Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

The full cycle is:

  1. Go to St. Trezigor’s Folly in Marigold. There you can explore the folly to get 1 headless skeleton per action, no further requirements or costs. Do this a bunch to build up headless skeletons. (You can skip this step if you are a licentiate.)
  1. Back in london, start with a headless skeleton (or use the licentiate option.)

  2. Attach a bright brass skull (buy at the bazaar).

  3. Declare a humanoid, sell to theologian for biscuits.

  4. Feed the diggers. Sell the rewards for echoes, which should cover the cost of the skull. (Some of the rewards are harder to sell, but enough of them are sellable that you should be fine.)

Repeat steps 2-4.

This is significantly more efficient than brawling for biscuits, because the echoes are effectively reused. You take 62.5 Echoes of skull, convert to 62.5 echoes of biscuits, then use that to feed to get back more than 62.5 echoes of items, which you use to buy a skull again.

[quote=Amalgamate] This is significantly more efficient than brawling for biscuits, because the echoes are effectively reused. You take 62.5 Echoes of skull, convert to 62.5 echoes of biscuits, then use that to feed to get back more than 62.5 echoes of items, which you use to buy a skull again.[/quote] To lend support to this, my rough estimate puts a Skeleton loop at 4.58 actions, whereas Brawling takes 14.75 actions (both loops incorporate a single two-action Fuelling). I think Skeletons end up with a slightly lower EPA (I’m estimating 2.8 vs 3.0 EPA, so definitely nothing massive), but if we step away from abstraction, turning in biscuits is the point, and Skeletons do it quick!

Although, one could also argue that a true patriot would sell everything they own and buy Biscuits for 18 Echoes a piece, turning them in at maximum efficiency: the two-action loop! I wouldn’t advise that, though.

Yes, I’m having the patriotism argument with one of the alts. She thinks she should be pursuing POSI. I think she should be digging. Thanks, both, for the useful info!!

Good news everyone. Convinient progress tracker Template:Clearing-Out Progress - Fallen London Wiki

Grinding peppercaps in Helicon might be more efficient in terms of EpA than headless skeletons or brawling. At least for me it’s 3.32 EpA (with my rubbery consort and pendant). It’s also could be improved a bit by drawing cards in Upper River. Which is big opportunity cost loss because London’s deck is much better for profit.
edited by Waterpls on 7/22/2021

Seeking confirmation if Emetic Revelation and Bejewelled Lenses are digging rewards and not fueling ones.

I’ve done an obscene number of digging loops in various locations and I’ve not had either of them (I haven’t started the railway yet, perhaps that’s important).

Yes, you could get 1 Emetic Revelation from digging (not feeding), but it’s rare success. In Their Wake - Fallen London Wiki
edited by Waterpls on 7/22/2021

[quote=fishandchips]Seeking confirmation if Emetic Revelation and Bejewelled Lenses are digging rewards and not fueling ones.[/quote]As was already previously explained to you, lenses are not available directly from the event, only diamonds, which are a component for crafting lenses.

Catherine, double en jeu.

Bejewelled lenses are NOT part of this event reward. You can get a Magnificent Diamond at Delving exactly 20, and then you spend it (and a load of other stuff) at Sidestreets to craft the lenses. Other stuff has reliable sources, while Magnimonds are hard to find.

Emetic revelations are given on extremely rare success from the digging instead of the usual reward. They have no specific Delving unlock, you’re redirected to a different storylet instead.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/22/2021

22 produces a jangling bag with a selection of coins. The only type I hadn’t seen before was a 4th city echo.

So Emetic Revelation is the sneaky elusive one… understood.

The fact that it has no Delving unlock number is surprising indeed.

Congratulations! I got this yesterday.

Anyone hit Delving 23?

Lists of all rewards included.

Emetic Revelations are a rare reward for Digging or a guaranteed reward for Feeding: 4 ERs at lvl 16-17.

There are a few ways to stumble across one in the Khanate. Nothing reliable, though. Every source so far is more-or-less a rare success.

Emetic Revelations are a rare reward for Digging or a guaranteed reward for Feeding: 4 ERs at lvl 16-17.[/quote]

Yeah… I’m too newbie/poor/unqualified to feed and I think I got everything from digging except Emetic Revelation. :(

I just spent quite a lot fate to build my lab and unlock bone market in one night, and I’m doing the skull route to help with fuels. However my stats are still kind of mid game so bad fame is catching me very fast. I really need some active in game friends to help me with the suspicion, and also if there are other nice options please let me know (I don’t have 10 respectful)

Yeah… I’m too newbie/poor/unqualified to feed and I think I got everything from digging except Emetic Revelation. :([/quote]

Just how much of a newbie are you? If you have A Name Scrawled in Blood 7 you can participate in the ‘Brawling with Dockers’ activity. Incorruptible Biscuits can be obtained there. Previously you had to be involved with the Railway to gain biscuits, but FB seems to have removed that, presumably so more people who aren’t end game players can join in with the feeding part of the festival.

I just got a bunch of biscuits with one of my Ambition alts who is nowhere near starting with the Railway.

I’ve bought 20 brass skulls, obtained 20 headless skeletons and currently slowly process them into biscuits. A word of caution for those who do the same: don’t forget that you also need 200 Nevercold Brass Slivers for each skull you affix.

Yeah… I’m too newbie/poor/unqualified to feed and I think I got everything from digging except Emetic Revelation. :([/quote]

Just how much of a newbie are you? If you have A Name Scrawled in Blood 7 you can participate in the ‘Brawling with Dockers’ activity. Incorruptible Biscuits can be obtained there. Previously you had to be involved with the Railway to gain biscuits, but FB seems to have removed that, presumably so more people who aren’t end game players can join in with the feeding part of the festival.

I just got a bunch of biscuits with one of my Ambition alts who is nowhere near starting with the Railway.[/quote]

Alrighty, I’ll brawl with the dockers to grind for biscuits then.

150 Brawling for 16 Biscuits or 100 Brawling for 11 Biscuits? My Dangerous is 200+.

Each round of fueling/feeding requires 16 Biscuits.