming Unwelcome at the University and then re-establishing your academic reputation), but thanks for the suggestion! I finally have my Connected: Revolutionaries down, and now I’m just trying to get one more point of Notability so that paying 10 points (! – wasn’t it 5 not long ago?) for the Spire-Emporium doesn’t take me down to zero. [li]

Actually, I swear I’ve seen Closest to the Masters somewhere in the game. Most likely from a storylet requirement.

Does anyone have a recommendation for efficiently increasing Subtle? This is the only thing I currently lack in order to change my Closest To to The Great Game. Rather a steep price:

3 Dubious Testimony
1 Sworn Statement
3 Presbyterate Password
1 Searing Enigma
Subtle 5

But one I’m happy to pay - my initial choice of the Revolutionaries now seems quite out of character and I don’t want to sell the location of the Cave… yet.

I dunno if it’s efficient, but you can raise it by Hunting Dangerous Prey in Wolfstack Docks.

[quote=A B Nile]Does anyone have a recommendation for efficiently increasing Subtle? This is the only thing I currently lack in order to change my Closest To to The Great Game. Rather a steep price:

3 Dubious Testimony
1 Sworn Statement
3 Presbyterate Password
1 Searing Enigma
Subtle 5

But one I’m happy to pay - my initial choice of the Revolutionaries now seems quite out of character and I don’t want to sell the location of the Cave… yet.[/quote]

Do you still get those &quotA chance encounter with an old friend&quot cards? If you choose the persuasive option it will raise your Subtle - I don’t remember up to what level, but I think it can get you at least to level 5.

Yes, I remembered that was one way - I do get them, but not often sadly!

It’s there as a requirement (or at least was) on some storylet but that doesn’t mean it will ever be attainable.[li]

I live in hope as unless / until things change I am apparently destined to fly amongst the stars with the Masters.

And then abandon them for better things. :)

[quote=A B Nile]Does anyone have a recommendation for efficiently increasing Subtle? This is the only thing I currently lack in order to change my Closest To to The Great Game. Rather a steep price:

3 Dubious Testimony
1 Sworn Statement
3 Presbyterate Password
1 Searing Enigma
Subtle 5

But one I’m happy to pay - my initial choice of the Revolutionaries now seems quite out of character and I don’t want to sell the location of the Cave… yet.[/quote]
If you actually want to be closest to the great game, I would really reccommend selling to them, personally.[li]

If anyone has desecrated the hidden Shrine to St. Joshua I’d like to hear about the results.

[color=#ff9900]The option to reject or become closest to the Revolutionaries, Criminals, Urchins, Great Game and Society are now available on their respective cards.[/color][li]

[quote=George Maddux][quote=A B Nile]Does anyone have a recommendation for efficiently increasing Subtle? This is the only thing I currently lack in order to change my Closest To to The Great Game. Rather a steep price:

3 Dubious Testimony
1 Sworn Statement
3 Presbyterate Password
1 Searing Enigma
Subtle 5

But one I’m happy to pay - my initial choice of the Revolutionaries now seems quite out of character and I don’t want to sell the location of the Cave… yet.[/quote]
If you actually want to be closest to the great game, I would really reccommend selling to them, personally.[li][/quote]

We’ll, I’d rather keep such an important secret to myself for the time being… Particularly since there may be other options in future. What’s the basis for the recommendation? I appreciate that the reward is rare and high value, but it’s also available from another source.

For what it’s worth I haven’t sold my secret yet either. Probably never will.

Oh! I am very excited about this. The ability to change closest to is very nice. Maybe I will be a criminal since they are tied with the rag trade, although dockers are a very seeker friendly lot. Although I would love to be a bohemian again, ultimately, it will be fun to flit about and try new groups while I wait for that one to unlock.

I did. Nothing too crazy; its location varies and is hinted at through a series of graffiti due to the irrigo robe used in the shrine. You go to it, splatter some paint over it, and graffiti some secrets that try to turn the Game in to a War.

By the way, Chris/Alexis/other devs, I followed the option to become Closest To: Hell and while it worked fine, the results text displaying quality changes had a mistake; it showed ‘you are no longer tied to any faction’ rather than ‘you are now closest to hell’.
edited by George David Maddux on 1/11/2014