Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

I changed my mind and instead of continuing to go for the site I’m most interested in, I just switched to the one that was in the lead, to space out the new unlocks and get at least some reward faster.

Me too. :)

I love your charts. Please keep them coming!

Holy moly! We’re going to finish digging up Moloch Street soon.

A bit tangential from the all-important task of getting more headless skeletons, but does anyone know if you have to do the Parabolan War carousel one more time after you’ve Discovered: A Sand-Choked Dream to get the next conversation with the Viscountess/Ophidian Gentleman to progress it? I’d like to get my oneiric pearl and finish that storyline, but I also wanna stay focused on skeleton acquisition if possible.

After Moloch Street, what are the current Excavation Percentages for the other Sites?

I am but a humble biscuit farmer, tending my flock.

2% Excavation at Moloch Left, Let’s go!

Ranging from 55% at the University to 34% at the Mandrake.

Also, Moloch Street’s fully dug out!
edited by Diptych on 7/25/2021

And it looks like Moloch is dug out. Still only at 58% for feeding, though.

hmmm, I’m a tiny bit disappointed there is no in-game acknowledgement of our current situation, although that does leave some room for some fun headcanon. How do you, my fellow Londoners, picture it in your head? Are we having a celebratory banquet with the dig crew before ceremonially busting trough the last floor? Is Mr Chimes sitting us down, berating us for digging without eating our fill, like an odd overbearing mother figure? Or did our minds betray us in those tunnels, and did the digging and fueling actually never get out of sync?

I was asking myself the same question, actually. A celebratory banquet would make the most sense to me.

I for one am assuming I am holding down a screaming ex-Railway worker in the deep, dark tunnels as I forcefeed him biscuit after biscuit-my very being consumed by the eternal cycle of grinding and feeding. As I let out a wordless howl of incoherent rage born out of two consecutive grindfests powered by determination, fury and the humiliation of begging Mrs. Plenty for her most disgusting swill, my pitiless sharklike gaze lets this man know one thing: He is not leaving this bloody tunnel until his liver has the same texture as foie gras.

Once he expires, I will tear free his head and claim I found the body near the Lost Wall. The echoes I &quotspent on Brass Skulls&quot actually go towards plating the severed head in brass, screwing it back onto his corpse, and paying off everyone I need to maintain plausible deniability before I stalk another ex-Railway worker to enact my terrible revenge.

I suspect that we dig the lacre reservoirs, so the celebration will manifest in dissolution. Although I think the liberationists will hijack the Masters’ plan, and dissolve everyone not willing to dissolve someone else.

I just figured that as much digging as could be done by amateurs has been done, and the rest is up to the actual trained excavators. Who will need to be fed.

[quote=Μαρσ ]How do you, my fellow Londoners, picture it in your head? [/quote] The diggers have unionized and will not dig any more, not one last bit of dirt, until they’ve been paid in food, and paid in full. Deep underground, deep under the other underground, far from the Masters and surrounded by hungry workers, is no place to cross the picket lines.

Updated graph beneath the spoiler; it does look as if some Diggers and Suppliers from other holes were temporarily overcome with Moloch Madness:

[quote=silurica] I love your charts. Please keep them coming! [/quote] Thank you! I’ve been fairly absent from Fallen London this past year, but this dig has got me engaged and creative; it’s a neat Festival! I’m trying not to clutter the thread too much, but I trust that I’m not the only one helped by (or who just enjoys) a visual representation of a bunch of six-digit numbers.

That’s 'cause the miners don’t believe that you shouldn’t pick a scab.

That’s 'cause the miners don’t believe that you shouldn’t pick a scab.[/quote]

You couldn’t help yourself, could you? :)

I assumed treachery of clocks. We haven’t yet finished feeding the workers, but they already finished being fed.

Please tell me I don’t have to eat the sausages I find.

@elderfleur what was average feeding speed for each day (overall, not per site)?