Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Wondering if Sausage About Which No One Complains or Solacefruit will be useful. Or Station VIII food. There seems to be a lot of interesting possibilities.

FB said “this progression track is fueled by spending various Upper River and Bone Market sustenance items like Incorruptible Biscuits.”

So any and all sustenance items may be useful

I consider biscuits, rubbery pies and sausage to be very solid bets for goods that will play a part, solacefruit also fairly likely. The kitchen stuff is a lot more exotic as a process and product, but who knows, it may still have a role in the event. But the ones that can be stockpiled make the most sense.

I kind of doubt that the items from the Station VIII lab will be used for this. Meals from the Station VIII kitchen are plausible, especially that one dish that’s a substitute for sausage.

I would keep in the kitchen in mind as a source of solacefruit and cherries, via the Castermonger. I haven’t run the numbers but my gut instinct is that if we end up needing both those items in bulk, the best source will be serving her Curatorial Cocktails via War in Parabola.

So it’s something like a collaborative global event. The objectives and progress are the same for every player. The unlocks are global too.

I hope the dig sites are not in one of those islands, I just became POSI and have a bit of difficulty in getting a ship.

First, these islands are not part of London, thus do not belong to Masters. Second, it’s designed so that everyone could participate, including low-level players, thus islands are excluded.

Spiffy. Finally something meaningful to do with my hoard of 621 Rubbery Pies, 452 Incorruptible Biscuits and 109 Parabolan Orange-Apples. And if there’s any use for Tinned Ham and Canned Zzoup, I may even utilize the 11000+ Scrip, 7000+ Nightsoil, 5000+ Peppercaps and several thousand Echoes worth of bones ready for skeleton assembly :)
What can I say? I expected Hell to be somewhat more open to mercantile exchange :cool:

I can’t overstate how excited I am for this event. Like many others said, it seems to have all the best stuff, and I’m looking forward to contributing my fair share. I am also really anxious to see what Hinterland economy items may find their first use here. I’m still waiting for any sign as to the estimated worth of Moonlight Scales, the supposed Infernal delicacy.

And third, even for the Fruits of the Zee festival they introduce a way for the Ship-less people to get to the festival grounds, so they’d certainly implement something similar if there’s a less accessible place involved.

Tips his hat to the acknowledged Crowned Head of Hoarding.

I have somewhere between 4000-5000 scales. I would love to offload them literally anywhere.

The rusty tramp is not so hard to get (I have one), and since there are islands close by I assume this ship will be adequate. I’m saving up for a Zub but that could take me months. I am nowhere near looking at railways, though, so I was glad to read there was going to be a site in Spite. Looks like I’ll be digging. Feeding people is right out.

Has anyone found any dig sites yet? I’m looking all over the map but I don’t see any!

These things normally start around noon in the UK, it will probably start in an hour or so.

The Grand Clearing-Out has begun! Begin exploring the event anywhere in London.

'Ere we go 'ere we go 'ere we go!

As someone easily distracted enough to have a little pick at every dig site right off the bat out of curiosity, I’d just like to express my pride in my fellow players for POURING EVERYTHING INTO MOLOCH STREET, the dig site I personally was most invested in.

It was an utterly surreal experience to realise I was the first person to dig at every other site, except maybe the University.

10,000 units of tea to Moloch Street! If anyone needs a mug, I’m your man.

Cool to see the non-candidate election items being given as rewards for the digging and funding. This will be a nice way to sink actions for however long this lasts. Looking forward to it!

Will the CS still be available after all five digs are fully funded?

Well, well… what can I say?

Better start digging then.

Tell me what to do, what exotic reward items to look out for.

I’m not sure what ‘special items’ I need for this event, so donations to me are welcome. ;)
edited by fishandchips on 7/20/2021

From what I can see, it’ll all be cleared in less than a day, and I won’t even be able to get unique items from the digs.

I for one have already dug up a bunch of old items, one new and one retired, and I am having a lot of fun.

Digging in Spite now…

“Help with the digging”

Very random loots so far. Not sure what

Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
Thirsty Bombazine Scrap
London Street Sign
Wax-Hardened Boots
Baptised Rattus Faber Corpse
Polythreme Drinking Vessel

I’m guessing some of the rewards are the same as during the Election? I hadn’t started playing the game during last year’s Election event.