Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

It’s not Fate either, for most people.

Yeah, chances are anyone spending fate on scrip would buy an amount with no leftovers. Unless they were deliberately holding onto some as a memento, in which case, again, no loss.

Anyone chose instead to keep 7 Scrips as Mantelpiece item?


I farmed 125 Bessemer ingots from those rats, exchanged for an Exigent Note and 10 Secluded Address.

Hope the card appears again so I can grab the Horse.

edited by fishandchips on 8/5/2021

Words cannot express how jealous I am of everyone that has that standard card, ah! Religiously flipping every opp card has produced Nothing so far.

UPDATE for new POSI: Bessemer steel can be got in lots of 10 by getting the large bone market crate from the brawl, and selling to whoever it is who buys jurassic femurs. I think it will take 2 brawls to get enough for one use. Not that I’ve seen the card again. I’ve been busy getting married :) (In game, to my alt, not IRL!)

(edit=typo fix)
edited by Bluestocking on 8/6/2021

8 Bessemer steel ingots from the rat factory.

1 Action to choose work team. 1 Action to exchange for reward. 1 Action to exit factory.

At least 2 Actions (76% success for me, my Shadowy is 200+28).

I can only do this since the Bone Market and Brawling (Railway unlocked) are not available for me.

I only just got the bone market. Ground the lab a bit, but it wasn’t too hard. Once you get the route, the crates appear on the docks so that’s a possible next step.

Thank heavens, I finally drew the card!

Last I saw, we were about a third of the way through the recovery quota, which suggests that the card, or at least the current options, should stick around for another handful of days.

edited by elderfleur on 8/6/2021

[quote=elderfleur]I got the free 30, and then decided I wanted two 20s which meant 50 Scrip was the &quotbest&quot option. I could have picked another 30 to be more efficient, but I wanted none as much as those two 20s … 50 Fate is about a i[/i] paperback in Canada and I feel like I enjoyed the experience enough for that. And to me a memento was more interesting than a coffee and 62 echoes[/quote]My point was, wasn’t there an option, along with the larger amounts, to exchange 10 fate for 10 scrip? Meaning the only reason anyone who spent fate should have any scrip left over would be if they deliberately got more scrip than they intended to spend, or if they screwed up.

[quote=elderfleur]That sounded about right, but I just drew the card and we’re only at 11.4%. At that rate, it’ll be here for… 3-4 weeks, I think? (barring a sudden army of Card-based horses, of courses)[/quote]Actually, I just realized there are different lock requirements for wandering around and reconstruction. Could have sworn they were the same, but either I remember wrong or they raised the cap on the latter. So in any case, if we’re somewhere upwards of 100k recovery, that’s a little over a third of the way until wandering the streets locks, but reconstruction continues until we hit a million recovery.

[quote=Tsar Koschei]wasn’t there an option, along with the larger amounts, to exchange 10 fate for 10 scrip?[/quote] Thank you for the correction; I was certain the Chthonic Scrip options were 30/50/120, but it was of course 10/50/120, so I could have done 4×10. Although even now, the siren’s call of &quotwhat might happen to this extra bit of Scrip&quot is, quite possibly, worth 10 Fate for me in connection with a Festival (were we in Ordinary Time I’d be probably feel more frugal). &quotA happy little accident&quot, to borrow from Bob Ross.

No one has a comment on the Viscountess’ return to London?

Nothing seems to have happened yet. She probably at least managed to get something valuable from those dreams, if the rumors are true and the Masters consider her a threat.

And I had to brew up a Curatorial Cocktail just to find out that much
edited by PJ on 8/7/2021

[quote=DTravel]No one has a comment on the Viscountess’ return to London?[/quote]We briefly discussed it on the previous page. But as PJ pointed out, there wasn’t a whole lot to go on in that card.

Condensed version: the fleabag has returned and threatened Masters with something to let her be, possibly rousing the Pigs again and destroying the whole city.
And that’s all the information we’ve got.

Indeed, I’m one of those in the second camp- I accidentally purchased an extra 120 Scrip back when the event began, and given the FAQ indicated that it could be spent on other things, I wasn’t too concerned about it. I’m hoping that there will be another use for it before this storylet expires. I have purchased everything available, so currently it’s just locked out for me.

I mean it isn’t the end of the world if it isn’t, but this event has been pretty dismal for me (spent a lot of time and resources on the dig, missed the &quotreckoning&quot portion entirely), so I’m hoping to salvage something at least, haha. Note that’s not a criticism of the event at all, from what I pieced together afterward, it seems like it was great- the timing just didn’t work out for me.
edited by Israfel on 8/7/2021

Condensed version: the fleabag has returned and threatened Masters with something to let her be, possibly rousing the Pigs again and destroying the whole city.
And that’s all the information we’ve got.[/quote]

Okay I’m curious now: Who did you want to win the last election? Because you’ve been going on about fleabag this and fleabag that for a while, and unless it’s a joke I’m missing it sounds like you really wanted someone else to win.

I voted for the octopus, if you ask me.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/8/2021

Not for nothing, but I certainly don’t think the tentacled entrepreneur would have woken the stone pigs.