Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Does anyone know if equipment or stats makes a difference?

I seem to progress through the cycle faster with my POSI main than with my lowly alt. Could be the RNG playing with me, though.

Bones are, as far as I can tell, the main limitations yes. Ugh, getting surveys and then using the Vake at the Magistracy is tedious even though it’s technically very action-efficient and from what I can tell with the current Bone Market system you NEED big Menaces/Bizarre/what have you do make big gains. Got real burned trying to sell a Thorned Ribcage with a Brass Skull to Mrs. Plenty for a measly amount of pies.

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]As someone who has just run out of food supplies, if I want to continue to F E E D is it more action efficient to build skellies? Or should I just swallow my pride and beg Mrs. Plenty/the Theologian for supplies if I want to get back in the dig before the event is over?[/quote] If you want a self-sufficient grind, the Dockers Brawl has a few Biscuit opportunities in the 2.115->2.855 EPA range:[ul][li]0.846 bpa (Biscuits per Action) with Dangerous 209 (100% on 12 generic Fight checks)
[/li][li]0.916 bpa with a single use of your Special Dispensation (then 10 generic Fight Checks)
[/li][li] 1.142 bpa with dangerous 292 (100% on 13 Solo Fight checks)
[/li][li] 1.222 bpa with [REDACTED]
[/li][li]1.333 bpa with [REDACTED]
[/li][/ul][REDACTED]. There’s likely a better self-sufficient bone-based grind, but it’s definitely going to be more complicated, and 2.1->2.8 EPA for a specific item you want isn’t shabby.

Edit: Forgot the difficulty ramped up on the special options, unfortunately. Alas!
edited by elderfleur on 7/21/2021

[quote=elderfleur][quote=Captain Blood Storm]As someone who has just run out of food supplies, if I want to continue to F E E D is it more action efficient to build skellies? Or should I just swallow my pride and beg Mrs. Plenty/the Theologian for supplies if I want to get back in the dig before the event is over?[/quote] If you want a self-sufficient grind, the Dockers Brawl has a few Biscuit opportunities in the 2.115->3.332 EPA range:[ul][li]0.846 bpa (Biscuits per Action) with Dangerous 209 (100% on 12 generic Fight checks)
[/li][li]0.916 bpa with a single use of your Special Dispensation (then 10 generic Fight Checks)
[/li][li] 1.142 bpa with dangerous 292 (100% on 13 Solo Fight checks)
[/li][li] 1.222 bpa with [REDACTED]
[/li][li]1.333 bpa with [REDACTED]
[REDACTED]. There’s likely a better self-sufficient bone-based grind, but it’s definitely going to be more complicated, and 2.1->3.3 EPA for a specific item you want isn’t shabby.

Edit: Forgot the difficulty ramped up on the special options, unfortunately. Alas!
edited by elderfleur on 7/21/2021[/quote]

Hah! I just learned the hard way about the difficulty-ramping. Still pretty good all things considered, but I really should’ve just minmaxed Dangerous and then milked the Dispensation for all it was worth.

Edit: I must also confess I completely forgot I also had the option of liquidating my 3.5k Scrip at the Extramural Trading Company on the Railway for the sake of biscuits. It’s probably better to have the grind as an option anyway. FB has conditioned me into fretting over there being something, someday, I’ll be glad I had all that Scrip for.
edited by Captain Blood Storm on 7/21/2021

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]Got real burned trying to sell a Thorned Ribcage with a Brass Skull to Mrs. Plenty for a measly amount of pies.[/quote]For big gains in pies, you definitely want to sell to the rubbery collector. Put together something suitably monstrous and you can clear upwards of 300 baskets pretty easy, though of course that will clog up your market for a while. If your exhaustion is full, you can just sell to the theologian. Less value per bone, but the payout is all biscuits and there’s no cap on sales.

[quote=Tsar Koschei] Less value per bone, but the payout is all biscuits[/quote] Slightly off-topic, but out of context this sounds delightfully like an in-fiction expression. One Urchin explaining a score to another, perhaps.

