Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

University is over 90% and going fast. In few hours maybe.

I turned in 600+ Fragments of Internal Affairs to exchange for an Oneiromantic Revelation and some Nevercold Brass.

That was a nice distraction. As long as the location is permanently unlocked it’s all good.

Looks like University will be the next site to be permanently unlocked.

Now back to digging I go.

Spite and the University are all dug out, only feeding remains.

University is now full. Time to go take a look and see whats down there.
edited by Arcanuse on 7/27/2021

The game of Knife-and-Candle returns, it would seem, though presumably in rather different form.

Bees??? :)

I mean… I want to ponder on the moral implications of partaking in the game below the University but… muh bees!

You gentlepeople are speed!
One can barely farm the resources to feed the excavation crew before it’s already a finished job.

Now finally my cache of muscaria brandy comes in handy.

Goodness, that new opportunity card has had a ludicrous effect on feeding speed, even at less popular locations. I had to double check the numbers, but that was 58% -> 99% in a single 12-hour period at the University!

The new &quotquicker&quot options for feeding do not seem to be at all profitable, which is a little strange considering even the opp card is extremely profitable.

Edit: Nevermind, it is very profitable. What was I thinking?
edited by NotaWalrus on 7/27/2021

So… those new locations we dug up. They’re going to stay here forever or just for the event?

If I understand correctly. They’re forever, but only for those who participated. Or more precisely, only for those who &quotdiscover&quot them while the window for it is active.

I thought it was for everyone forever? But either way, yes - if you’re reading here, at this time, those hellholes are for you forever.

Don’t want to cast doubt on what other people have been saying, but what are we basing the assumption that the excavated locations will stick around after the event on?

The blog post says &quotExcavating these dig sites will unlock new repeatable activities – permanently, for all players&quot.

The announcement.

Relevant part:

Excavating these dig sites will unlock new repeatable activities – permanently, for all players; each one is roughly the same size as Brawling with the Dockers.[/quote]

The original blog post says :- Excavating these dig sites will unlock new repeatable activities – permanently, for all players; each one is roughly the same size as Brawling with the Dockers. They touch on many different corners of the setting, from Clay Men to Sorrow-Spiders and beyond.

Guess I was the slowest to find the quote :)

Thanks folks, that was quick. :)

It’s a bit insane that we’re likely to have the next location fully fuelled before we get the actual digging finished. I certainly wouldn’t have expected that two days ago, before the card and the new options were unlocked.

The endgame players may yet have to switch back to digging before the day is over :D

Looking forward to the new areas. They all seem very promising, and the two unlocked so far are loads of fun.