Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Is that a location-specific card, presumably for dig-completed locations? And is it common or rare?

Quite the dilemma… if one’s spending actions to dig, that means opportunity cost of not flicking through the card deck.

At least there’s no action cost for leaving the dig site to cycle cards.

[quote=fishandchips][quote=Aro Saren]
Honestly, this sounds like the effect of smoking the jasmine tea instead of drinking it.

Amateurs… powder the tea leaves and snort them. ;)[/quote]


[quote=fishandchips][quote=Aro Saren]
Honestly, this sounds like the effect of smoking the jasmine tea instead of drinking it.

Amateurs… powder the tea leaves and snort them. ;)[/quote]

In that form its effect is only something between liquid tea and weak irritant.

[quote=fishandchips][quote=Philip Wolf ]
Is that a location-specific card, presumably for dig-completed locations? And is it common or rare?[/quote]

Quite the dilemma… if one’s spending actions to dig, that means opportunity cost of not flicking through the card deck.[/quote]

Ubiquitous. Flipping through the deck is free; only playing cards costs actions. :-)

Playing this card actually provides more progress than supplying food, and four CP of Someone is Coming besides. Flicking the deck seems to come out on top here. You can always climb back down your hole afterwards
edited by PJ on 7/26/2021

Theme of the Event.
edited by Deathjack999 on 7/26/2021

Well, this card is like cheating.

  1. Gives more points then actual food, costs 0 echos instead of 40.
  2. Gives +4 Someone is coming, so it’s 5.5* EpA in Bone Fragments.
    edited by Waterpls on 7/26/2021

Thanks for telling us! I haven’t flipped any cards in some days and would’ve totally missed that.

5.5 EPA. 3 actions to get SiC to 4, then 1 action to redeem it. 22 / 4 = 5.5

It really does feel like someone threw in this card in order to hurry up and finish the event, though. I guess they had to do something, though. People without access to food sources were about to run out of things to do.

To be fair, the card did have an unlock of 2 million+ digging progress. So it may well have existed all along.

Hmmm. Maybe I need to start taking bone fragments instead of Visions of the Surface from my friend the Capering Relicker.

I just bought 60000 rostygold by accident instead of selling it to fund brass skulls. sigh This is why I prefer simple, mindless grinds.

Was that a brains/skulls joke? I think it was.

The last time someone did that, the game got a new silly vanity quality added to it. Sadly I don’t think “A Rostygolder” has the same comedic value, nor are the Fingerkings interested in possessing your hoard.

A technical correction: actually, it’s 2 million+ of Feeding progress, not Digging.

A technical correction: actually, it’s 2 million+ of Feeding progress, not Digging.[/quote]

Oh! That’s significantly different, actually. That means they’re rewarding the end-game players for doing the initial heavy lifting, rather than attempting to appease soon-to-be-bored diggers.

How delightful!

Well. Those upturned carts sure are speeding things along. We were still a day or two out until those horses started tripping, now it looks like Moloch will be cleared within the hour.

And we’ll see just what sort of False-Saints we’ve been stepping over this whole time.

over 99% in Moloch

What’s Late Victorian for &quotWoohoo!&quot?

And we seem to have tunneled into the Sunken Embassy.

Well, I’m glad I didn’t get more headless corpses (is a sentence I never thought I’d write).

Looks like digging slowed down a bit, though. That’s hilarious.