Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Many of the unique gear from past seasonal events used to be thought of as essentially souvenirs of the event, with little practical use except bragging rights unless it was a best-in-slot. But as Failbetter have been adding enormous amounts of endgame content over the past couple of years, many if not most of these items have gotten new and genuinely useful uses. Just to pick one example, the Mutton Island Account is an incredibly convenient and cheap way to get rid of Railway Debt. I’ve no idea off the top of my head if the Speaking Tube has been given a special use, but even if not, it’s still worth holding on to in the expectation that FBG will continue their present philosophy of rewarding item hoarders with satisfying perks.

Many of the unique gear from past seasonal events used to be thought of as essentially souvenirs of the event, with little practical use except bragging rights unless it was a best-in-slot. But as Failbetter have been adding enormous amounts of endgame content over the past couple of years, many if not most of these items have gotten new and genuinely useful uses. Just to pick one example, the Mutton Island Account is an incredibly convenient and cheap way to get rid of Railway Debt. I’ve no idea off the top of my head if the Speaking Tube has been given a special use, but even if not, it’s still worth holding on to in the expectation that FBG will continue their present philosophy of rewarding item hoarders with satisfying perks.

Thanks, Since I can’t sell it anyway it’s a moot point. Maybe one day it will develop a use.

BTW, I got a human arm. I haven’t seen that in the lists yet.

Sorry I was a bit overexcited, and didn’t record what level of delving - but I’m pretty sure it was high.

What happens if you fuel the excavation instead of digging? Do you get different rewards? Sadly, I don’t have those items required to fuel excavations.

As I understand because I am a wiki spoiler hound at times, no difference in rewards,though you may make faster progress.,

If you fuel the excavation you get rewards roughly proportional to the investment. Each fueling option is 40 echoes worth of items, so you’ll get around 42.50+ echoes back. The final options for 20+ fueling are 62.50 echo items, which are somewhat rare.

Digging typically gives 2.50 echo items at no cost (other than 2 actions), so the overall gain is roughly similar. The final options for digging typically give you 25 echoes worth of items, which is quite nice.

The reason I’m asking about the rewards is this:

This seems to suggest that fueling brings different or better rewards than those from digging.

Some earlier posts listed reward items I’ve yet to encounter from digging.

Thanks, folks. I should have read more carefully!

[quote=fishandchips]snip[/quote]Ah, I see. Yes, there are different rewards as a result of the echoes spent. Although it’s important to note that these are not unique items that will only be found during this event, so you’re not missing out on anything big by not being an end-game player.

The fuel investment process basically allows end-game players to trade 40 echoes worth or relatively easy to find items for 42.50+ echoes worth of slightly rarer items that you would have to undertake specific, sometimes abstracted, carousels for. The biggest payouts are the 62.50 echo items, which are often connected to somewhat lengthy end-game grinds. For example, I would ordinarily have to sail across the Zee to reliably get bottles of Airag.

Yeah, I’m pretty excited about those bottles of airag, that’s a great reward, since I need to replenish those since I gave up a Masters’ Blood for the Shadowy 21 capstone. …but none of those are unique, there’s plenty of ways of getting those items elsewhere.

Feeding allows you to trade late-game items for other late-game items (at a reasonable but not huge profit), digging gets you mid-game items. Both give you the same unique items, though.

While digging at the University:

(Delving 22)

A cache of coinage
Inside the bag you find assorted metal coins, and circular jade tokens carved with animal motifs.

2 x Justificande Coin.
1 x Fourth-City Echo.
10 x First City Coin.
500 x Jade Fragment (new total 31846).

How do you reach Delving 21 and beyond?
I always end up at Delving 20 and the cycle resets.

By having high but still <20 Delving and then randomly getting enough change points in one action to push you all the way to the other side of 20.

You get to Delving 19 and hope you roll unusually high the next time.

I think the reward for 20 is more useful than the reward for 21, though fragments of the tragedy procedures are harder to get. (I get one every month from my Ambition, though.)

The Fourth-City Echo must be more valuable than I thought, if that reward for 22 is considered on the same level as 20 and 21.

Yes, I’ve had that 22 reward as well, exacrly once.

Great Flaming Gods of Death!

Haven’t seen this one mentioned here yet, but by fueling the miners (level 14) I was rewarded with a tin of 4 Sausages About Which No One Complains! Considering that I don’t have Mutersalt (and the seasonal opportunity to get some is not now) this is a GODSEND! Thank you, SALT!

[quote=Orioza]How do you reach Delving 21 and beyond?
I always end up at Delving 20 and the cycle resets.[/quote]

The cycle resets when you pick a ‘big reward’, and it is likely to be offered at Delving 20.

Seems like digging rewards are random, Delving-dependent and not location-dependent.

As someone who has just run out of food supplies, if I want to continue to F E E D is it more action efficient to build skellies? Or should I just swallow my pride and beg Mrs. Plenty/the Theologian for supplies if I want to get back in the dig before the event is over?

Definitely skeletons, I should think. Especially if you have bones at the ready.

Does anyone know if equipment or stats makes a difference?

I seem to progress through the cycle faster with my POSI main than with my lowly alt. Could be the RNG playing with me, though.