I can certainly see them being enthusiastic about “big gains in pies” as well.

[quote=elderfleur][quote=Captain Blood Storm]As someone who has just run out of food supplies, if I want to continue to F E E D is it more action efficient to build skellies? Or should I just swallow my pride and beg Mrs. Plenty/the Theologian for supplies if I want to get back in the dig before the event is over?[/quote] If you want a self-sufficient grind, the Dockers Brawl has a few Biscuit opportunities in the 2.115->2.855 EPA range:[ul][li]0.846 bpa (Biscuits per Action) with Dangerous 209 (100% on 12 generic Fight checks)
[/li][li]0.916 bpa with a single use of your Special Dispensation (then 10 generic Fight Checks)
[/li][li] 1.142 bpa with dangerous 292 (100% on 13 Solo Fight checks)
[/li][li] 1.222 bpa with [REDACTED]
[/li][li]1.333 bpa with [REDACTED]
[/li][/ul][REDACTED]. There’s likely a better self-sufficient bone-based grind, but it’s definitely going to be more complicated, and 2.1->2.8 EPA for a specific item you want isn’t shabby.

Edit: Forgot the difficulty ramped up on the special options, unfortunately. Alas!
edited by elderfleur on 7/21/2021[/quote]
I decided to wander off to my church in the wild… by my math I was coming out to something like that 1.142 bpa at best just playing safe with fight checks and 296 dangerous in the brawls, getting fancy with the special options just meant periodically having to burn off wounds which decreases efficiency. But by contrast 1.00 bpa from the vestry isn’t bad, just have to use one extra action for the train ticket, and I have chance to pick up peppercaps fairly efficiently from a disillusioned fungiculturist if I get good draws…

I am thinking of getting a Laboratory and the Bone Market, so as to get some of the Fueling items.

Can it be done in 1-2 days? Or should I just continue to dig?

Frankly, I don’t think you’ll be able to get much of a resource engine going in a day or two. There are lots of phases and investments involved.

Then again, the event is expected to run a couple of weeks longer or more, so probably you could get some use out of the lab/market/railway before it closes. But you’d certainly be forfeiting a lot of opportunities for digging.

Here I am brawling at the docks, completely forgetting I’m a (semi)trained assassin! If you’re also a licentiate, you can get a cozy 1.5 bpa by selling ‘recently acquired’ skeletons to the Theologian (4 actions, 6 biscuits).

I got tired of looking at numbers so I made a graph to show how we’re doing:

Oh dear it looks like even the first action to unlock a Laboratory is beyond my reach.

Looks like I’ll continue to dig for the foreseeable future. Hoping to hit Delving above 20 and get rarer stuff I’ve never seen before.

“In this world there’s two kind of people… those with loaded guns and those who dig…I dig”. ;(

Hey, that’s pretty good! Chugging along decently, I would say. Although, I do feel that fueling the digs is going to take a fair bit longer than actually digging given the resource requirements.

After 24 hours I think I can readily say I’m really into this event. It’s pretty cool that the end-game players should be finding efficient ways to source materials for the workers while the newcomers can spend their time hammering away in the mines. Your progress as a player pushing you towards a role in the event is thematically appropriate and decently rewarding for everyone involved.

Yes, we’re about a fifth of the way there on Digging, but only about a tenth of the way there on fueling, and that should be considered in light of that representing any hoarded supplies which are likely now gone.

Do the five sites have independent success criteria or do we need to dig out all five for success? I’ve got my main + alts focused on Moloch Street as that is the most advanced.

Each site individually will unlock something upon completion, and we need to finish all five of them in order to to clear the event.

Ok, I’ve dug out everything unique, spent scrip, and now I’m going to attend to my own business for a time being. Judging by paces of both it and event I guess I’ll be back before it’s halved.

I think it makes sense to concentrate on one location, on a small chance that the reward for clearing it might somehow be helpful in managing the others.

I think I’m going to make an all-brass skull bird with 7 necks, de-Amalgamy it and see how many biscuits that creates.