Christmas in Fallen London

Alternatively, PJ knows exactly when it will end, but refuses to share that information. Your guess is as good as mine, or as good as the guess of an unemployed magician.

Well, one wonders how long the ‘double advent benefits’ will last. And I hope the resources thus gained shan’t be retroactively removed, though that may be tricky to implement for some of them.
In particular, double Mountain Sherds, Sky Stories and Darkdrop Coffees would come in useful. Though I hardly have a use for 5 plates of my Aunt’s Scones.
It would in fact be very nice if the excess Advent Calendar equippables were sellable, like the Pillbox - for those of us who prefer the items to be one-off for aesthetic reasons (or OCD, I suppose)…

Since FB know what is happening, and have done since at least day 3, that won’t happen. I reported it at the time and was told they knew about the bug and were working on it, and people were, of course, welcome to keep the extra goodies.

Maybe it’s because of the &quotbig date&quot change (and yes, I know that it’s not really until next year)?

As an avid collector of Master gifts, I just want to say I’m extremely impressed by whoever managed to hide a whole carcass in a robe without the wearer’s detection. Even a small animal would have surely produced some noticeable extra weight, and the wet squelch produced by a seasonal toss seems to imply it wasn’t particularly well-preserved. Yet apparently didn’t stink hard enough to get attention on the way.

Bruno on Discord said that the bug is embedded pretty deeply, and certainly won’t be fixed before the end of this Advent. Enjoy your two Magnificent Feasts. I just wish I had found out how to trigger it before I used the Pail of Snow and Rat of Glory codes.
edited by PJ on 12/10/2021

If I’m following this, I understand that some people (not me) are getting double advent benefits as a result of a bug? Is there a way to access the bug, or are those of us not affected by it just SOL?

Unknown how much higher it has to go. It’s new this year, it doesn’t seem to have any caps yet or any uses yet. Your guess is as good as mine.

So far it does not appear that a person’s individual contributions are tracked in any way, though it’s always technically possible that some hidden method is implemented. (I wouldn’t bet on it though, I think if there was one it would have been shown instead of hidden.)

The bug happens when you click on the day in the Advent Calendar and go to the login screen. So, to trigger the bug, you have to be logged out when you visit the calendar.

Thanks. Seems strange that they would not simply tell everyone about it if they can’t or won’t fix it. Ah well.

Thanks. Seems strange that they would not simply tell everyone about it if they can’t or won’t fix it. Ah well.[/quote]

This is actually not true. I get the double-login bug, but am logged in at the time I click the link. I am, however, in Incognito mode.

Neathy magic, maybe?

It’s not, honestly, going to be anything important over the course of a year.

EDITED TO ADD: I’m a little sad in that my total number of Socks With Eyes may be off from the total years I’ve been involved with the game after this.
edited by Toran on 12/11/2021

Also, it only happens for those who log in with an email address and password. I have one account that logs in via Twitter and that’s the only one that doesn’t experience the double code triggers. I assume it’s the same for those logging in via Facebook or Google, but can’t confirm.
edited by phryne on 12/11/2021

Somewhat surprised the cross goes in the gloves slot – from the description I would have figured if for weapons! It’s my only respectable gloves though, so I can’t complain

With previous Advents and this year’s bug, I now have a full FOUR Lightfingers’ Follies and Gothic Crosses. What shall I do with this small fortune that I can neither sell nor gift away?

[quote=Aiza Moor]What shall I do with this small fortune that I can neither sell nor gift away?[/quote]Don’t exploit the bug. :D

You accumulate them over the years whether you make use of the bug or not

Also, I didn’t try to exploit the bug; it just happened when I used the code.

Nobody is &quotexploiting&quot the bug. It was reported to FB, so they know about it and have for some reason not fixed it. Most of the advantage is notional anyway, since many of the items aren’t saleable and can only be equipped once.

…Today’s advent gift is just that you get punched in the nose. How festive!

Obviously people are. Myself included. I’ve been checking the wiki to see whether the reward is something it’s worth having two of before deciding whether to activate the bug or not that day

Per Discord-via-reddit, FBG has indicated the bug is too deep in the code for them to be able to fix it before Advent concludes.