Closest to:

[color=#ff9900]Thank you! These ones were both hard work and lots of fun.[/color][li]

Contributing to the general atmosphere of enjoyment: Hubris just allied himself with Society, and was particularly amused by the off-hand mention of the chambers having been aired and dusted, and the servants scrubbed and polished.

I mentioned earlier that the price of becoming unclosest to the Great Game bugged me, and I’ll expand on it a bit more here with more of my thoughts and some (hopefully) useful suggestions. For reference, removing your Closest to: The Great Game Quality costs 5 An Identity Uncovered!s (12.5 Echoes worth) and 5 actions.

DISCLAIMER: I am well aware that leaving the GG is a difficult and typically impossible endeavor according to the rest of the game. The whole third act of a kinda major storyline was dedicated to it and the reasons why it’s so hard to leave make it interesting in the first place. However, I am not approaching this from a fluff/story perspective, but instead from a crunch/mechanical perspective. From a purely mechanical perspective, though, this is rather arbitrary.

SECOND DISCLAIMER: This complaint is also relatively minor. I’m still playing Fallen London as much as I normally do, and I’d still give the new Closest to storylets two thumbs up. I also enjoyed the text of the storylet quite a bit, especially the customs of the Game it described. This issue just bugged me a little, and I had an idea that I think might help.

NOW THAT THE DISCLAIMERS ARE OUT OF THE WAY: I don’t really like that becoming unclosest to the GG cost 12.5 Echoes and 5 actions, especially since that’s five times as much as all the others cost (that I can remember). As mentioned before, the GG is notoriously hard to leave, but the game shows Hell trying to perma-kill people that cross them, and crossing them costs only 50 pence and a single action. I thought about this a bit, and I came up with some plausable potential fixes I wanted to share here. The first change is to provide some items/qualities in order to mitigate the cost a bit. For example, what if during the ensuing brouhaha of (spoiler) you drawing a mustache on Saint Joshua (end spoiler), you picked up some useful bits of information represented mechanically by 12 Echoes worth of Intriguing/Incendiary Gossip? That way the option costs just as much as the others, yet makes just as much, if not more sense from a writing standpoint.

Anyways, that’s my opinion/suggestion. Sorry for the text wall.

There seems to be a weird “problem” with the option to become Connected To Bohemians. Unlike all the others, you cannot see it if you are connected to anyone.

You can’t see how to become Closest to the Church if you’re already Closest either. I thought it was kind of weird, since you can on the others.[li]
edited by Joscelin on 1/19/2014

I’m a bit confused about the option to join the Bohemians. I saw it on one account that had no Closest To, and it specifically required association with the Celestials. Is there an option for each school, or did that character just coincidentally have the one association required to join the Bohemians?

I would think that there are more Bohemians than just Celestials, too.

These do sound a lot of fun and it makes me half-wish I wanted to change allegiance. But at the moment my Closest to: is one of the few choices I’ve made that I’m 100% happy with. But who knows what the future holds - it’s always good to know you have options…

[quote=Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook]I’m a bit confused about the option to join the Bohemians. I saw it on one account that had no Closest To, and it specifically required association with the Celestials. Is there an option for each school, or did that character just coincidentally have the one association required to join the Bohemians?[/quote]I’ll check when I get the chance, but given what the option is and what I presume the success text will be, then it would make sense for a Celestial to come up with the great idea of almost killing themselves for the sake of a vision to create art from.