Christmas in Fallen London

Obviously people are. Myself included. I’ve been checking the wiki to see whether the reward is something it’s worth having two of before deciding whether to activate the bug or not that day[/quote]

Does that really count as exploiting though, when ‘exploit’ in this instance involves just participating in Advent?

In any case, today’s item also comes with two, but at least for this one it makes some sense… (though you can’t actually use both at once)

[quote=Skinnyman]Don’t exploit the bug. :D[/quote]Very helpful thank you. Without the bug I’d still have three of each item.

Regardless of whether I login first, it forces me to login again after clicking on an Advent box. I’m not about to futz around with my browser settings to avoid &quotexploiting&quot a bug that doesn’t really benefit me anyway.
edited by Aiza Moor on 12/14/2021

[quote=Aiza Moor][quote=Skinnyman]Don’t exploit the bug. :D[/quote]Very helpful thank you. Without the bug I’d still have three of each item.[/quote]Welcome!
I see people took this too serious. :D

Let just the unique items pile to measure the Sackmas events you participated in. I have the maximum number of each item and I just love how the numbers increase with each year.

I’m actually considering eating a Magnificent Feast this year, so that the number of them in my inventory will continue to match the number of Christmases I’ve spent in Fallen London

[quote=PJ]I’m actually considering eating a Magnificent Feast this year, so that the number of them in my inventory will continue to match the number of Christmases I’ve spent in Fallen London[/quote] I’ve been using Watchful Stockings as the marker (which is luckily saleable to deal with this year’s hypothetical False Stocking), because I might want to strategically use a Feast at some point (or just eat down to 7 of them to preserve that number ), and I think we received a Feast somewhere else… as part of a long server outage, or the anniversary celebration, I think? I’ve more Feasts than Neathmases celebrated, and I honestly think I ate one at some point, too.

The question becomes does your character start with the oldest Feast, or can we assume everything from previous years has effectively mulched into a fungal civilization capable of art and agriculture by now and is best avoided until an absolute emergency?

Alas, I must have missed out on this bug. I tried it but it did not work for me. All is folly. Hmm.

Preparations for a Vast Revel.
Well, I just moved this up by 1 point. :D

[quote=DTravel]Preparations for a Vast Revel.
Well, I just moved this up by 1 point. :D[/quote] It’s looking like we might hit 7777. If that doesn’t change something, I expect nothing will (well, maybe an even 10 000).

[quote=elderfleur][quote=DTravel]Preparations for a Vast Revel.
Well, I just moved this up by 1 point. :D[/quote] It’s looking like we might hit 7777. If that doesn’t change something, I expect nothing will (well, maybe an even 10 000).[/quote]

What if we’re actually preparing for year after next’s Revel?

I think the Revel will be a New Year’s Eve event, of course still don’t know how much the preparations will effect the Revel,

I’m pretty sure that if we maximize our preparations, we may each get an extra pair of stockings. Or one stocking, for sure. That we can give to an unemployed magician so he’ll have something to pull rats out of.
edited by Snort on 12/17/2021

I’m expecting the revel to be some event that opens on new years’, and it’ll let us use up that quality that we’re all accumulating right now.

And we’re up to 7000 unemployed magicians who took the signing bonus and then went back on the dole.
edited by Snort on 12/17/2021

The Advent Calendar item for December 19th is a hat slot item that provides +1 Glasswork! Make sure not to miss it!

So, now Cosmogone Glasses are somewhat less valuable, as their Glasswork bonus is no longer unique.

[quote=Wojciech]So, now Cosmogone Glasses are somewhat less valuable, as their Glasswork bonus is no longer unique.[/quote] Last Hallowmas’s permanent Moth Mask, too, although it does still let you take Moth actions on subsequent Hallowmases, at least (and the Bizarre 4, of course, given how many individual Bizarre/Respectable/Dreaded checks are popping up in new content.)

I’m inferring that the design goal is to never completely eclipse Profession gear, but they’re eventually all going to be 90% replaceable, or maybe even entirely replaceable on an individual stat level, but not together (so you’d need to swap items to get the +12P, the +12D, and the Glasswork, which would be a disadvantage in no-swap zones like Khan’s Heart or Moulin Expeditions).

Feels like a strong argument I should switch to Correspondent. Kind of a kick in the shins to anyone who bought a moth mask this Hallowmas, though. Really didn’t get to enjoy that exclusivity long. Basically 30 fate down the drain for anyone who picked that up.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 12/20/2021

There was no promise that there would never be another way to raise glasswork. I hope Failbetter never gets into a position where they’re reluctant to create free items because someone once paid fate for a similar item

[quote=PJ]There was no promise that there would never be another way to raise glasswork. I hope Failbetter never gets into a position where they’re reluctant to create free items because someone once paid fate for a similar item[/quote]In principle, sure. But a mere two months after first putting a glasswork hat up for sale, they hand a free equivalent out to every player? It’s pretty much a pure bait and switch.

Not really a “switch”, since you still have a glasswork hat. And you also have the Moth Mask. Glasswork items seem common enough that I doubt +1 Glasswork was the primary draw for buying that mask.