Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Yeah, if we’d just voted for someone else, London would have experienced no catastrophes at all, everyone would frolic happily in the sunshine and there’d be no new plot threads or anything.

But since I didn’t vote for her, I still can call her a fleabag without being a hypocrite.

And a hypocrite is definitely the worst thing you can be whilst slinging insults!

There was implied accusation about being one, and I’m refuting it.
And I freely admit that I do not like this psychopatic cat, at all.

[quote=amalgamate]Yeah, if we’d just voted for someone else, London would have experienced no catastrophes at all, everyone would frolic happily in the sunshine and there’d be no new plot threads or anything.[/quote]Did I say that? No. Does that mean I have to be fond of the cat? Also no.

Funny how it worked out. As a scientist and bone enthusiast, I voted for F.F.Gebrandt (still hoping against hope for the Bone Museum, by the way, since we got Parabolan War AND Helicon House both).
As a friend of the Fingerkings (as much as you can be a friend of them - a careful, fine-print-reading ally, possibly?), I was very much opposed to the psychotic cat.
But in the end, the Parabolan War proved to be a fine diversion, and got us a grand event complete with a lot of Neathy digging for hidden secrets, so it all worked out rather well in the end.

For the record, I fully support the &quotfleabag&quot moniker . But she’s a fleabag with such nice, shiny, silky fur. Surely, she’s willing to pur for from time to time, when no-one else is looking?
edited by Sir Reginald Monteroy on 8/8/2021

Alright, folks, keep it civil. The office of mayor has been abolished; we don’t have to keep rehashing these old arguments.

Who hasn’t been civil? Do the rules demand that fictional personages in the game also be shielded from any invective, or even criticism?

For the record, I’m not saying the Great Sink wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t elected the cat. Quite the contrary, I suspect that the broad strokes of events might have played out in much the same way, regardless. However, rather than reducing said furball’s culpability, I see it as added evidence that she never should have been trusted with the keys to the city in the first place, and certainly with how things HAVE gone, there’s little doubt that the blame should be placed squarely on her and her recklessness.

[quote=Tsar Koschei]Who hasn’t been civil? Do the rules demand that fictional personages in the game also be shielded from any invective, or even criticism?

For the record, I’m not saying the Great Sink wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t elected the cat. Quite the contrary, I suspect that the broad strokes of events might have played out in much the same way, regardless. However, rather than reducing said furball’s culpability, I see it as added evidence that she never should have been trusted with the keys to the city in the first place, and certainly with how things HAVE gone, there’s little doubt that the blame should be placed squarely on her and her recklessness.[/quote]

I mean, I’m super stoked about the fun I’ve had during the Great Sink plus the opportunities to grind away in the Parabolan War so from my point of view our esteemed mayor has done nothing wrong in giving London more opportunities to go to war and come home with great loot. Her exact campaign promises. So from my point of view the candidate I backed delivered entirely on the platform she ran on, she promised me we’d go kill things together and by Jove did she deliver.

I mean, did I, as a player, think this festival was great fun? Indubitably. Would I think, from an in-universe perspective, that it was a good thing to have happen to the city? God no. Does the part that the Viscountess played in it lead me to trust her judgement and motivations? Absolutely not.

OH, I see you’re roleplaying. That makes sense, I’ve never been any good at that stuff myself so I’ve never really had to think like that. I just assume my character is a bloodthirsty, grind-obsessed murderhobo that reflects my own in-game mad scramble for power, profit, vengeance and unpredictable and capricious sympathy for certain NPCs cough cough Turbulent Tabby cough Valkyrie. Nevermind then, forget I said anything.

…maybe that’s why I subconsciously approved of the cat as a mayor, now that I think about it.
edited by Captain Blood Storm on 8/9/2021

Not even roleplaying as such, more just observing and critically assessing characters, actions and events as a reader.

The cat was such a dismal mayor that she is now literally the in-universe reason for the fact that we’re not allowed to have mayors anymore. That’s just how they wrote the story. She screwed up so badly that she nearly destroyed the entire city. Why would she deserve to be let off the hook for that?

[quote=Tsar Koschei]
The cat was such a dismal mayor that she is now literally the in-universe reason for the fact that we’re not allowed to have mayors anymore. That’s just how they wrote the story. She screwed up so badly that she nearly destroyed the entire city. Why would she deserve to be let off the hook for that?[/quote]

Because she can try it again, this time with knowledge how to screw it up deliberately and actually destroy the city?
And now I’m starting to think that the Pigs’ dream and the means to get close enough to them was the reason she decided to become a Mayor in the first place, with all this talk about securing the dreams of populace being just a spitball.

Any chance you lads could just give up on the shit stirring?

[quote=Aro Saren]Because she can try it again, this time with knowledge how to screw it up deliberately and actually destroy the city?

And now I’m starting to think that the Pigs’ dream and the means to get close enough to them was the reason she decided to become a Mayor in the first place, with all this talk about securing the dreams of populace being just a spitball.[/quote]A teensy bit of a stretch, don’t you think? There’s very little, if any, evidence that points towards the Viscountess hating London and wanting to destroy it. You made the same assignation towards the revolutionaries during the Pigs’ waking and it turned out the Revs had a very solid motive for saving the city.

I know I, mostly jokingly, said that I blame the Viscountess for everything, but I definitely feel there’s more nuance to the situation than that. It’s also possible that the players made things worse on the whole by unknowingly trekking into the Stone Pigs dreams in an effort to discover what they were. What if the pigs stirred when the Viscountess tripped up, but only ultimately woke when dozens of Parabolan wandering weirdos stumbled into their irritably sandy dreams?

[quote=Ragnar Degenhand]Any chance you lads could just give up on the shit stirring?[/quote]The what? &quotShit-stirring&quot is now defined as saying something you disagree with?

If that was what I was actually doing, I might be tempted to make some sort of remark about cat-fanciers and rabies. Maybe toxoplasmosis.

But perhaps I’d best leave off before the rhetoric gets any uglier than this.

She’s just a normal housecat outside of Parabola, though. No?

Exactly what I had in mind :)

Don’t let the picture fool you, every Parabolan Panther is a kitten at heart. And by the fireside.
I even think that she’s somewhere been described to purr during the campaigning or elsewhere.

Oh and fun fact, the largest purring-capable cat is the cougar. Though one has to wonder who was able to find that out :cool:

[quote=Tsar Koschei]She’s just a normal housecat outside of Parabola, though. No?[/quote] After seeing nothing but that black panther portrait for a year I’d internalized that she always looked like that and was one of the permanent Big Cats, but after a bit of sleuthing you’re both absolutely correct. Yes, she’s a house cat London-side, and yes, she most distinctly purrs when pleased:

[quote=Have a word with the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle] She is basking in the attention – sometimes even purring. […] Someone – the Shopkeeper, or perhaps Virginia herself – has arranged a mirror at the back of the platform. It reflects the Viscountess in her Parabolan form, much larger and more dangerous. […] [/quote] What’s the opposite of &quota roll&quot, because that’s what I’m on lately when it comes to remembering Fallen London lore. In my defence, there’s 12 years of it scattered across tens of millions of words and 5 games at this point.