Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

[quote=PSGarak]I sure hope I can share confessions with my pony this Hallowmas. It looks in need of guidance.[/quote]If you’re referring to the Clydesdale, a draft horse is NOT a pony.

All horses are ponies, however large - same as how all dogs are puppies, however old.

There’s a card? Haven’t seen it yet on four bleedin’ characters. I love you too, FL RNG.

[quote=Plynkes]There’s a card? Haven’t seen it yet on four bleedin’ characters. I love you too, FL RNG.[/quote]Only standard frequency, which is very hit or miss, especially if your deck isn’t particularly pared down. I’ve gotten it three times now.

I got this silver card in the Bazaar, what should I do?

(I have no Bessemer Steel Ingots, so third option is not for me.)

The Aftermath of the Great Sink of 1899
After very nearly being swallowed up by the Earth (again), London slowly recovers. Streets that were riven with cracks are patched over; buildings that collapsed are rebuilt.

Search through the hardest-hit districts
A fog bank has rolled in over a particularly damaged section of Spite.
You unlocked this by having no Haunted Clydesdales
You unlocked this with Involved in Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out 23 (you needed 10)

Wander the streets
How is London faring?
This branch will become more rewarding as London recovers.
This is unlocked because The Recovery of London is 40820 (at most 300000 is needed)

Invest in reconstruction
The city requires materials if it is to be rebuilt. (*Requires 125 Bessemer Steel Ingots)
edited by fishandchips on 8/4/2021
edited by fishandchips on 8/4/2021

I don’t understand the question. What &quotshould&quot? Do what you like. If you want a horse, get the horse. If you don’t, do the other thing. There’s two options available, it’s not like you’re spoiled for choice. Why ask us?

I’ll add my voice to all the others in appreciation of this delicious event. As an experiment, I daresay it was a resounding success and truly managed to reach the lofty goals FBG set to themselves. The execution was nearly flawless, and managed to combine all the stuff I like about FL so much, unite players of all tiers and provide both credible tension and meaningful choices, rewarded with nifty new items and stuff.
It is indeed the gift that keeps giving, with the delightful new card. Incidentally, one can monitor the progress of London’s recovery on the same wiki page where the digging progress was shown. Based on the current state (46000 out of 1000000), it seems that everyone should have a reasonable amount of time to obtain the Clydesdayle as well as a couple of Exigent Notes.

[quote=fishandchips]I got this silver card in the Bazaar, what should I do?

(I have no Bessemer Steel Ingots, so third option is not for me.)

And for that matter, since you ask us for opinion, you should strive to establish your laboratory at a University and reach the Bone Market in order to obtain Bessemer Steel Ingots. The Exigent Note is cool and unique (so far) and unless you’re very far from reaching POSI status, you should be able to manage this in time to get some!
EDIT: Even if you don’t have the option to unlock the Bone Market, it’s easy to obtain Bessemer Steel from brawling at the Blind Helmsman or from L.B. industries. So there’s no excuse for not contributing to repairing our fair city!
edited by Sir Reginald Monteroy on 8/4/2021

Is that even with the Bohemian pet (sozzled dog)? My word, that RNG really hates them. No favour from rubble clearing, either?[/quote]
The RNG has NOT been kind. It seems to want her to be a tomb colonist or a spy. Alt is not a POSI yet, all stats under 100 She only just got the dog - and FINALLY enough for journalist. Currently I’m trying to decide whether to revise her ambition from Light FIngers.

(All stats over 100 with equipment. I have a minor yen to make POSI with under 100 in everything, just to see if I can.)

[quote=Sir Reginald Monteroy](snippety snip)
EDIT: Even if you don’t have the option to unlock the Bone Market, it’s easy to obtain Bessemer Steel from brawling at the Blind Helmsman or from L.B. industries. So there’s no excuse for not contributing to repairing our fair city![/quote]

Well, it takes 125 and I can get a whole 8 at a time from the LBs, The Brawl reward option isn’t available until you can get involved in a railway venture.
I’m not sure about how hard the bone market is. I’m too new there, and I can’t make a thing yet. But that has unlocked the brawl bone market crate reward so that may solve my materials problem?.

And for that matter, since you ask us for opinion, you should strive to establish your laboratory at a University and reach the Bone Market in order to obtain Bessemer Steel Ingots. The Exigent Note is cool and unique (so far) and unless you’re very far from reaching POSI status, you should be able to manage this in time to get some!
EDIT: Even if you don’t have the option to unlock the Bone Market, it’s easy to obtain Bessemer Steel from brawling at the Blind Helmsman or from L.B. industries. So there’s no excuse for not contributing to repairing our fair city!
edited by Sir Reginald Monteroy on 8/4/2021[/quote]

I doubt it, since I have only 1 Notability, You need 5 Notability (and some exotic items) to get an upgraded POSI status.

And you need the upgraded POSI status to get involved in a Railway Venture.

And you need to get involved with the Railway Venture to unlock the dock brawling rewards of bessemer steel ingots.

I’ll try the rodent factory.

Once you have the first point of Notability, equipping all possible Respectable, Dreaded and Bizarre items and calling the Amanuensis a couple of times should take you to 2 or 3 at least. Very advanced players will manage five or more.

Upgraded POSI is more of an issue. You could focus on your preferred stat, then exchange the relevant letters with another player who has the same goal. The mix of direct increase via letters and indirect via 5 Sudden Insights, or whatever it is, will be quite quick.

On the other hand, maybe something else appeals more? There’s no need to do this at all. Take things at your own pace and enjoy the amazing range of activities the Neath has to offer. Have fun!

… are we sure this card exists for everybody? … I have been drawing cards since Tuesday, so far the RNGods are not favorable …

on the bright side, my aunt seems to be suffering an obsessive writing fit, so I guess I can stop wondering how she is doing … o.O

[quote=Lienoth]… are we sure this card exists for everybody? … I have been drawing cards since Tuesday, so far the RNGods are not favorable …

on the bright side, my aunt seems to be suffering an obsessive writing fit, so I guess I can stop wondering how she is doing … o.O[/quote]

That’s a funny coincidence, I’ve drawn the card twice earlier today yet currently have failed to draw it for the past 9 or so hours.

[quote=Captain Blood Storm][quote=Lienoth]… are we sure this card exists for everybody? … I have been drawing cards since Tuesday, so far the RNGods are not favorable …

on the bright side, my aunt seems to be suffering an obsessive writing fit, so I guess I can stop wondering how she is doing … o.O[/quote]

That’s a funny coincidence, I’ve drawn the card twice earlier today yet currently have failed to draw it for the past 9 or so hours.[/quote]

open complaints seem to be doing the trick - now I got it at least once … so I do hope that works for you as well.

The fleabag is back from her hideaway.

I say we run her out of town on a rail.

… anybody knows what her threat might be?

Oh my god.

[quote=Discard three Chthonic Scrip][…]allowing you to keep the remaining seven as a useless mantelpiece item.[/quote] I know &quotuseless mantelpiece item&quot means literally, it will have no mechanical use, but it does feel a little like I’m being judged.

Basically we’re throwing in the trash 10 fate.

Jeez, why it should turn to bugging marketing practices like this?

That’s not marketing, that’s just anticipating the hordes of people that would complain that they can’t make the storylet go away without losing their precious Chthonic Scrip.