Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

[quote=Right Eye]I just spent quite a lot fate to build my lab and unlock bone market in one night, and I’m doing the skull route to help with fuels. However my stats are still kind of mid game so bad fame is catching me very fast. I really need some active in game friends to help me with the suspicion, and also if there are other nice options please let me know (I don’t have 10 respectful)[/quote]

Feel free to send me social actions.

Finally while digging!

In Their Wake
Your digging has uncovered a strange tunnel beneath the earth. The wall at the very end seems to… breathe, softly pulsating.

Reach out and touch it
Is this skin?

The veins of the earth
It’s warm, blood-warm, a living thing. The tunnel is terribly dark; darkness encroaches the edges of your vision.

–candle and mirror and candle and knife and mirror and knife–

No – there’s nothing there. It’s just a wall of stone and earth. But there’s a lingering scent of ammonia that makes you dizzy; best move on.

You now have 1 x Emetic Revelation.

I sold a skeleton to get Rubbery Pies, which came with lots of Nightsoil that I did indeed sell for Scrip to buy Buscuits. Since I’m done with the Railway, and rather Echo-rich and action-poor, it seems like a less tedious option. Though not sure what you mean by 18 echoes since Biscuits cost 12 Scrip (~6 Echoes) on the Upper River.

I’ve got a couple of emetic revelations from digging. Can confirm.

I’m sorry to have confused you about the lenses. I need the diamonds to make the lenses; it’s those diamonds that are the dig reward. But now I have a lot and I’m going to have to grind correspondence plaques.

I might be crazy, but the Digging actually seems to be speeding up, while Fueling is holding steady. At this rate, Digging might be done in 2-3 more days across all five sites. It’s on track to hit 50% for the total event today…

That could make sense, as people burn through their stockpiles of food and spend more actions digging instead.

Progress seems to be holding more or less steady; a moment of silence for those poor hungry Spiders—er, I mean diggers—beneath the Singing Mandrake.

[quote=Aiza Moor] Though not sure what you mean by 18 echoes since Biscuits cost 12 Scrip (~6 Echoes) on the Upper River. [/quote] If it’s saleable Upriver (or one already has the Scrip) the 6 Echo figure holds, but if one only has Echoes, or items which can only be liquidated at the Bazaar you’re stuck with a 3:1 penalty (18 Echoes -> 12 Ablution Absolutions -> 12 Scrip -> 1 Biscuit) unless one wants to spend actions converting those items into Upriver items (such as through Skeleton making, as you mention). And one absolutely should spend those actions; it’s ridiculous not to, unless one is really in a rush.

It was pointed out to me that digging is cheaper than fueling if you don’t intend to go through the whole cycle to get the final reward, as it resets when you pick up a unique item. I didn’t realize that until after I’d gotten all the items except for the Polythreme Drinking Vessel. I plan to dig until I hit 11, then go back to feeding. The rewards are much more exciting, and making ivory dinosaurs to sell for biscuits is more fun than clicking the Dig button over and over.

So wait… to complete a dig I need to max out both ‘feeding the workers’ AND ‘digging beneath’ ?
And they say you can do all locations in 2 weeks or shorter?? No way.

[quote=wziemniak]snip[/quote]It’s a joint effort, everyone digging/fueling is contributing to the final result. It’s not yet been three whole days and we’re 30% of the way to the finish. The event will probably be done after ten days or so (so long as those biscuits keep rolling in decently quickly). It seems slow now, but that’s because our efforts are split between five areas. Once one is done, we’ll be able to finish the others faster.

edited by Mulligan on 7/23/2021

We are only 20% for feeding tracker. And this was fast part, when people burned through stockpiles. I still think that my initial estimate – at least 3 weeks – holds true.
edited by Waterpls on 7/23/2021

Happy to help; send message in game.

[quote=Right Eye]I just spent quite a lot fate to build my lab and unlock bone market in one night, and I’m doing the skull route to help with fuels. However my stats are still kind of mid game so bad fame is catching me very fast. I really need some active in game friends to help me with the suspicion, and also if there are other nice options please let me know (I don’t have 10 respectful)[/quote]

We are only 20% for feeding tracker. And this was fast part, when people burned through stockpiles. I still think that my initial estimate – at least 3 weeks – holds true.
edited by Waterpls on 7/23/2021[/quote]

We’re at 45% currently for Digging, which means this is still in line with my last estimate of 2-3 more days to knock it out.

We added 10% to feeding tracker today, so tomorrow is going to show the post-hoarding rate for that, but if we keep it up, we’re looking at another 8 days. The real wild card is how many people will jump from Digging to Feeding after Digging is complete a couple days from now and to how much effect?

Or will it Feeding hinge entirely on the end-game players?

To be fair, we’re also staring down the weekend, which will likely mean less interaction with the game.
edited by Toran on 7/23/2021

Seems a bit odd that the digging is progressing faster than the feeding. I reckon the workers must be used to eating frugally.

Anyone can dig.

Feeding needs specific resources. Some are available from the Bone Market; some from railway and others from Brawling with Dockers. All relatively end game activities and time consuming.

At the moment I am gathering the resources to fuel but I’ve hit Bone Market exhaustion. The Helicon House grind takes 4 cycles to get to the biscuits or peppercorns. Brawling takes 14 or so actions to get the biscuits.

So as people have used any existing supplies it is entirely possible that they are now digging rather than replenishing their supplies
edited by reveurciel on 7/23/2021

Just out of curiosity, has anyone run the EPA numbers on digging and feeding?

How goes the digging and fueling progress so far?

Since it seems like digging will be completed first, I will continue to dig until I can dig no longer, then have some brawls with dockers, earn biscuits, and fuel a bit.

Sounds like a decent plan?

[quote=Tsar Koschei]Just out of curiosity, has anyone run the EPA numbers on digging and feeding?[/quote] Feeding Simulation Assumptions: [1] we accrue Fuelling at 3->60 (linear distribution of 3*[1->20] ), which seems to be a fair rate for a player with 200+ stats. [2] we have enough Nevercold Brass stockpiled that we don’t grind any here, specifically 200 per skeleton, and we only value it at its 1 pence sale rate. [3] we get 1 Headless Skeleton for 1 action and no other cost, amortizing a possible train trip to effectively 0 actions; we get the skeletons in bulk! [4] we sell any rewards which we can sell at the bazaar; everything else is thrown in a pile and counted separately. They have value, but usually take actions to extract. They’re shown &quotper act&quot if you want to ascribe your own value. [5] Nightmares are taken off at -4/act; if you want to ignore them, feel free to add on 0.03 EPA.

  • [li]357166.0 echoes earned in 137221 acts[/li][li]2.603 EPA plus:[/li][li]0.0439 flourishing ribcages per act [/li][li]0.0985 certifiable scraps per act [/li][li]0.0049 anticandles per act [/li][li]15207 Skeletons made with 3041400 Nevercold Brass to fund 3500 laps[/li][li]2262 acts spent reducing nightmares at -4/act[/li][/ul][ul]

Burned through my stock of headless skeletons and don’t have access to marigold yet. Wondering if it’s better to make an exhausting skeleton for pies or keep the bone market open in case i get some via opportunity cards.

It’s ultimately pointless to bother with the exhausting skeleton since biscuits with the Old-School Priest are unrelated to exhaustion.

Make the easiest skeleton with the highest value and give to him.