Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Welp, that’s the Blind Helmsman Fuelled!

Next place to Start Fuelling is gonna be Spite, right?
edited by Deathjack999 on 7/27/2021

The Blind Helsman is fully fueled, but not dug so it’s not open yet. Meanwhile Spite is fully dug but not fueled. All else being equal, it probably makes the most sense to open those two locations next.

At this rate, we’re going to be done tomorrow at the latest. Wow.

Underneath the University, the bees are producing red honey?

Seal it up! Seal it up!

Is University much harder than Moloch or FBG adjusting grinds on the fly? With my 298 watchful I was able to 100% in old embassy, but in old newsgate I am at 78% or something for the similar best option.

Spite is cleared out. There we unlocked the Underclay Quarter, ancient Clay Men tunnels.

So most locations are now unlocked.

Both University and Spite areas seem to have higher challenges for the most rewarding option. I’ve gone back to check at the Embassy and it’s still at 100% for me.
Either these are meant to have different difficulties, or we can expect a difficulty upgrade at the Embassy in the near future.

Well, I was quite excited about the university clearing out, as it’s a good cheapish source of legal documents. But my alt, who is organising the wedding because she’s a party girl, has no access to the university. Ah well, it can wait.

You know what I hate? Time-limited things. The last area is going to be fully-fueled before I get enough actions to use all the fuel I brought. I can see it happening, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it or slow it down.

And now they’re all full. No more chance to use the resources that I spent yesterday building up. I regret every action that I wasted exploring one of the new areas when the deadline was closing in.

It’s too late now, but did you have any darkdrop coffee on you?

All locations are fueled now. The horse card is now undiscardable dead weight.

Eh, it’s an annoyance, but it’s not like I lost anything that I could have saved with the Darkdrop. Save that for when I have 42 Making Waves and I just need one more level to bump my Notability before TtH comes in the next hour

I’m really impressed with the options that going under these cities is giving us. Different ways to make things, that’s pretty neat. Failbetter outdid themselves with this one.

However, now that everything is fueled, drawing that one silver card with the horse on it is bad, because you can’t play it and can’t discard it.
edited by DuskWanderer on 7/28/2021

Beneath Spite, 600 Stone Confessions obtained from Calcified Men allows you to get a Mountain-sherd, which became a Fate item not too long ago.

And the Cart cards are still turning up. Aarrgghh.

Wow that’s fast. So much for my plans to brawl with the dockers. :)

Wow that’s fast. So much for my plans to brawl with the dockers. :)[/quote]

I feel you. I was trying to get just ONE round of fuelling via brawling, but only got to 14 or so. Oh well. New good options for things I’ve had trouble obtaining is still an excellent outcome. And so many more mysterious things to come.

In minor annoyances, my hand is now a horse, a mood (but I have zero actions so saving for tomorrow) and a Merry Gentleman.

Where is everyone going next? For me it’s Cave of the Nadir (cashed up, so I don’t have to find 5 horrible skulls) and a short Zee Voyage.

I feel that this new &quotsupercharge food&quot mode was a terrible decision. I think if we had to wait longer to open up other locations they’d each feel more interesting. There’s a lot of neat story and variation, but when they’re openning up within a day of each other we’re racing to see what they do instead of what they are, and then, as DuskWanderer put it, they’re just &quotdifferent ways to make things&quot. At the pre-Cart rate we were scheduled to finish Moloch about 12 hours slower, and then the University 2-3 days later, and the rest over another 10 or so days; a few days each to appreciate and speculate, and each hole creating a new way to Fuel Workers to keep things from getting too stale.
I’m not opposed to a Card that adds some Feeding, just its rate: I’d often get the card 3 times in a stack of 10, which spent 3 actions Fuelling as much as ~44 actions of grinding Biscuits did before!

A reference graph below the cut for how bananas the new Feeding Speed is (if you combined days 1->4, you’d still fall short of day 7):

My own hand right now consists of a horse, a merry gentleman, two moods and a discordant ripple. I guess I’ll go use up my actions exploring the new places so I can use the ripple