Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Yes? It has only two other uses in the game and you can pretty easily get another one casually in six months.

You can reliably get bottles of Airag by delivering agents to the Khanate, a new Vial shouldn’t be super hard to come by.

I had a Fluke Core at the ready and gave it. Echoed in my journal. Progress stood at 430458 when I donated it.

You can reliably get bottles of Airag by delivering agents to the Khanate, a new Vial shouldn’t be super hard to come by.[/quote]

Heck, from the Digging Out, I obtained tens of Airags.

I was already planning on picking up two to replace the one I’ll be giving to the woman upstairs. The second one because it’ll never be cheaper than it will be after my Notability has already been lowered to 8

If you spared Cups during Nemesis, you get another option - Powder of Renewal. Echo, please.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021

In addition to what others have said, you should note that this isn’t a seasonal event, per se; it’s happening once and will never happen again. If you don’t take the unique option now, you’ll never have another chance.

Providing the Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book gave me at least 2 CP of Connected, BTW. It could have been 3 CP; I don’t know how many I started with, just that I ended at level 2 +1CP.

According to the wiki only one item can be given to the Masters before the character is locked out. Is this right? I exited the storylet of giving to the Masters after giving the only item I had at the ready and now I can’t find anywhere in London to access it again so I’m guessing it’s right but I would still appreciate some confirmation. I want to know if I should focus on grinding for high level items or lifting people out of holes.
edited by Anthony on 7/28/2021

Yes - give an item and b***r off, basically. You’ll get a reward for this after the end of the event, supposedly.

Aha, thanks for the quick reply. I find the (?Best-in-Slot) +1 AORTS affiliation quite good as a reward already , but I don’t mind even more goodies.

I’m excited to see the reward, but was also tempted to give more than one item - I have enough scrap to replace Veils Velvet, for example - if only to get to that sweet, sweet Connected: Masters 14 I’m tantalizingly close to.

It’s Shared BIS for AORTS. There’s also Lowell’s available at Hurlers

AORTS? Not sure that’s a thing.

I presume Artisan of the Red Science (so should be AOTRS)

[quote=Aro Saren]If you spared Cups during Nemesis, you get another option - Powder of Renewal. Echo, please.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021[/quote]

I don’t see that option and I spared him.

I don’t suppose anyone has found a reason to raise Searching the Rubble higher than the minimum?

aside: I have plenty of scraps saved up over 2 and bit years, but now I actually want to spend some in a hurry I’m left hoping one of two Very Infrequent cards will show up in the next day. Arrgh!

[quote=Winthropx][quote=Aro Saren]If you spared Cups during Nemesis, you get another option - Powder of Renewal. Echo, please.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021[/quote]

I don’t see that option and I spared him.[/quote]

Same here. Perhaps you need to have a Powder of Renewal to see the option?

FL server says that it was originally an option, but FBG decided to remove it for some reason. Felt it wasn’t in character for Cups to help or something? Like Stones.

It makes sense for Cups to accept London’s upheaval, from what I know of Nemesis.