Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Four more sites to go!

And congratulations to everyone on digging & feeding the first site!

&quotLondoners! Tonight we dine in Hell! With stale biscuits!&quot
edited by Wojciech on 7/26/2021

There appears to be new options on the remaining digs to feed quicker. Interestingly, one requires “3 Lost Research Assistants”, and I have no idea what that’s about. (it’s also locked behind uncovering what’s in the Singing Mandrake)

Is that a location-specific card, presumably for dig-completed locations? And is it common or rare?[/quote]

I got one first thing so either common or I’m very lucky. I suspect it will be worth flicking through the cards.
And I have NO IDEA what any of the things you find under Moloch street are. I guess more advanced players will have some idea? I cashed in my (mystery nonspoiler items) for the lowest level reward, assuming I will find those useful first.

Indeed, it’s 22 echoes worth instead of 12. That combined with the 100% chance of drawing the card at 4 makes that incoherent drunken rat rather useless, since there’s practically no amount of SiC CP that you’re not willing to waste in order to start building up to 4 again.

Mortification grind:
1a choose direction
16a spy-holes
1a payout
= total 18 actions

payout 1x mortification (62.5e) + 8 beeswax

62.58 / 18 = 3.47 EpA

297 Watchful to 100%
edited by Waterpls on 7/26/2021

What’s Late Victorian for &quotWoohoo!&quot?[/quote]


Grey/silver colored card. I think it’s common.

An Upturned Cart
The streets are not as stable as they used to be – and every so often a horse will bolt, with dire consequences. This cart of food and equipment headed for one of the dig sites has been left with no horse, and just a desperate driver begging for the generosity of passers-by.

Take a crate of tools to Moloch Street
Pick-axes, shovels, trowels… the ground is harder there than in other excavations.
(This is locked because Feeding the Workers at Moloch Street is greater than 1000000)

Take a crate of peppercaps to the Blind Helmsman
They are a favourite of dockers – fresh food being hard to get at zee.
(This is unlocked because Feeding the Workers at the Blind Helmsman is 453787 (at most 1000000 is needed)

Take a crate of pies to the Singing Mandrake
No one loves rubbery pie so much as someone with an ample supply of any kind of liquid to wash them down.
This is unlocked because Feeding the Workers at the Singing Mandrake is 294679 (at most 1000000 is needed)

Take a crate of tea to the University
Tea is the fuel of Empire – and academia.
This is unlocked because Feeding the Workers at the University is 635241 (at most 1000000 is needed)

Take a crate of biscuits to Spite
The diggers there will appreciate a filling and largely indestructible meal.
This is unlocked because Feeding the Workers Beneath Spite is 303473 (at most 1000000 is needed)


So… it seems like Moloch feeding has completed. This will be followed by: University, Blind Helmsman, Spite and then Singing Mandrake (the last two are pretty close).

What lies under Moloch Street is now available to be explored.

What lies under Moloch? I’m busy digging elsewhere now. :)

What lies under Moloch? I’m busy digging elsewhere now. :)[/quote]

It is

The Sunken Embassy, which I gather from the text was the version of the Brass Embassy used during the Fourth City. I’m still exploring it.

A sunken embassy. Thematically, it was the Devils’ embassy in the Fourth City. Mechanically, it lets you get Mortifications of a Great Power, Vitreous Almanacs, Memories of a Much Lesser Self, Oneiromantic Revelations, Verses of Counter-Screed, or Apostates Psalms. The EPA depends on which of the options you use, there’s several at different Watchful levels, but the top one should give you those items at a rate of >3 EPA.

Should I head over there, or continue digging? Seems like it’ll suck up a lot of actions.

Also, is it a permanent game unlock and won’t expire after the event?

Should I head over there, or continue digging? Seems like it’ll suck up a lot of actions.

Also, is it a permanent game unlock and won’t expire after the event?[/quote]
I think it is. The unlock condition is participating in the event, but I’m pretty sure it’s a permanent addition for anyone who did the ‘see what’s below moloch’ action.

It’s permanent for everybody.

Should I head over there, or continue digging?[/quote]

There’s now an option available to fuel other sites with a combination of Psalms and Verses. You can use the Sunken Embassy to obtain both and contribute to fueling University or some other site.

Also, unless I’m missing something, Spy-Holes is an easily accessible high-level Watchful challenge with no Menace gain, so it might prove to be a nice way to get Watchful stat early on.

I maxed my Watchful, Spy-Hole has a 78% success rate.

Must say, I am really enjoying this.

I rarely pay proper attention to this kind of thing, but I realised I don’t know the lore reason why all this is happening. Have we been told and I missed it?

[quote=fishandchips]I maxed my Watchful, Spy-Hole has a 78% success rate.[/quote] As long as you’re above 67% it’s still more efficient than anything else down there except the Inner Sanctum (when it’s available). Above 85% Spy-Holes become better than the Inner Sanctum, too. Seems like we dug one massive hole to look inside a bunch of smaller holes; just our luck. Although, if you’re not interested in weird end-game items there are almost certainly better uses of your actions.

[quote=Plynkes]Must say, I am really enjoying this.

I rarely pay proper attention to this kind of thing, but I realised I don’t know the lore reason why all this is happening. Have we been told and I missed it?[/quote]Nothing explicit. There seems to be a connection to the Stone Pigs, given the rumblings during and the dreams prior to the event.The Viscountess claims that the Fingerkings were gathering weapons/secrets from the dreams of the Stone Pigs, and she attempted to to do the same. She seems to have, inadvertently or otherwise, disrupted their dreaming.The Masters have probably realised this. Whether this digging is a part of a solution to deal with that problem, or it’s a bread and circuses situation to divert attention from it and provide a reasonable excuse as to why there might be seismic events in the Neath, I’m not sure anyone knows for certain.