Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

[quote=elderfleur][quote=Μαρσ ]The diggers have unionized and will not dig any more, not one last bit of dirt, until they’ve been paid in food, and paid in full. Deep underground, deep under the other underground, far from the Masters and surrounded by hungry workers, is no place to cross the picket lines.
They’d probably dig faster if they weren’t constipated with stale biscuits. This strike seems misguided.

Maybe the final dig reward will be an ancient antimonial cup or &quotPerpetual Pill&quot to aid with London’s second ‘Grand Clearing-Out’ of 1899…
edited by Pnakotic on 7/25/2021

Oh, no, time to go wrestle with skeletons and skulls again. Can we just have a “ do this 2000 times” button?
edited by Snort on 7/25/2021

I was expecting another one of those earthquake shifts - even though the first one seemed to happen randomly, with no connection to the dig progress that I could see.

I suspect we have to feed the Thing that is blocking the opening. Sure, it may have disguised some of its tentacles as workers, but they’re crude facsimiles. If the light were better we would see that.

[quote=Waterpls]@elderfleur what was average feeding speed for each day (overall, not per site)?[/quote] Based on how much progress a Feed Action gives today (this might have changed, but I don’t know how to verify that), the x-axis is &quotday number&quot (we’re in day 6 right now), while y-axis and labelled numbers are &quotFeed actions taken by Londoners&quot:

One slightly sillier way of answering the question is: how many seconds, on average, between Feeding actions? Each day, measured in seconds, overall: 3.39 / 6.14 / 6.17 / 6.20 / 6.28

edit: Confused my axes briefly, but shamefully.
edited by elderfleur on 7/26/2021

I am camped at the Blind Helmsman and still digging. I have no resources to feed/fuel anyway.

Same usual carousel of items… with the occasional Emetic Revelation, the supposed ‘rare’ success reward.

How is the overall world progress so far? Digging vs feeding.

Once digging is done I will brawl with dockers, gain some biscuits and do some feeding of my own.

Caroline continues to fuel diggers at the Mandrake, though supplies of food keep being emptied and refilled.

You mean the &quothigh fat offal tubes&quot?

The wiki tracks overall progress

Spite’s fully dug out! Though it’s so far behind in feeding that it’s only in third place overall.

I think those who can feed should ‘focus fire’ and feed only Moloch, first get it to 100%. Ignore the others for now.

[quote=Meradine Heidenreich]You mean the &quothigh fat offal tubes&quot?

If I say yes, you’re going to tell me I have to eat them, aren’t you?

Since there’s no deadline, I don’t think it really matters.

What if the thing buried under Moloch Street is the patron false-saint of baked goods, and the unlocked activity is baking rolls for Dante’s Grill?

The Theologian probably wouldn’t be too happy to learn the true origin of his crackers. But c’mon man. These things weren’t made in sunlight. Only the Neath lets you blur the line between vegetable and mineral like that.

[quote=PSGarak]What if the thing buried under Moloch Street is the patron false-saint of baked goods, and the unlocked activity is baking rolls for Dante’s Grill?

The Theologian probably wouldn’t be too happy to learn the true origin of his crackers. But c’mon man. These things weren’t made in sunlight. Only the Neath lets you blur the line between vegetable and mineral like that.[/quote]

Honestly, this sounds like the effect of smoking the jasmine tea instead of drinking it.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/26/2021

[quote=PSGarak]What if the thing buried under Moloch Street is the patron false-saint of baked goods, and the unlocked activity is baking rolls for Dante’s Grill?[/quote] The day we finished digging beneath the Brass Embassy our daily food supply totalled 6.66% of the goal! Just a fun coincidence, of course. Unless…?

Baking’s on the rise (sorry), while Digging slowly declines; the snowball effect is quite real, though, and I have to assume some of the recent food production has come from converted diggers. Two visualizations beneath the cut, because a witch cursed me to make charts and graphs:

[spoiler]Our time-lapse progress:

And daily actions spent on Digging and Feeding, with a bolded percentage on top to represent &quotshare of total goal completed this day&quot in their respective category.


It seems that we’ve all unlocked an opportunity card that lets us contribute feeding to a dig site of our choice. It’s called “An Upturned Cart.” This will for sure help out feeding cause even players without UR can contirbute without having to brawl.

Why, there’s a hole I keep falling into every time I try to enter or leave my office at the University and I should care for some infernal shenanigans?
If the devils are so keen to have their hole dug up, let them chip in themselves. I’ll stay in the college messhall, stuffing my face ahem my fellow workers with high quality, nutritionally sound and scientifically proven Neathy foodstuffs.

The option for Moloch Street looks like it’s about digging, instead of feeding.

The option for Moloch Street looks like it’s about digging, instead of feeding.[/quote]
It’s a feeding action. Probably an oversight by whoever wrote the card.

Amateurs… powder the tea leaves and snort them. ;)