Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

And it’s all fully funded already.

Yes, it is, and they are.
edited by Snort on 7/20/2021

[quote=Aro Saren]And it’s all fully funded already.[/quote]I view that as a good thing; the quotas for fate spending were clearly not unreasonably high.

Has anyone noted any differences between the dig sites?

I’ve only dug at Moloch street, but from feeding diggers it does seem like Moloch and the University give out somewhat different stuff, though with overlap.

What are the most exciting things you all have found from the digs? In addition to the low-tier items from past elections (pen, boots, mug, speaking tube), I’ve so far gotten a monstrous anatomy hat and a zeefaring manual.

Judging by the wiki - that’s all free unique stuff we’ll see. Devs also said something like that.

I think all the sites give the same rewards, no location-unique ones. But very random. I might be wrong.

I bought 30 Chthonic Scrips, now have ‘An Investor in Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out 1’ and can’t buy more Chthonic Scrips.

Will that quality be removed when I spend the 30 Scrips?

I like the event so far! It’s all the fun of Mutton Island’s fishing/cove mini-game without spending dozens of actions trying to catch the perfect randomized fish. It’s all cove cash-in, with no… catch ! Edit: well, still trying to get that perfect randomized number; feels like actions are put to better use, at least.

Aesthetically there’s something fun about everyone aimlessly but energetically digging within underground (underground) tunnels, too; reminds me fondly of Required Repairs.
edited by elderfleur on 7/20/2021

[quote=fishandchips]I bought 30 Chthonic Scrips, now have ‘An Investor in Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out 1’ and can’t buy more Chthonic Scrips.

Will that quality be removed when I spend the 30 Scrips?[/quote] Make sure you return to the surface and go to &quotPurchase surplus Chthonic Scrip&quot via the location-agnostic &quotMr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out&quot. We can’t buy underground Scrip anymore because, ah, apparently we bought it all. All of it!

So far this has been a great way for me to burn through all of my hoarded Darkdrop Coffees… ^^’ Love all the different items, I’ve hit 21 at the Helmsman and Spite and am now trying the Uni to see if I get anything different…
edited by gothicmarquise on 7/20/2021

[quote=Aro Saren]Judging by the wiki - that’s all free unique stuff we’ll see. Devs also said something like that.[/quote]Is there anything to actually indicate that that’s all there is, and not only all we’ve seen so far?

All I saw was

[quote]There are also several new items that you can get in other ways, without spending Fate, by participating in the festival. We won’t spoil how many there are or where they are.[/quote]To me this seems to suggest something a little more than just two.

Actually, have we seen any indication of whether the new CS items will return in a future festival, whatever that will be? I’m torn between the peacocat for the precious Zeefaring stat and the remorseless carriage because it’s… well it’s so /cool/!!

I’m not sure it’s been explicitly stated, but I do rather expect they’ll all be available again during whatever event we’ll have next year instead of this one.

Nice to have found something to do with all the Jasmine tea that I have somehow accumulated.

I seem to have mislaid that bag of Lethean tea leaves I used to have knocking about, would have been fun to slip those in when nobody was looking, just for the sheer devilment of it.
edited by Plynkes on 7/20/2021

I’m at the University site.

Loot list:

Aeolian screams
Baptised Rattus Faber corpse
Cave-aged code of honour
F.F. Gebrandt’s Patent Illuminating Cap (reset)
Fourth City Airag
Emetic revelation
Flourishing ribcage
Polythreme drinking vessel (reset)
Pre-Lapsarian speaking tube (reset)

Unprovenanced artefacts
edited by KenShi on 7/20/2021

[quote=fishandchips]I bought 30 Chthonic Scrips, now have ‘An Investor in Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out 1’ and can’t buy more Chthonic Scrips.

Will that quality be removed when I spend the 30 Scrips?[/quote]

No, it doesn’t reset. I think the idea is that you can get 30 scrip once using glim, if you want any more you have to pay with Fate (paying with glim requires that you don’t have the quality, paying with Fate requires that you DO have it.).

I have no idea how to get the exact levels of the qualities that are needed to get the equipment items.

Why exact levels? It would have been easier to just make them available as long as the minimum levels are reached and reduce the CPs according to the options taken.

The game already has the system that is used for Sort the Results of Excavation. This could have been used instead.

[quote=KenShi]I’m at the University site.

Loot list:

Aeolian screams
Baptised Rattus Faber corpse
Emetic revelation
Flourishing ribcage

Polythreme drinking vessel
Pre-Lapsarian speaking tube
Unprovenanced artefacts
edited by KenShi on 7/20/2021[/quote]

The ones in bold I shall aim for.

[quote=elderfleur][quote=fishandchips]I bought 30 Chthonic Scrips, now have ‘An Investor in Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out 1’ and can’t buy more Chthonic Scrips.

Will that quality be removed when I spend the 30 Scrips?[/quote] Make sure you return to the surface and go to &quotPurchase surplus Chthonic Scrip&quot via the location-agnostic &quotMr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out&quot. We can’t buy underground Scrip anymore because, ah, apparently we bought it all. All of it![/quote]

So each (non-Fate) player is only allowed to get 30 Scrips? And redeem them for one reward? Or keep them for future?